Then why do you need to say it?

A cold smile appeared on Xia Qing's lips.

Of course I intend to make my world a little quieter.

Speaking in an emotionless tone, Xia Qing's hands condensed with raging flames.

Red Lotus Fire Palm! !

Then, Xia Qing took a step forward and punched forward with his charged right hand!

boom--------! ! ! !

The gushing flames produced violent explosions one after another, and the terrifying high temperature burned everything. No matter life or objects, all were annihilated under this power.

A huge hole was blasted out of the stone wall by the explosion, and the wood was continuously eroded and burned by the flames.

In the hall, only a few soldiers standing at the back were not affected, but the scene at this moment was enough for them to remember for a lifetime.

His Majesty the King is dead, dead... dead————!!!

Several soldiers were so frightened that they fled away crying.

They came to the imperial court relying on their family connections. Naturally, they had never even fought in a battle, let alone witnessed such a scene.

Now, the queen will finally come back, right?

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows.

After leaving the throne room that had become like a ruin, Xia Qing passed by a noble-looking woman while going down the stairs.

She was holding a fan in her right hand to cover her lips. She was wearing a high-end dress and her whole face could not be seen, making her look very mysterious.

However, just from what could be seen, one could almost tell that the other party was around 20 years old, with long purple hair tied up in a bun, which was basically a hairstyle only aristocratic girls could have.

The king who has been hostile to you from the beginning can only be said to have deserved it even if he was killed by you. But Lord Brave, have you ever thought about what Princess Melty should do in the future...Yes...

He ended his speech with strange words, which must be some kind of oral habit.

Does it mean that the person who wants to kill me has a family, so I should just sit back and wait to be killed?

Xia Qing asked rhetorically.

As long as I persuade Father, he will not attack you!

Standing behind the woman, Melty, wearing a blue luxurious dress, cried towards Xia Qing with tears in her eyes.

Xia Qing, who was walking towards the exit, waved her hand against the light and said a word.

It's just your father's stupidity.

After Xia Qing's figure moved away, Melty fell to the ground as if she had lost her strength.

Chapter 58 Rebellion

Master Melty...

Seeing Melty falling to the ground, the woman behind her quickly stepped forward to help her up.

The Queen has ordered that we cannot confront the Shield Hero...

Upon hearing this, Melty turned around and threw herself into the woman's arms, crying.


At the same time, it is located in the Sanyong Church.

The pope, who was fooling the group of civilians who came to the church to kneel and worship devoutly, did not show any panic when he learned the news of the king's death. Instead, he looked at the civilians.

The evil Shield Demon has killed our respected King. As the Pope of the Three Brave Cults, I will take the responsibility and lead everyone who believes in the Three Brave Cults to kill him!

The civilians below seemed to be mentally disturbed by some kind of force, and they shouted with red eyes.

The Three Brave Cults will surely win!!

Kill the Shield Hero!!

Looking at the scene below, the Pope showed a confident smile and began to order his subordinates to gather all the believers in Mellomag.

Hahaha, now, Melomag is under my control!

The pope came to the castle and led his team to win over the ministers.

As long as I kill the queen when she comes back, no one can stop me.


Xia Qing, who had already left Melomag, naturally didn't know that so many dramatic things would happen there after he left. Otherwise, he would definitely find it very interesting and turn his horse around to go back to watch the show.

Xia Qing, who returned to the previous village, was just about to take Raphtalia and others to the next target point when he was stopped by Melty who was chasing after him.

Please wait a moment!!

To be precise, Melty was not the only one who came here, but also the woman dressed like an aristocrat who had talked to Xia Qing in the castle.

At this time, Melty came to the front of Xia Qing's carriage under the escort of the woman.

Huh... finally caught up...

After the female guard brought Melty here on a fast horse, she reluctantly came to Xia Qing's carriage.

Why, is there anything else? You don't want to take revenge, do you?

Xia Qing asked, somewhat dumbfounded.

That's not the case, Shield Hero-sama.

The woman who was dressed like an aristocrat quickly stepped forward and knelt down in front of Xia List, speaking in a respectful tone.

After the king died... and disappeared, the pope within the Three Brave Sect immediately mobilized people to take over Mellomag, trying to take advantage of this opportunity to seek power and usurp the throne, and even wanted to kidnap Princess Melty as a hostage!

Hearing this, Xia Qing looked at the girl standing next to the woman, with her hands folded uneasily.

So, do you want me to protect her?

Xia Qing asked tentatively.

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