From cute girls to mature women, the members, centered on the Amazon tribe, burst into cheers.

Looking down at the coquettish and lustful prostitutes under her eyes, Ishta smiled.

At the goddess's command, the prostitutes came out in full force.

She uses her sex and fragrance as a weapon to attract and seduce men, searching for the male she likes.

The men did not notice that they had fallen into prey. They were just intoxicated in happiness. After paying a lot of money, a lot of information, a lot of price, and even love, they were sucked up by them.

Feasts of pleasure were held everywhere.

Aisha, please leave quickly? All the good men are being robbed.

Well, go right away.

The Amazon woman answered simply after hearing the voice of her own race.

They quickened their pace, and when they reached the road, they turned and looked somewhere.

It was an extremely rare flower street in Oralaine, full of exotic customs.

Chapter 75 Happy Street (4/4)

Each of the brothels with red pillars and red walls imitating those built in the island country is so gorgeously decorated that people passing by always stop involuntarily.

The Amazon woman stared at a brightly lit luxurious building for a while, then she narrowed her eyes as if to erase her compassion, and turned away with her long black hair.

Walking in the direction of her companion, she stared at the Happy Street, where there was a lattice window seat.

The large room with lattice windows faced the street, and many prostitutes gathered in it. Some of them greeted the passers-by, while others waved to them with coquettish smiles.


Among the posing prostitutes, there was a young girl sitting solemnly in the corner of the room.

Unlike the women around her, she sat on her knees and remained silent, but her endearing appearance and atmosphere attracted the attention of many guests.

Kimono, the national costume of the island country as it is usually called, the bright red Ukika matched her very well.

Long golden hair, blue eyes, and a tail the same color as her hair.

She is a beautiful girl with long animal ears.

With a black collar around her neck, she lay on the lattice window seat, deep inside the prison where she was imprisoned.

Looking up at the first quarter moon emerging in the dark night, he whispered quietly.

And, seven days...


At the same time, it was located in the mansion where [Loki Familia] was located.

ace wallenstein


Strength: D555→564

Durability: D547→553

Smart: A825→827

Agility: A822→824

Magic: A899→S900

Hunter: G

Abnormal Resistance: G

Swordsman: I→H

This is the last [ability value] of Lv.5!

Loki smoothly rewritten the updated [Ability Value] content into common language and handed the parchment to Ais briskly.

Every basic ability has improved, especially magic power which is higher than other items.

Most of the adventurers who are about to upgrade will have a final ability of C or D, and at most a B. It can be said that almost no one's ability can reach the highest rating of S, which is indeed something to be proud of.

Ais looked at the values ​​written on the parchment casually.

It can also trigger the special grace [development ability] when upgrading! That's great, Miss Ess, because you didn't get anything when you upgraded to Level 5!

...What kind of ability is it?

It's spiritual recovery! It's that ability that Riveria only has! Anyway, I can only choose one, let’s trigger this one! ?

Loki confirmed excitedly, and Ais nodded after blinking a few times.

Aisi's [Ability Value] showed signs of sublimation, producing intermittent radial ripples from the center point.

The [sacred text] maintains a certain interval, rippling and shining deeply and quietly.

Loki couldn't wait to slide his finger on the [Ability Value] that remained in standby mode.

In contrast to the main god who was excitedly happy for the upgrade of his dependents, Ais had an expression on her face that was not keeping up with the situation.

Ace Wallenstein Lv.6

Strength: I0

Durability: I0

Dexterity: I0

Agility: I0

Magic: I0

Hunter: G

Abnormal Resistance: G

Swordsman: H

Mental reply: I

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