Is it Keir? Right? This voice and appearance... are unmistakable.

Who is eldest sister? Why do you know our name?

Have you forgotten? Although I have grown up, my name is Raphtalia.


The girl named Keir raised her head in surprise.

It's a lie, Raphtalia-chan is younger than us, and she's not as beautiful as a big sister, although I think she's also very cute...

Kil couldn't help lowering his head as he spoke, his tone as if he was talking about a deceased person.

Anyway, you're just pretending to be a mature person...right! And then you lie to me!

His eyes were cloudy and he covered his head in despair. Kil, who had experienced countless pains, couldn't believe what Raphtalia said.

Then I will prove to you that I am the real deal. Two months before the wave, in order to celebrate his father's birthday, Kil-kun dived into the sea to find beautiful shells. After drowning, it was Sister Sadina who saved him——

After hearing these words that only a few people could know, Kil's eyes regained some color and he raised his head suddenly.

Indeed, only the real Raphtalia could speak of this true experience.

Eh!? Is it really... Raphtalia-chan?

Kil stared at Raphtalia's whole body and asked in disbelief.

Yeah, and you ruined your stomach by eating poisonous mushrooms on the nearby plains. You hid it as if you didn't want others to find you. After that, you told me when I found you, Don't tell anyone! Isn't it? Because you were paralyzed at that time-

Wow~! Yeah! I believe it! The big sister is Raphtalia-chan!

Finally, an expression of surprise appeared on Keir's face, and tears could not help welling up in his eyes.

Raphtalia-chan, why did you grow so tall...and become a beauty?

Even though he knew that demihumans would grow physically as their levels increased, Kil was still very surprised when he actually saw them. After all, knowing this knowledge and actually seeing them, the image was still very impactful.

You know, I am now the companion of Lord Xia Qing, the Shield Hero.

Raphtalia said.


The girl named Keir looked at Xia Qing.

This is the first time we meet. I won't say any greetings. I'll heal you first.

Xia Qing said with a chuckle.

By the way, we need to change her clothes.

Because he and she have different pronunciations in Japanese, Raphtalia quickly reminded her.

Lord Xia Qing, Kil is a boy.

Yeah, that's right.

Even Keir nodded quickly.


Xia Qing said with a somewhat helpless tone while taking out the recovery potion from the space ring.

Kiel is definitely a girl, I can tell at a glance.


Raphtalia was immediately shocked.

Really? Come on, Kil, let me see!

At this time, Kil was still under the impact of Xia Qing's words that concluded that he was a girl, and he had not yet recovered.

It wasn't until Raphtalia reached out to her to check that she realized it with her face flushed.

Ahhhhh!!! Raphtalia what are you doing!!!!

His fair cheeks were flushed, and the panting Kil finally broke away from Raphtalia's clutches, but his eyes suddenly widened and he subconsciously wrapped his arms around his chest.

Hey! Give it back to me!

Keir shouted in panic.

On the other side, Raphtalia was holding a bandage in her hands, which was still warm.

If you don't use that restraint, things will get weird!

Keel explained.

Chapter 67 A girl who thinks she is a boy

It's not that it's weird, it just creates a feeling of friction with clothes.

It's actually a girl...

Raphtalia clasped her right hand a few times, as if thinking about something.

Why do I feel this scene is so weird...

Xia Qing couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, feeling speechless and choked.

It's time to go.

In the end, the strange smell permeating the dungeon finally brought Raphtalia and Kil back to their senses after they reunited for a long time and started playing very excitedly.

Oops, I got a little carried away, hehe~

Raphtalia clenched her fist and hit her head, sticking out her tongue, trying to be cute.

What are Kil's plans next? Do you want to come with us?

Xia Qing asked directly.


Kil's eyes couldn't help but flicker, thinking about something.

If she can be cultivated as well, even if she can't be as good as Raphtalia after she grows up, it won't be far behind, and she can still be considered a fighting force.

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