The bright scarlet fire line burned the air and outlined an arc trajectory, and then an explosion sounded, and the monster's long body was blown into pieces.

Bert, who was spinning in the air, looked at the fierce heat wave that burned the corpse to the point where not even ashes were left in his vision of heaven and earth, and raised the corners of his mouth at the same time.

Burt, remember to leave a magic stone!


After dealing with the monster, Burt heard Loki's instructions and locked onto a monster diagonally ahead.

Through the battle, he had learned that the magic stone was deep in his mouth. Burt quickly approaches the enemy and delivers a critical strike with controlled force.

He adjusted the angle of his attack so that only the petals and the area around the ugly mouth were blown away.

Before the monster's screams ended, it fell to the ground with a Boom! and couldn't help but convulse. Then Burt stepped on its smoking lower jaw, grabbed the upper jaw with his left hand, and mercilessly opened the mouth, tearing it open from top to bottom. .

Feeling the warm breath all over his body, he used his remaining right hand to forcefully pull out the magic stone deep in his mouth.

it stink!!

He couldn't help but frown, and at the same time avoided the body collision of the remaining monster.

Burt put the magic stone in his arms and ran towards his opponent.

Finally it's your turn!

Facing the werewolf whose speed increased to the limit in just a moment, the Piranha Monster prepared to attack and fired multiple tentacles at once.

He clearly saw the yellow and green whips coming towards him, dodged, slipped through the cracks, and broke through the attack in an instant.

All the monster's tentacles and spears were thrown away, its long body trembled, and it froze in place as if feeling a tremor.

With his right foot burning, Burt approached his opponent at the speed of a hungry wolf, then kicked the ground and jumped.

He changed positions in the air, and kicked out fiercely burning metal boots like a flaming arrow.

Destroy it into ashes!!

The next moment, a beautiful blow to the head caused a big explosion, and the monster was blown away with astonishing force.

The violent collision with the stone pillars was not enough to dissipate the force. Two, then three, until the fourth pillar was destroyed, it finally stopped.

The monster's long body, which had lost its flower-shaped head, was buried under the fragments of the pillar, and eventually turned into dust and lost its original shape.

Great! That's it!

Loki, who was watching the whole battle quietly, murmured, and his voice echoed in the silent large water tank.

After a while, the topaz on the boots lost its luster.

Bert stood still, the scarlet flames on his right foot slowly fading, and finally extinguished completely.

The battle ended, and in the darkness, the metal boots returned to their normal state, only the silver light spread out beautifully.

Although we have gained something, there are still no clues to find the prisoner.

It's not worth it at all to make me use up a magic sword.

Loki tossed the magic stone in his hand and walked along the underground waterway with Burt.

By the way, Tione also got the same magic stone from the monster on the fiftieth floor.

The fiftieth floor...are you talking about the new monsters we encountered during the last expedition?

Yeah, they look like disgusting larvae.

Not long after, the two came to the spiral staircase they had seen before.

Climbing the stairs along the circumference and opening the wooden door of the hut, Loki and the others were embraced by the surface air that had not been exposed to them for several hours.

Facing the sunlight falling from the blue sky.

Phew~ It's finally out!

Loki stretched, and Burt's previously vigilant expression relaxed at this moment.

Then, just as the two of them walked along the street for a while...

They met a god at a corner of the street that turned into a fork in the road.

Hmm? Isn't this Dionysus?


Loki stopped when he saw a familiar face.

She has smooth blond hair that reaches her neck, and a handsome face that can make the opposite sex swoon with just a smile.

The male god who had just met at the Feast of the Gods a few days ago opened his glassy eyes.

Although I am not wearing a formal dress today, my seemingly expensive clothes complement my temperament and I still look like a noble.

Standing next to her was a beautiful black-haired elf girl who must be a member of the [Familiar Clan].

Just when Loki thought it was a coincidence and was about to say hello...

Wait a moment.

However, a voice stopped her from stepping forward.

She looked behind her and saw Bert glaring at Dionysus and the others with cold eyes.

That's them.

……What's the meaning?

The Familia member pushed his chin forward, Loki asked, and he continued to stare at the other person with sharp eyes and spoke.

The residual smell you smell in the underground sewers is what they smell like.

Loki opened her narrowed eyes, and Dionysus and the elf girl showed stiff expressions in front of her.


Underground City, Level 18 - [Rivera Town].

The noisy voices that have not subsided were absorbed by the stone walls and blue crystal pillars.

Many adventurers present lost their calm, the cave hotel was noisy, and the scene became increasingly chaotic.

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