She unexpectedly ran into a woman she had just met last night, a visitor to the headquarters.


At this time, the [Loki Familia] headquarters welcomed two uninvited guests.

Ah, it's you again, what's the matter?

Loki greeted Dionysus and the others with a bored expression.

The location is the [Family Clan] headquarters, in front of the gate of Dusk Pavilion.

Loki received a report that a god had requested to meet him. When he came out, he saw that waiting in front of the main entrance was this male god with his member Failewis.

Dionysus's white teeth sparkled and he smiled broadly.

Chapter 88 Lower Level (1/4)

I have received an important piece of information. Don't stand and talk about it. Find a place where you can sit down and talk slowly.

What he meant was shamelessly saying, Let me come in and sit down.

Rocky wanted to refuse, but Fairways raised the special wine in her hand. As soon as he saw the brand, Rocky, who was addicted to alcohol, reluctantly let them in.

However, she was still unwilling to let outsiders cross the threshold, so she had tables and chairs prepared in the narrow courtyard in front of the tower.

So, what information are you talking about that is of concern?

Although not many people know about it, in fact, there has been an explosion of monsters similar to this situation before, and that time was on the 30th floor.

The keyword thirtieth floor made Loki raise his eyebrows.

When did this happen?

she asked.

I remember it was...three weeks ago, but since it was a [lower level] matter, it seems that even the senior adventurers didn't spread the word about it.

Even among high-level adventurers, only a few can enter the [lower level], which is more dangerous than the [middle level].

Dionysus said that perhaps because there were few witnesses, the news of the sudden increase in monsters did not spread.

He then told Loki, who was silently drinking wine, that the guild controlled this information.

Dionysus also said that Ouranos might be acting behind the scenes and sent private soldiers to the twenty-fourth floor.

It can also be suspected that he wants to annihilate the whole thing.

The guild still can't believe it? was Loki who went to spy on Ouranos. As long as you think he is innocent, I have nothing to say...but I still feel something is wrong.

Hearing that there was indeed something suspicious about the guild, Loki agreed with this point.

So, what do you want from me?

Hahaha, didn't I say that I would notify you if there is any progress? I don't mean anything else.

Looking at Loki who looked at him suspiciously, Dionysus smiled refreshingly.

As Loki's members and Failewis looked on, the two gods began to scheming, trying to inflict trouble on each other and trying to escape.

My children are all out now, so it's impossible to investigate the 24th floor-

Are you going to investigate the underground waterway?


Loki said perfunctorily while being surprised by his keen intuition.

The rest of the people have gone on the expedition ~ not a single powerful one is left.

Isn't [Sword Lady] not here? If we can invite her to go, it can be compared to the strength of a hundred people.

Ais, she...

Loki's words stopped abruptly in the middle of his speech.

Looking up, I saw an owl flying overhead.

Messenger pigeon... No, whose familiar is it?

Just when Loki was having doubts, the owl flew away from the headquarters.

Is it a letter?

It seems so.

Anyway, Loki picked up the scroll dropped by the cat-headed demon first.

When Dionysus elegantly took up the black tea and sipped it, Loki read the article written on the parchment and soon looked up at the sky, as if sighing.

Ais ran to the 24th floor...


Dionysus spit out the black tea.

The Lord God choked and coughed, and Faileweis behind her was also shocked.

She accepted the adventurer's commission and went to the twenty-fourth floor... It was such a coincidence that she chose this time. She also told me not to worry. It's only the devil who doesn't worry. Idiot Ais!

Seeing that [Sacred Text] was attached to the letter, which was 100% his own handwriting, Loki was sure that the girl was involved in the commotion.

Come here, call the remaining members who are level LV.3 or above, together with Lefia.

She ordered to the team members who were standing by.

What are you going to do?

I asked Bert and the others to chase Ais. This commotion seems to be related to the attack on Rivera Town.

Loki saw the connection between the intelligence brought by Dionysus and past events, and immediately decided to send personnel to chase Ais.

Dionysus took the handkerchief from Phil Weiss and wiped his mouth, narrowing his eyes.

Fair Weiss, go to the twenty-fourth floor with them.

The elf girl was shocked, and Loki also opened his eyes wide.

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