Ah... Philo is tired.

Then go back.

Just like that, the wave ended.

Although I didn't find a chance to ask Liuli from another world more, I will have a chance next time.

On the ghost ship where the Dimensional Soul Eater is located, due to the disappearance of the core monster, the fallen ghost ship is lying on the ground.

Soon after, volunteers and villagers arrived.

Next, it was time to recycle the materials. Xia Qing asked the shield to absorb the materials from this wave.

This time, the Shadow Assault Goblins and Shadow Lizardmen are shadows just like their names, so they cannot be absorbed as materials, which is a pity.

If this shield can be upgraded to a certain level, I think it will be used in the future.

Xia Qing murmured.

Shadow Shield

Equipment bonus effect: Dark resistance (small)

Hey, Philo, don't eat it.

The moment Philo grabbed the Dimensional Soul Eater and tried to eat it from the head, Raphtalia and Sakura quickly stepped forward to stop her.

Hey...but I'm hungry...

Philo sat on the deck with a look of grievance.

Then, Xia Qing reached out to pick up the Dimensional Soul Eater, but the thing passed directly through his hand and fell to the ground.


Ah, you have to wrap your hand with wind magic to pick it up.

A volunteer soldier came forward and reminded.

I see.

Xia Qing immediately gathered the wind elements into his hands, and then the Dimensional Soul Eater picked them up and threw them directly to the shield for absorption.

Soul-Eating Shield

Equipment bonus effects: soul resistance (medium), mental attack resistance (medium), SP increase↑

Special effects: Soul eating, SP recovery (low)

Special skill: Two Shields

After absorbing the head part, this shield was obtained, and it did not change even after absorbing other parts. It felt like disintegration was meaningless.

But what exactly is this Skill 2 Shield?

Soul resistance...should refer to this type of attack resistance.

The shape of the shield gradually changes.

It looks like a design that directly uses the head of this monster, the Soul Eater, as a shield.

The defense is higher than the Chimera Viper Shield.

Xia Qing murmured, then seemed to remember something.

Ah, by the way, I remember this is specially designed to deal with soul-type enemies.

But now Xia Qing himself uses this power, so this shield is actually a bit useless.

Also, try this skill again.

Two Shields!

Then, a shield appeared in front of Xia Qing.

That's it...

A somewhat disappointed Xia Qingdao turned his eyes to the remaining Dimensional Soul Eater wreckage. However, the deck where the wreckage had been stored just now was now empty.

Huh? Where have you been?

As a result, Philo was found lying on the deck, stroking his belly.

Ah~ I can't pretend anymore~

Hey, Philo!


After returning to the nearby village, Raphtalia and Philo helped the villagers rebuild the village.

But after all, it is difficult to get everything done in a short time, so in the final analysis, providing food and treating the wounded are the top priority.

Xia Qing, who didn't want to waste more time here, used the pharmaceutical knowledge he had acquired before to create healing medicine and gave it to the injured.

The villagers who received help became more respectful to Xia Qing.

It was also at this time that Xia Qing once again felt a sense of gaining strength.

Although he only got a trace, when hundreds of people gathered together, Xia Qing still felt a golden light spot appear in his sea of ​​consciousness.

But now Xia Qing doesn't even know how to use this power, let alone guess what it is.

Put this aside and don’t waste time thinking about the next day.

The knights who came here from Meromago finally arrived.

The leader of the Knights was very angry after learning that the volunteers followed Xia Qing to the battlefield.

You guy! How dare you bring the soldiers of my Knights here without permission!

It's not the Brave-sama's fault! It made us want to become the Brave-sama, so the Brave-sama lent us his power!

What? Are you still considered a soldier of the glorious Mellomag? Don't be fooled by the evil Shield Hero!

Seeing this tragic situation, but giving priority to punishing subordinates who have acted inappropriately, is the leader of the Knights really qualified?

Xia Qing asked.

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