He is now busy rushing to where the slave traders are.

Speaking of which, system, has my exchange list been refreshed? Let's take a look.

Anyway, while still on the way, Xia Qing took a look at the updated list.

【Exchange List】

The Force Awakens: From Star Wars, the Force is a supernatural and ubiquitous mysterious force. It is an energy field created by all living things and has the energy to condense the entire galaxy. ——50,000 points.

[Lock of the Sky]: The chain that once bound the Bull of the Sky that plunged Uruk into seven years of famine. Its ability is a God of Law thing. The higher the divinity of the captured object, the more it increases. A hard Noble Phantasm. (Not very effective against enemies without divinity) - 190,000 points.

fate Broken Sword in the Stone: The broken sword in the stone, Artoria's former sword, is also called the Sword of the Chosen King. ——400 points required for redemption!

Ancient Greek Mythology Ring of Blessing: With the blessing of luck from Tyche, the goddess of luck in ancient Greek mythology, the holder can receive a small increase in luck. ——4800 points required for redemption!

One Piece·Frozen Fruit: A natural devil fruit from the world of One Piece. ——50,000 points.

【Side mission list】

Hostility of the Kingdom: Melomag is extremely hostile to you and will become a stumbling block for you. Conquer it or rule it, choose one! ——Task reward: 10,000 points.

Three Brave Cults: A sect derived from the split of the Four Holy Cults. It is extremely repulsive to the Shield Hero. Please destroy them or make them obey. ——Task reward: 5000 points.

Shield Cult: Transform all members of the Shield Cult into its subordinates. ——Task reward: 5000 points.

Incoming Wave: Resist the incoming wave once a month, and you will be rewarded with 1,000 points for each successful resistance.

The Mastermind: Find the mastermind behind the wave and defeat him. ——Task reward: 100,000 points.

Familiar Weapons: Loot the belongings of heroes from other worlds, and gain 1,000 points for each piece you rob.


The force...

Xia Qing looked at the first item on the redemption list and fell into deep thought.

Currently, he is very good in both magic and melee combat abilities, but in other aspects, he is a bit stretched.

System, redeem me for The Force Awakens!

[Redeem The Force Awakens successfully! Deduct 50,000 points! ]

The next moment, four options appeared in front of Xia Qing.

[Please choose the direction of awakening: Light Force, Dark Force, Unified Force, Life Force. ]

What a difficult problem...

Xia Qing was caught in a difficult choice.

The Force can be understood from four different perspectives: the Force of Light, the Force of Darkness, the Force of Unity and the Force of Life (Living Force).

Light Force and Dark Force

The two Forces were first introduced in the classic trilogy as opposing sides with clear moral codes.

The Force of Light is the embodiment of positive elements such as justice, love, and healing.

The dark force represents fear, anger, hatred, malice and other negative elements.

The Light Force is primarily used for defense, while the Dark Force tends to be more offensive and aggressive than the Light Force.

Unifying the Force and the Force of Life.

These two are derived from the more innovative Jedi philosophy.

The unified force believes that there is neither a light side nor a dark side in the force. The force is a complete and independent whole without any tendency.

The Living Force was first proposed by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. It is believed that the Force is the embodiment of life. Jedi can feel the Force on most living substances. , the only known life forms completely cut off from the Force are the Yuuzhan Vong, a race from another galaxy.

The awakened force can also be used in many ways.

For example [Comprehensive strengthening of physiological functions].

Quick movement, up and down movement, superhuman reflexes, life sensing, mental sensing and mind reading.

Force-sensitive people can sense the existence of life and even their inner emotions by sensing the Force on living matter. If they reach a certain level of Force cultivation, they can even directly see through the object's thoughts.

[Moving Objects with Thought]: Use the Force to control the movement of objects. The size of the moving object depends on the degree of knowledge of the Force.

Of course, you can use the Force to knock people or things over.

Derived from this skill into moving air, it becomes the most basic Force attack skill Force Push. Both Jedi and Sith are proficient in using Force Push/Pull.

Luke Skywalker's Force cultivation was able to break through the biological armor of the Yuuzhan Vong, which normally requires lightning to cause damage, by just pushing with the Force.

In addition, masters like Emperor Palpatine buried their lightsaber buttons in the hilt and used the Force to press them when needed, causing many people to mistakenly believe that the lightsaber was activated by the Force.

Kylo Ren even used his powerful force to directly fix the blaster beam fired by Poe Dameron in the air, which has never been done in previous movies.

Is hospitalised

No fever yet, but sore throat, fatigue and cough. I haven't recovered for four days, and I couldn't sleep for two days. Hope it's okay. . Exactly at this time. . well

—————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————

Chapter 8 Unifying the Force

[Control other people’s thoughts]: The premise is that the other party is weak-willed.

If the other person is also a Force practitioner, then your Force cultivation level must be much higher than that of the other person.

Additionally, certain species are immune to Force mind control.

[Force Lightning]: This is a dark side skill of the Force.

Use the dark force to create lightning to attack opponents. In the movies, the Sith Lords Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine) and Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku) used it.

The Jedi have a similar light side skill, [Force Judgment]: Since the Jedi's creed believes that the Force should be used to protect oneself rather than harm others, its power is not as powerful as Force Lightning and is known as the Electric Immortal.

However, Luke Skywalker, who later learned the trick, electrocuted someone to death the first time he used it.

Force Judgment is usually used to subdue opponents who have taken hostages, but there are also some Jedi with unique ideas who take advantage of its lower power and apply this skill in the medical field.

[Force Defense]: To put it simply, it is the component of the body’s defense that is strengthened by the Force in physiological functions.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was able to get caught in the explosion caused by a turbolaser hit and continue fighting unscathed.

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