While she was talking to Lefiya, Ais, who was silent, was thinking to herself.

She had heard the name Arya before in her previous battle with the red-haired woman.

That name is her mother's name.

She is very strong...

Recalling the strength of the red-haired beast tamer and her fierce attack, Ais murmured to herself again and again.

If I could defeat her at that time, I might be able to ask something.

Maybe you can understand why she knew about Arya.

Ais thinks that she is too weak now. If she cannot defeat the opponent, she may never know where her mother is.

...Um, Miss Ais?

Lefiya called her from the side tremblingly.

Ace's lips never answered her.

A large number of monsters appeared deep in the vast passage.

Ais drew out the [Sword of Despair] and took a step forward.

Just as the team immediately took action to deal with the group of monsters they encountered, she whistled in the wind and walked towards the monsters alone.

Let the furious roar shake your skin, and feel Lefia's gaze behind you.

Aisi swung her sword with a cold expression, kicked up the ground and ran out.


The thirty-seventh floor is also called the [White Palace].

The name comes from the walls that are stained white and the maze structure that is too huge.

There is a huge difference in scale between this floor and the floors above. Passages, rooms, and even walls, everything is wide and large.

Although there are some exceptions, such as the small room used by Aisi and her group to rest, almost all roads and caves are more than ten meters wide.

The entire circular floor is also like a castle and consists of a large ring-shaped wall with up to five floors. The stairs leading to the next floor are located in the center of the floor.

Adventurers who want to reach the center must pass through open passages between large ring-shaped walls and climb up and down several uneven surfaces.

The scope of the area is almost as large as that of a huge city, and although the best route has been found, once lost, one will never be able to escape.

The space above the head is also so high that even with the eyesight of an advanced adventurer, the ceiling cannot be seen.

The space was filled with dim darkness, so it looked particularly gloomy. Only the phosphorescence that lit up at regular intervals on the white walls illuminated the side faces of the adventurers.

Chapter 72 The boredom of having no money (1/4)

I still think Ais has become a bit scary since that incident in town... I should say that she is serious and a bit scary. Is that female trainer really that strong?

Hmm~, I don't know either, who cares!! I'm going to the front too!

Ah, wait a minute! Knock down these guys around first before we go!

The group of people was attacked by an army of more than twenty monsters. Tiona waved her large double blades to force a way and rushed towards the front where Ais was.

Thione had to deal with her sister's problems as well, and shouted loudly at her running back.

Because the 37th floor is extremely large, the number of monsters is one of the highest in the realm above the 40th floor, and the production interval is also very short.

The only good thing is that the monsters will be evenly distributed throughout the floor, but if you are unfortunate enough to encounter a sudden group of monsters, even first-level adventurers will find it difficult.

Facing the monsters swarming from the front in the vast passage, Tione, Finn, and Riveria protected the two supporters and launched an attack.

Lord Xia Qing, I think it may be too early for me to come to such a deep area...

Lily, who had risen to LV.2 with Xia Qingceng's experience, couldn't help but swallow her saliva when she saw the bloody scene of Tiona and others killing monsters that were extremely difficult for her.

No, no, no, Lily, it's also important to understand your own position.

Xia Qing replied while tearing apart the monster that rushed out from the wall next to it.

“Sometimes it only takes a little bit of awareness to become a strong person, just like this——!!”

Stab————! !

Xia Qing grabbed a huge bull-level monster. The opponent kicked the ground crazily, but could not move forward at all. Then, before he could even think, he was grabbed by two horns and ripped away from the head. .

Blood and various disgusting organs were scattered on the ground, but Xia Qing threw them aside expressionlessly, and then quickly turned around.

But let me tell you something, the smell is really unpleasant, vomit...


There will be many so-called warrior monsters on this floor. There will be Savage Warriors who are proud of their bull-level physiques, Lizardman Elites, an advanced breed of lizardmen that appeared from the 19th floor, and Obsidian Soldiers with obsidian bodies...

These medium-sized and above monsters, which have the same structure as the human body, run rampant in the White Palace.

This floor where hand-to-hand combat experts gather together is a big difficulty for the magicians.

Before they can chant, they will be attacked by the enemy.

There are even opponents like Obsidian Soldiers for which magic like the apotropaic gem cannot be effective.

It's not about completely eliminating magic, but rather reducing its power.

As a pure mage, Lefia could only watch in panic as Finn and Riveria fought.


Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!

Ais swung her sword to fight back the monster with curved horns, and cut down the opponent with its tongue attack and howl.

Then Ais ran out quickly and cut the short, fat black stone Obsidian Soldier in half with a sword.

At Aiz's feet, the monster's corpses and dust gradually piled up into a hill.

Whenever the saber carves out a silver slash, a group of opponents are immediately wiped out with their flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Golden eyes burning with fiery will continue to pursue the opponent.

With raised eyebrows and raised eyebrows, her legs drew an arc like a whirlwind, and with a horizontal sword, she slashed away monsters from all directions at once.

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