This is a natural cave existing on the mountainside.

If you didn't know anything, you might believe this statement.

Looking at the thirteenth floor of the dungeon...the [middle level] known as the first dead line, the girl carrying a huge backpack that was far larger than her body had that thought in her mind.

Is this the middle floor? Although I have heard it for a long time, this place is indeed darker than the previous floor.

Lily murmured as she scanned the surrounding terrain and began to confirm the direction of escape later.

After walking down the downhill slope extending from the twelfth floor of the [Upper Level], what awaits is a rocky road that extends deep into the depths.

This is also one of the passages leading to the room.

There is obviously no bend but still no end in sight. This is the first time I have seen such a long passage.

Also, there is a vertical cave like a well in the corner near the wall, which is connected to the trap on the level below.

So was the dim phosphorescence, all sights never seen above.

The characteristic of the thirteenth floor is that the passage connecting rooms is very long. Even if we want to start the battle safely and stably, we must reach the first room as soon as possible.

For her own personal safety, Lily explained to Xia Qing in the simplest words.

At first glance, the passage on the thirteenth floor seems wider than the upper floor. However, in most cases, it is not a good idea to form a formation and fight monsters in this passage.

If the space is narrow, movement will be restricted and it will be difficult for the team to connect effectively.

If you are surrounded by a large group of monsters, you will be even more helpless.

Using a spacious room with plenty of space, relying on the entire team to defeat monsters one by one, and relying on numerical superiority and teamwork to fight is the key to forming a team.

Lily sighed.

But there are only two of us now. Lily is just a supporter and has no ability to resist. If we encounter a monster, we can only rely on Master Xia Qing.

That makes sense, but...

Xia Qing lowered his head, leaned into the girl's ear and asked.

Would you be scared if I left you here?


Lily's body couldn't help but tremble, and the cute smile on her face disappeared instantly, replaced by a scared expression.

The maroon pupils suddenly opened wide, and the girl's heart exploded at this moment.

‘Oh no, no, no, no…have I been exposed? ? What step in the plan went wrong? ? ’

While the girl was speculating wildly in her heart, Xia Qing suddenly smiled and continued.

You're kidding~


The sound of Lily's gnashing teeth was particularly clear in Xia Qing's ears.

This is all because his senses are now very sharp, and even small sounds can reach his ears with great clarity.

Chapter 45 Monster Riot (2/4)

It is said that when you are in the [middle level], the most important thing to pay attention to is the Cerberus.

The girl said nothing at this moment, but Xia Qing continued talking nonchalantly.

Xia Qing's voice echoed in the damp passage.

There were two shadows illuminated by the dim light.

When they fully emerged from the depths of the passage, the monster's figure was revealed.

Their rough skin is completely black.

In the total darkness, only two eyes shone with scarlet light, embodying the monster's creepy aura most vividly.

A dog, a four-legged beast whose body is too huge to put it that way, a hellhound.

The ferocious faces that were somewhat different from wolves were twisted violently, and the two monsters let out low howls.

What a coincidence, it just happened.

Xia Qing raised an eyebrow and said.

At this time, one of the two hell dogs began to rush towards Xia Qing, its sharp fangs drooling with saliva, which was very disgusting.

The remaining hellhound made a posture that raised its lower body and lowered its upper body some distance away from the two of them.

Lily soon realized that it was using this posture to store fire within its body.

No, Lord Xia Qing, if you fight the Cerberus, you can't keep your distance, or you will be hit by the flames!

Know it.

In the eyes of the anxious girl, who gradually opened their eyes, Xia Qing drew a long sword and drew a bloody trail towards the hellhound that rushed towards him with its mouth wide open.

In some dim passages with only a faint light, a bloody cross appeared clearly in front, cutting the Cerberus's body into four pieces, and then fell directly to the ground. strong...

Such sword skills were enough to impress Lily, who had never even seen a LV.3 battle.

Then, the hell dog at the rear had finished charging up, its mouth full of fangs opened, and a blazing red flame rushed straight towards Xia Qing!

Oops! Run away, Lord Xia Qing!!

Lily anxiously pulled on Xia Qing's clothes around his waist, trying to take him away from that area.

Don't be so anxious.

Looking at the approaching flames, a spinning flame appeared in Xia Qing's hand. After it continued to expand, Xia Qing pushed it forward.

Spin Fire Shield!

The rapidly rotating, shield-like flames completely blocked the attack from the Cerberus, and blasted towards the opponent's location!

Bang————! ! !

Accompanied by an explosion, the hell dog was blasted into pieces by the flames without even letting out a scream.

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