Immediately, there was only a click- sound.

There is still something huge moving in the white crystal, and long and twisted lines are running.

There was a crack in the dome on the 18th floor, and some unknown entity was squirming inside, roaring like a crazy monster.

The crystal fragments reflected light in the clusters of cracks and fell down like a dream.

At this time, the cracks that were spreading around had already affected the green crystal.

Something black seemed to be struggling to move forward in the crystal, and its body began to grow slowly.

How can it be……

Riveria exclaimed.

Only if the gods use their divine power here can this phenomenon be caused!!

Has any of the main gods come down to the ground?

Xia Qing quickly answered.

He is pushing the direction of everyone's thinking.

If a god came to the dungeon, who would it be?


While everyone was still suspicious, the ground shook again.

This time it was not because of the dome, but from another direction in the town.

An adventurer who rushed over shouted to Perth.

North! A large number of piranha monsters appeared in the north of the town!!

How? Why?!

God knows! We don't have that many fucking manpower to deal with the monsters on both sides at the same time!!

Bosi shouted with a headache.

No, maybe we do.

Finn tapped Perth on the arm because it was too high on the shoulder.

Don't forget, we are [Loki Familia].

Perth was so moved that he patted Finn on the shoulder hard.

This is really great. Sorry, I was biased against you before. You know, just like the poor hate the rich, I also hate you powerful guys. You are as noble and free as the heart of a horse. , No, I think every horse is noble and free in his heart, because we don’t know what the horse is thinking, I think they————”

That's enough, stop your nonsense!!

Tione shouted angrily, telling Bosi to shut up.

So, although we are very strong, we cannot protect everyone. Some of you are bound to die.

How about this.

Xia Qing spoke at this time.

How about I go deal with the guy from above and you go deal with the piranha?

Riveria asked worriedly.

Xia Qing, it can only be that guy from the upper level. The strength of the floor leader cannot be judged by his level.

I can even walk up to the 50th floor, am I afraid of this thing?

Xia Qing spread his hands and said.

After hearing this, Riveria remembered the scene when they first met, and then she said with a sigh of relief.

Okay, what you said makes sense, I'll leave it to you, but just in case, always keep someone here.

Chapter 61 Floor Master [Goliath] (2/4)

Lefiya, stay here to help Xia Qing deal with this monster, do you understand?

Ah, um...oh.

Facing Lefia, who nodded in agreement, Riveria smiled happily, and then turned her attention to the adventurers including Perth.

You guys stay here, you guys stay here too. When the floor master comes down, he will bring a lot of monsters from the upper floors. I'll leave these to you to deal with.

With Riveria's magic, as long as there is enough time to chant, it is easy to destroy the piranha monsters coming from the north of the town in one fell swoop.

Then I'll leave this to you, Xia Qing, we'll go there first!

After Finn said this, several people immediately rushed towards the north of the town.

The dome above has undergone great changes again.

Unstoppable cracking. A constant rain of crystals.

From the center of the white crystal that looked like a blooming chrysanthemum, the face that accompanied the voice poked out.

The first thing that appears from the monster that breaks through the crystal is its head.

Like a freshly severed head, its head popped out of the ceiling on the 18th floor.

It rotates its huge eyeballs and looks at the world below upside down.

Soon, the monster's shoulders and arms were also exposed, and it roared when its upper body was halfway out.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh------!!!!

It was a miserable and fierce cry that could shake the entire floor. The giant monster [Goliath] crossed over from the seventeenth floor, a fixed area, and was born on this safe floor.

Goliath continued to destroy the crystal until the waist came out.

Then it fell directly from the ceiling by gravity.

It is simply a black meteorite. It brought fragments of small shining crystals to the surroundings, or large crystals that could easily crush a person, and it fell towards the ground.

The giant turned around in the air, and then with an explosion, it trampled the central tree directly below it to pieces with its two big feet.

The mournful roar from the giant tree hit the eardrums of everyone present.

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