It's not enough as a food ingredient, but it's too much as a research material.

Xia Qing used a large pot to buy ingredients and mixed them with various seasonings. Spices that were very expensive in a place similar to the Middle Ages were also added by Xia Qing.

The fragrance can be said to make the children next door want to cry.

But even so, at least several hundred kilograms of meat was eaten by Philo and Sakura not long after it was cooked.

Looking at the two bodies that remained unchanged, Xia Qing was very confused as to where the food had gone.

Click... click...

The bones kept making strange sounds, as if they were still growing.


Okay, okay, I'll take you out to level up tomorrow. Just stay here obediently for me today.

Xia Qing touched the heads of Philo and Xiaoying respectively.

If you want to live in the room early, work harder to grow.

After hearing Xia Qing's encouragement as the master, not only Philo, but even the quieter Sakura flapped her wings at this moment, looking full of motivation.

Chapter 33: Leveling up with pets

I didn't expect to grow it to such a big size in just one day...Are you pushing yourself too hard?

The shopkeeper looked at Xia Qing with a worried expression.

They are only LV13 now.


Hearing Xia Qing's answer, the hotel owner looked at the two Philo birds in surprise.

Generally speaking, if Yaoya grows to this size within a few days after he is born, he must at least be upgraded to over LV20. Well... He is indeed a brave man.

The boss said with admiration.

As a hero, his status as a hero has a certain bonus to the growth of monsters. What's more, the Monster User Shield II equipped by Xia Qing also has the effect of growth correction, which will naturally make it grow very quickly.

After saying goodbye to Philo and Sakura, Xia Qingcai took Raphtalia to the hotel's own restaurant for dinner. After a day of fighting, the girl was obviously very hungry.

The image of a lady that she still had to maintain was completely abandoned in front of the delicious food, and she concentrated on the food on the plate.

The night passed.

Early the next morning, while Raphtalia was still sleeping, Xia Qing came to the stables.

As soon as I arrived here, I heard two hoarse cries.



Xia Qing took a closer look and discovered that Philo and Sakura's original steamed bun-like bodies had changed.

The legs and neck are greatly elongated, making it look similar to an ostrich.

If it reaches this level, it must be one more form away from being able to transform into a human form.

Filo should still be like that, but for Sakura... what will it look like...

After thinking about it, Xia Qing couldn't help but look forward to it.


As if aware of Xia Qing's expectations for Sakura, Philo screamed in dissatisfaction.

Facing Philo, who was constantly thinking about his coquettishness, Xia Qing said quickly.

Okay, okay, Philo, of course I'm looking forward to it too.

By then, there should be two Philo birds pulling the carriage for you, right?

Places that have not been reached cannot be set up as teleport points. Regarding this, Xia Qing, who needs to bring Raphtalia and two Philo birds, is helpless.

If he were alone, he would have gone directly to the World Shield by now.

That is a country that specifically believes in the Shield Hero. If you go there as a Shield Hero, you will probably get better treatment than here.

Hmm...that's a good idea...

As he thought about it, Xia Qing's eyes immediately flashed with light.

What's a good idea?

Raphtalia, who had just woken up, heard Xia Qing's muttering and asked with some confusion.

Seeing the girl's arrival, Xia Qing directly told her his thoughts.

Raphtalia, after Philo and Sakura have grown up for a while, let's go to the World Shield.

Ah? Shield of the World??

As a demihuman, Raphtalia naturally knew.

In this world, in addition to the Three Brave Cults, there is also the Shield Cult that specifically believes in the Shield Hero.

The Shield of the World and Shield of Freedom are countries that specifically believe in shield heroes.

Are you telling the truth? Lord Xia Qing!


Xia Qing nodded seriously.

But I won't stay there forever.

Even in a country that specifically believes in the Shield Hero, it is impossible for everyone to treat him as one of their own.

There are destined to be high-level officials trapped in the whirlpool of power. If you think carefully about how the previous Shield Hero died, you can roughly guess it.

If everyone in the entire World Shield, whether they are civilians or high-level officials, can unconditionally worship the Shield Hero, then Xia Qing will even think that this world is not a fairy tale.

In short, whether this is the case can only be known after going there to investigate.

No matter what, it is more comfortable than carrying it in a shabby place like Mellomag.

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