Loki put one elbow on the table and leaned his upper body forward.

She was ready to get to the bottom of the monster sacrifice incident and the piranha monster. Dionysus said ok and nodded when he saw her.

First of all, I want to clear up the misunderstanding. I am not the mastermind behind what you think Loki.

Originally he insisted that he was the prisoner, but after hearing these words, Loki frowned in surprise, but said nothing. He just moved his chin to urge him to continue.

I want to confirm that what Loki is pursuing...is about the piranha monster, right?

Yes, that's right. You showed up while we were tracing.

I see……

Dionysus sighed.

Where should I start...

Dionysus lowered his eyes in thought and turned his gaze to the table.

Separated only by a glass window, Bert and Fairfax stood outside with their backs to the room. Dionysus paused for a moment before speaking slowly.

I am secretly investigating those piranha monsters. No, I should say I have investigated them before.

He met Loki's eyes again, and then spoke.

A month ago, a member of my group was killed.


Loki was startled.

You can ask the guild to confirm this.

Dionysus continued.

The killing method was very simple. Approach from the front, grab the neck and then break it. The three dead group members seemed to have died on the spot.

...What are the levels of those children?

Two are LV.1, and one is LV.2.

If what Dionysus said is true, it means that the murderer is an expert who can easily kill third-level adventurers (referring to LV.2).

Loki continued to listen to the subsequent developments while using his brain to think.

I couldn't sit back and watch a child being murdered and started investigating it myself.

As I continued to investigate, I found clues that were enough to make me suspect that my members were silenced because they saw something.

What clue?

This is it.

What he took out from his arms and placed on the table was a colorful magic stone.

Loki stared at the crystals on the table that were glowing without saying a word.

“The crystals I found a month ago were smaller than this, really only the size of fragments.

This piece was pulled out from the monster that your [Sword Princess] and others defeated on the day of the monster festival. I got it before the guild did.

I didn't expect you to do these things... You really made a risky move.

If this incident is exposed, Dionysus will be unreasonably suspected, and may even be regarded as the real culprit.

Loki admired her at first, but couldn't agree with her. Seeing her expression, Dionysus curled his lips with a wry smile.

The children's remains and the magic stone were found in a deserted street in the east of the city, near our current location. At that time, a grand festival was about to be held in the nearby area in a few days.

Monster Festival...what...

Yes, maybe it was just a coincidence, but at that time I thought there might be some kind of causal relationship. I guessed that something would happen on the day of the festival, so I set up a dragnet.

Then, the incident actually happened.

Although there was a redundant element of beauty in the middle, the piranha monster with a rich magic stone hidden in its body did appear as Dionysus expected.

Today we happened to run into Loki and you, and there is still our smell in the sewers. This is all because we are also chasing the piranha monster.

...It's a pity that the monster seems to be more powerful than my child, and the investigation always ends in vain.

Author's message:


ps: Thanks to the lovely ♂Link♂ for his monthly ticket*3, and Fanbai_Sheng for his monthly ticket*1!

Chapter 65 Ouranos (2/4)

Dionysus finally shrugged self-deprecatingly, leaving the topic here for now.

Loki asked several questions, and he answered them one by one.

Loki asked him how he got in and out of the old underground sewers, and he replied that he asked Failewis to break the original lock and then lock a similar one again.

Loki thought to himself that it was the same thing about getting the magic stone before the guild. Looking at this guy's gentle face, he didn't expect to act so decisively.

The male god facing her seemed to be aware of her thoughts and smiled at her with his handsome appearance.

Come on this.

Loki waved his hand in disgust.

Both are gods, but the charm of the other party that can confuse humans has no effect on her.

...Hey, anyway, I just believe you. Anyway, as long as you verify it afterwards, you can't deceive people about this kind of thing.

Sorry. Thank you, Loki.

The resolution of the misunderstanding seemed to make Dionysus feel relieved and let out a small breath.

Actually, at the [God's Banquet] in Ganesha, I was also trying to find out which [family] the person who killed my children belonged to, and I tried to trick the other gods.

At this point, Dionysus finally confessed everything, and Loki remembered what happened at the [Banquet] a few days ago.

I think you must have some bad ideas this time, right?

This man indeed asked himself this at the time.

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