It is said that she would do this sword-swinging exercise in the early morning. It was not someone who asked her to do it, but it was a habit she developed nine years ago.

This exercise seems to have become her routine, or it may be said to hone her sword skills even more.

In short, as long as she stayed at the base, Aisi would do this almost every day.

Even in the study of this skill, which must be extremely inconspicuous compared to the results she achieved in the dungeon, she has no intention of slacking off.

Rather, she couldn't slack off. After all, what frightened Ais the most was that, like many adventurers, she could no longer improve her skills.

You're up so early, have you already had breakfast?

Xia Qing came out and greeted Aisi as she waved her rapier.

Good morning.

The blond girl paused in her sword swing, then turned around and nodded towards Xia Qing.

Well, good morning.

Are you troubled?

After Xia Qing's words broke through her state of mind, Aisi showed a rare look of panic.


Hearing these words, Xia Qing's lips curved.

Your eyes become dull when you swing the sword. You are not like this during normal training.


Aisil was stunned for a moment, then asked aloud.

You were looking at me yesterday too...?


Author's message:

ps: Thanks to Yu Rufanchen for your monthly ticket*1

Chapter 41 Lily (2/4)

You were looking at me yesterday too...?

When the girl suddenly asked this question, Xia Qing was stunned for a moment. Ais, who was usually emotionally reserved, would suddenly ask such a question, and was a little surprised.

Ah, except yesterday.


At this time, Lefiya, who had just woken up and yawned lazily, came over.

Ha~Good morning~

After Xia Qing greeted them, he was ready to leave first. .

I'm going to the dungeon today.

I'm going to go too today.

Aisi answered.

Hearing what Ais said, Tiona, who came from nowhere, also spoke up.

Then I'll go too! Judging from Ace's personality, she must be planning to stay in the dungeon for a week, right?

Lefia raised her hand in confusion.

But, Tiona...

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! I haven't paid back the money I paid to rebuild the big double blade.

It was clear that she wanted to repay a debt, but Tiona's enthusiastic look made it seem like someone owed her money.

If it won't hinder you, please let me help!

Since Tiona proposed to make money together, Lefia, who was not willing to lose, naturally expressed her willingness to help. Because of her inattention, she got Tiona and the others involved, which made Ais very regretful.

But since she had been asked like this, she was too embarrassed to refuse.

The most important thing was that the kindness between the two made her feel pure joy.

...Well, that's up to you.

Seeing the gentle smile on Ace's face, Tiona and Lefia also laughed.

Then as I only have LV.2, I'd better be alone.

Xia Qing said Zhu Gusheng's words calmly.


If you think about it carefully, this sentence is surprisingly right.

Xia Qing thought so as he took out the straight sword from the Space Ring.

After all, he has other matters to attend to, and the person he is trying to save has not yet been saved, so this is not okay.

If no one goes, then you have to do it yourself.

Xia Qing was wearing a black windbreaker, the length of which reached just below his knees. The scabbard on his back was fixed with cloth strips and hung diagonally across his shoulders.

Finally, I took a look at the boundless clear blue sky. After all, it would take a long time to see it.

The air is so nice...

Xia Qing sighed.

The light floral fragrance coming from the breeze is refreshing.

By the way, there’s also the smell of sweat from the surrounding adventurers————

I suddenly thought of something strange, so disgusting.

Following the surging flow of adventurers, Xia Qing had gone to the small fountain outside the Tower of Babel and waited for a while.

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