But your sister is dead.


Hearing Melty's exclamation, Raphtalia quickly patted Philo's head.

Philo! Why do you say it at this time!

Hey...what's going on now?

Philo covered his head with confusion on his face.

She didn't understand the situation yet.

Anyway, let's leave as soon as possible.

The female guard suggested to Xia Qing.

Well, okay, but before leaving, we need to deal with these pursuers.

Xia Qing chuckled and nodded, then raised his hand and threw an Elemental Condensation Ball!

The sphere, which looked like the size of a basketball and was compressed with extremely rich elements, bounced on the ground several times before finally arriving in front of the group of pursuers.

What is this?!

The leading knight commander drew his sword and slashed it without hesitation!

boom------! ! ! !

A violent explosion occurred immediately one kilometer away, and a mushroom cloud rose into the sky!

Xia Qing, who had anticipated this, had already covered the area around the carriage with magic, thus escaping the impact of the explosion.

But after the impact that obscured their vision passed, the messy scene around them made the female guard and Melty open their mouths in surprise.

Oh my god...


The pursuers who were still arrogant just now were wiped out in the explosion.

Don't be surprised here. Let's set off. Send Melty to her mother first.

After Xia Qing said hello, the two people who were in shock finally recovered.

After Philo and Sakura started pulling the carriage, Melty began to introduce the accompanying female guard while sitting in the somewhat awkward carriage.

This is the Shadow Warrior, the incarnation of my mother.

The shadow warrior also smiled slightly at Xia Qing.

I am a member of the Mellomag secret police force [Shadow]. We have met in the castle before...Yes.


Xia Qing nodded, then looked at Melty.

By the way, Queen...do you know where your mother is now?

...I don't know, but my mother said she wanted to be friends with the Shield Hero.

Xia Qing twitched the corners of his mouth.


Then, according to Shadow's instructions, all we have to do is head towards the place where the queen is staying, the neighboring country in the southwest of the kingdom.


Raphtalia looked at the map that Kage took out.

This... seems to be a country of demi-humans...

In other words, the place we are going to this time happens to be the country where the demi-humans are.

Shadow also nodded.

The roots of time are very deep this time. If possible, I hope to cooperate with His Highness the Shield Hero.

What's the meaning?

Due to the activity of the Shield Hero, the Church of the Three Braves is now like a candle in the wind. That's why they caused such a chaotic incident.

The candle is left in the wind... In other words, the dog will jump over the wall in a hurry.

Xia Qing's lips curved into a smile.


Besides being friendly with me, does the Queen have any other purpose?

I can't answer yes...

Ying turned away from Xia Qing's gaze, as if he was afraid of being peered into his heart.

Well, forget it, I had already guessed that you wouldn't tell me so easily.

It can be seen from Melty's words and deeds that Queen Mirelia is trying her best to avoid war with other countries.

Moreover, this country, where the inheritance of the Shield Demon is deeply rooted, wants to be on good terms with Xia Qing at all costs. Although Xia Qing's reputation accumulated in the Shield of the World has played a certain role, it still has to be said that the Queen is He has unique foresight in this regard.

Anyway, the place to go is decided.

Yes, Lord Xia Qing.


The carriage headed southwest.

Until sunset, seeing that night was about to fall, Xia Qing decided to spend the night repairing in the forest not far away.

So hungry~

As soon as he stopped, Philo's stomach began to make a dissatisfied protest.


Filo-chan is a glutton...

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