Can I trouble you to find Ais? I hope you ask Lefia and the others to help bring Ais here.

I will handle it!!

Tione happily agreed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Without saying a word, Riveria closed the door that had been left open.

Then I have nothing to do until Ais comes over, so let's talk about the next expedition.

Loki also got down from his desk.

The next expedition, the [Loki Familia]'s pioneering operation on the unreached floors of the [deep] dungeon, will be carried out in eleven days, with less than two weeks left.

Fenn and others had no objections to the Lord God's proposal and expressed their approval.

Have you reached an agreement with the goddess Hephaestus, Loki?

Oh, you mean you want to take the blacksmith with you, it's all done.

Although the condition is to give them the weapon materials of [Deep], Feifei has already agreed.

When making detailed adjustments and confirmations on the scheduled itinerary, Finn asked a question, and Loki made a circle with his finger to indicate that everything was fine.

The last expedition was attacked by a corrosive liquid from a larva-type monster, and all equipment and backups were melted. After repelling the enemy, they were unable to continue exploring due to a severe lack of weapons.

With the experience of being forced to retreat last time, Finn hoped that a blacksmith who could repair weapons would accompany him this time, so he asked Loki to entrust other [Familiar] to provide assistance.

The target that Finn designated was the large forged faction, [Hephaestus Familia].

Not to mention the forging skills of this clan, they also have many high-level blacksmiths whose combat capabilities are higher than those of ordinary high-level adventurers.

Finn judged that even if the members of the [Hephaestus Familia] encountered an accident in the [Deep Level], they would not be held back, so he designated this faction.

As long as the blacksmith repairs the weapon, you can always fight with the same main weapon... without having to prepare a backup.

Yes, all the luggage space saved can be used to carry the Magic Sword. Grace, how are you doing in this regard?

Oh, everything is ready. I went to weapon shops all over the city and got about thirty weapons. They are all of high quality. I'm going to pick them up today.

The Magic Sword is a means to avoid contact with larval body fluids that can destroy weapons and to resist direct attacks.

They plan to use special weapons to instantly launch bombardments with effects equivalent to magic, and attack from a distance.

Although it is uncertain whether we will encounter the larval group again, we still need to be prepared to prevent the worst case scenario.

These magic swords will be equipped by lower-level members and will be mainly responsible for defending the stronghold.

The next thing is...except for Riveria and Ais, the main combat forces must prepare weapons with [indestructible attributes].

In the last [Expedition], only Aisi's [Sword of Despair] could continue to resist the corrosive liquid that melted the weapon and effectively attack the enemy.

Finn said that all first-level adventurers except the wizard Riveria should be equipped with special weapons similar to her weapons.

This is also a countermeasure used to deal with that new species of monster.

He concluded that it would be impossible to enter the unreached floors without dealing with the larval form now.

The Magic Sword and everyone's special weapons... Haha, although I've expected it, it's really a waste of money.

Putting aside the magic sword for the moment, special weapons with [indestructible attributes] alone are horribly expensive. If they are not the first-line dependents, they will definitely be exhausted due to this.

Although Riveria and Ais are excluded, all the profits made from the last expedition will definitely be lost just by preparing the weapons of Finn, Grace, Burt, Tiona and Tione. .

Not only that, even the [Family] assets accumulated so far will be used close to the bottom line.

Sorry, Loki.

I left everything to my family, so just go ahead and do it...Besides, if I like to gamble, I'll gamble it all.

Loki happily told him that big bets were the fun of the exploring [Family], and they were also part of the routine of the expedition.

She handed over all the general commands related to the dungeon to Finn and answered him with a loud laugh.

Also...what kind of weapons should be prepared for Xia Qing for this expedition?

Riveria suddenly remembered this.

It's really confusing whether he should be measured as a warrior or a mage.

Finn nodded back.

Indeed, whether it's magic or martial arts, he is at an outstanding level. We can't judge. We should let him make his own decision when the time comes.

makes sense.

Loki also said in approval.

Then, during the discussion, Riveria talked about the female animal trainer.

But...since we are going on an expedition, the movements of the female animal trainer are very concerning.

If the female animal trainer is indeed interested in Aisi, she may react in some way this time.

It would be too much to be attacked by a piranha army led by a female animal trainer on the way to the expedition. The implication of her words was that she was worried about this.

Well... Indeed, temporarily canceling this expedition may be a solution.

We're just calling it quits now. I'm afraid Bert or Tiona will cause trouble...

What's more, Aisi has just upgraded, so they won't be able to sit still.

Grace sighed as she followed Finn.

Besides, if we go on an expedition, we might be able to get some clues about the colored magic stones.


Anyway, let's stick to the current plan and continue making preparations.

Although it is not yet certain which floor the piranhas will appear on, the larva-type monsters must be based around the fiftieth floor.

Finn argued that a decisive expedition was necessary to collect intelligence, and Riveria nodded to express her understanding.

Then when the conversation came to an end, someone knocked on the door.

Chapter 81: Deceiving the Goddess (2/4)

Captain, I'm Tione, can I interrupt you?

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