He did not directly state the purpose of this time. After all, if he came to cause trouble as a member of the [Loki Familia], it would inevitably cause trouble for other people in his family.

It seems like I still need to change my disguise...

Xia Qing looked at her current office worker-like clothes and murmured.

Although Xia Qing knew the location of their companions, he did not inform them. Instead, he followed the two girls and acted as a bodyguard.

There is naturally a reason for not telling them the truth.

After all, Haruhime, who was under house arrest, although her status was not high among the [Istar Familia], she was very valued.

It was carefully stored as a prop that would be sacrificed sooner or later.

And if Ming Ming and Chigusa knew about this, they would try their best to save people.

Using the factional power of [Building the Royal Thunder Family] is tantamount to using a mantis' arm as a chariot, and is simply seeking death.

Of course, this does not mean that if Xia Qing handles it alone, the family members on his side will not be implicated.

It's just because he already has a countermeasure.

Time gradually came to midnight, and a bright moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery moonlight on the earth.

After searching for life for a long time without any results, Qiancao also planned to return to the family first.

Then let's say goodbye here.

Xia Qing waved his hand as he sent the two to the door.

Well, thank you for today.

The two girls quickly bowed to Xia Qing and thanked him.

It's a small matter. Let's meet again if there is a chance.

After saying this, Xia Qing took Lily to the other side of the street.

Chapter 78 Ishtar Familia (3/4)

Information about [Istar Familia]...

As soon as she returned to the Familia, Lily searched for various books about the [Ishtar Familia] in the library.

Ah, that's too high, Lord Xia Qing!

Lily's height limited her search range, so she had no choice but to call Xia Qing over.

This one over here?

Xia Qing stretched out her arm to take down the books from the upper shelf, then opened them.

[Istar Familia], with Happy Street as its sphere of influence, also has top strength as an exploration faction.

Most members of the Ishtar Familia are Amazons, and the male to female ratio is one to nine.

They run a prostitute in the third district in the southeastern part of the city. It is said that their daily income accounts for more than 40% of the total income of Happy Street.

Among its members, the Amazons responsible for fighting are called combat prostitutes, and most of them are Level 3 or above.

The leader of the group, ‘Male Killer’ Phryne Jamil, is a Level 5 first-level adventurer.

Ah, by the way, Sir Xia Qing, Ayesha Belka is very famous. Although she is a Level 3 battle prostitute, she is rumored to be close to Level 4. There is no doubt that she is among the Level 3 adventurers. He is the top candidate.”

She was given the nickname Li Jie by the gods.

That Phryne Jamil, even the 'Sword Lady' Wallenstein was almost defeated by her.

Lily said.

Ah, but that was several years ago, right? At that time, Jamil's Lv. was relatively high... If it were now Level 6, Wallenstein's would definitely be more powerful.

I see, I don't know anything about what happened a few years ago...

Xia Qing murmured while writing down all the words displayed in the book. Now, he basically only needs to glance at it to remember all the contents in the book word for word.

The speed of flipping through the book is also unusually fast.


Last night Estelle reached Level 6, and by the next morning, everyone in the [Loki Familia] headquarters was talking about her [upgrading].

The great achievements achieved by the aloof girl who was a leader of the faction made many members express fear and admiration, and their cheeks were dyed red with excitement.

As for me, I was burdened with the heavy air, and even if I spoke to her, my reaction was mediocre, and I staggered out of the morning restaurant not long after.

The lower-level members, who were mainly female members, were still excited and excited after her departure.

The male members also used fiery tones, praising Ais with every word.

The existence of the powerful and beautiful [Sword Lady] gradually became the object of worship and pride of [Loki Familia] more than before.

However, many people in the circle close to Ais seemed very reluctant.

The young werewolf boss tore into the meat unhappily and kicked away Raul, a male member of the group who was talking to him excitedly.

The younger one of the Amazon sisters shouted, Been preempted——!!, exuding an air of reluctance.

As the older sister, Tione said in annoyance, It's so noisy!.

Beside them, the junior elf girl's blue eyes were swaying, and she had mixed feelings in her heart.

Xia Qing, who was also eating with Lily, had a nonchalant expression on his face, holding the book he had borrowed from the library in his hand and flipping through it carefully.

Oh, this kind of thing actually happened... I really learned a lot.

Finn and others, who were already LV.6, ignored the members who had been arguing non-stop early in the morning.

After breakfast, the faction leaders gathered in the leader's office.

Ais has finally reached Level 6.

Diona and the others should be quick after being stimulated by her... I just hope they don't behave like Ace.

Haha, high morale is a good thing.

The dwarf Grace, the elf Riveria and the little human Finn talked in sequence.

Finn's office is located in the tower directly north of the headquarters where several spiers are gathered together.

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