Well... I've run a team before.

Kitamura Motoyasu replied.

His eyes were always fixed on Xia Qing's every move. It seemed that he had been psychologically affected by the last time.

At the same time in the village.

When Raphtalia and others arrived at the village, monsters emerging from the waves were wreaking havoc.

There are black vulture-like emblems and black shadow wolves, as well as goblin-like monsters and lizardmen.

However, the shape of the demihuman-like guy seems to be irregular, like a shadow.

Their respective names, Dark Vulture, Shadow Wolf, Shadow Assault Goblin, and Shadow Lizardman, were displayed swayingly.

And clearly, Raphtalia could see that the word dimension was appended in front of the names of these monsters.

A monster close to the demihuman species with a shadow in its name will disappear like a ghost as soon as it is hit.

I always find those guys creepy...

Philo, who was in Philo's pelican form, kicked one of them to death and said to Raphtalia.

Yes, but we have to get rid of these monsters before Master Xia Qing comes back. It's best to rush over and help him.

Raphtalia held the brand new rapier in her hand tightly and said firmly.

Don't worry, Sister Raphtalia, Philo and I will do our best!

Sakura, who has feathers like cherry blossoms, said this.

At this moment, Raphtalia heard a strange sound coming from the front.

I'll fight~ah~!!

That is……??

The person who had been making strange noises since just now was an old woman who had rescued Xia Qing on the night she came to the village.

At that time, Raphtalia was still puzzled by Xia Qing's sudden rescue move, which had always been planned for her journey, but now after seeing this scene, she suddenly understood something.

The old woman fought bravely with a shovel in one hand, and the volunteers were also confused by the old woman's appearance.

Ah, it's Miss Raphtalia. Thank you very much for yesterday. Also, please express my gratitude to the hero on my behalf.

The old man thanked Raphtalia and used a roundhouse kick to kick away the swarming monsters.

Centered on the old man, the corpses of monsters had formed a circle.

Ah... the old lady is so amazing...

Philo praised in an admiring tone.

Haha, thank you.

Then, the volunteers also began to induce the villagers to take refuge, and during this period they continued to annihilate the enemies.

Anyway, since enemies are coming from the waves, please take refuge.

I'll fight!

The old woman was briskly knocking down the enemy. Her lively look at this moment was completely different from her sick look yesterday.

Thanks to the help of Lord Brave, my old strength is back, haha!

Looking towards the old woman's son, he was fighting with all his strength.

But he seemed to be even more handicapped than his mother, and he could barely maintain the front line with the volunteers. Obviously, the son's strength is inferior to that of the old woman.

No matter what, I was once a world-famous adventurer. But now my age has caught up with Lv! I'm going to fight!

Mom, don't mess around!

She kills enemies with a momentum that rivals Philo's. It's good to be reliable, but it would be terrible to die suddenly after the war.

Didn't Master Xia Qing only do treatment...

Raphtalia looked at this scene in shock, but the current battle situation did not allow her to be too distracted.

The injured should go to the truck. Everyone else should stick to the defense line. Prioritize the wounded to evacuate to a safe place!

I'll fight! Miss Raphtalia, there's a pretty bad guy among the enemies!

After hearing this, Raphtalia took a quick look and saw a rather large individual among the dimensional shadow lizardmen.

Several times larger than other individuals.

Let me block it!

The representative of the volunteers rushed towards the guy without fear.

Idiot! Stop!

The Great Dimension Shadow Lizardman also swung his sword at the volunteers.

Although the volunteers immediately took a defensive posture, they failed to catch up!

At the moment when the volunteer soldier was about to be beheaded, the necklace he was wearing emitted light, and the barrier-like thing that spread out in an instant shattered.

Moreover, the Dimensional Shadow Lizardman's sword was also bounced away.

Huh? Ah...

Why are you dazed! Get out of here!

Yes Yes!

Filo, Sakura, let's kill that guy!



Then, Raphtalia, Firo and Sakura rushed towards the big monster.

The Dimensional Shadow Lizard Man swung his black sword. Raphtalia, who was running at the front, leaned back, her legs immediately bent, and the sword edge passed a distance above the tip of her nose.

After successfully avoiding the lizard man's first attack, Raphtalia had already raised her sword and struck before the lizard man could retract his black sword!

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