Xia Qing observed the girl following him.

The body is very thin, and under the deep hood, the thin lips are always smiling innocently.

On her cute and small face, the straight bridge of her nose outlines a graceful curve, giving people a precocious impression consistent with her appearance.

But in fact, this girl is already fifteen years old.

Because he is a small human, he still maintains a height of 110cm.

Anyway, he had to slow down and wait for the group of guys behind to catch up. Xia Qing took the opportunity to ask the girl questions that normal people would ask. Anyway, she should be prepared how to respond.

In other words, if you don't ask, it will make people feel abnormal. After all, she is still very smart.

Why are you looking for me who belongs to a different [Familia]? It's not a good thing to be related to members of other [Family]. Can't you form a team with your own [Familiar] companions?

After hearing these words, the girl's lips turned up.

Hey, hey, Lily is small and has little strength. For Lily, who is very slow no matter what she does, the other people in the [Family Clan] are very annoying and are treated as a nuisance. Even if I ask them, they don't want me. Join.

Is it okay to say this with a smile?

Xia Qing asked.

It's no problem~ People who have nothing to do have trouble sleeping and eating, and they feel uncomfortable if they continue to live in the [Familiar] residence. Now they are just wandering around looking for cheap hotels to spend the night.

In short, I understand that it is a sad thing to join the wrong [family].

Now I only have the little money I have left to stay in the hotel. I really don't know what to do in the future. Please do it! Lily wants to enter the dungeon with her brother!

The girl reached out and grabbed the sleeve of Xia Qing's right arm, raised her face and said seriously.

There was an expression of tears on the face for a moment, but it was quickly concealed.

Presumably what she just said was a kind of torture for her.

Lily, are you a little human?

Xia Qing suddenly asked.

This is also part of the disguise. After all, I saw her side as a little human girl yesterday, so I have to ask this.

Lily, who was obviously shaken by the request, swayed feebly from side to side several times.

I see……

After the girl muttered something like this in a low voice, her petite hands put the brim of her hat.

Is this okay?

The next thing that came into view, swinging from side to side on his head, was a pair of furry animal ears.

Lily is from the dog-human race.

...Wow, that's it.

Xia Qing nodded and made a perfunctory expression of surprise.

After noticing Xia Qing's gaze, Lily swayed her body slightly as if feeling shy, and then her tail hidden under the robe behind her was exposed.

The chestnut tail kept wagging from side to side.

Xia Qing reached out and grabbed the girl's wagging tail, wanting to see how real her [Transformation Magic] was.

Ah ah----?!!

When she just touched the tail, the girl immediately became alert, her ears stood up in an instant, and her tail stood up as if its hair was exploding.

In an instant, she snatched her tail back from Xia Qing's hand. With her cheeks flushed, she spoke to Xia Qing with a rare hint of anger.

Really, you touch Lily's most important tail like this. If you do this, why don't you take responsibility?


It seems that even after using [Transformation Magic], you can feel the touch of the extra tail or ears?

Xia Qing thought so.

What else can be changed? Suddenly I want to ask...

For some reason, Xia Qing felt a little itchy when her patience was tested the most.

Eh? Brother, what's wrong with you? You look like you're remembering the confiscated clothes at home.


Xia Qing smiled slightly and shook his head, then continued.

Let's go down a few more floors.

Ah!? Do you still want to go down? This is already the ninth floor... If you keep going...

Lily frowned, a little worried.

Although Xia Qing's information had been deliberately collected before, because Xia Qing's time in the dungeon was too short, there was very little information about her strength or personality.

Speaking of which, since I want to hire Lily as a supporter, I have to talk about the contract fee.

Xia Qing suddenly spoke.

After hearing these words, Lily's eyes flashed with darkness, and then when she raised her head, she returned to her innocent and lively look.

Well, I understand, brother, because today is the probation period, so just give me some of the income you get from exploring the dungeon. If Lily can get three achievements, she will be as happy as flying to the sky!

Actually, a little more is fine. After all, you may have to carry a lot later... It's better to give it 50%.


The girl suddenly couldn't help but stutter even when she spoke.

Five five five five five percent?! No, no, I don't want it anymore. Lily only needs one achievement.

Lily said quickly as if she heard something terrible.

I'm sorry, brother, it's Lily who got too carried away. It's Lily's fault that she wants 30% or something!

Obviously, she thought that her words had angered Xia Qing.

You think too much.

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