Then, his body trembled from the depths like a spasm.

The sweet aroma of licking her nose, the soft flesh that was close to her body, and the warmth that spread through her skin numbed all her feelings that could be called feelings.

Even though her eyes were blinded, the incredible charm was conveyed to the depths of her soul.

Unable to resist, unable to resist, my mind is blank. I can't think about anything, my consciousness is disconnected.

Her freedom was taken away from her.

Where's the key?


Where is the key to the cage?

She heard a soft whisper like breathing in her ears, which made her neck shiver.

The words of the second message seemed to sink into her brain, and she obeyed like a reflex action.

She moved her trembling left arm, picked up the key chain hanging on her waist, made a clanging sound, and raised the key to the monster cage to shoulder height.


The keys handed over were taken away, and the hand covering his eyes disappeared.

But her eyes did not regain their function, and she was so confused that she could not see anything.

When the presence behind her disappeared, her calves could no longer stand and she fell to the ground.

It was like what happened just now happened again, and she met the same fate as her companions.

Chapter 26 Aegina’s Crisis (3/4)

I'm sorry~

Freya left the woman sitting on the ground and walked towards the back of the room.

Guild employees who monitor Ximen, and adventurers from the [Ganesha Familia] who are famous for their bravery.

She made the members of the two organizations lose their power and invaded all the way here.

Freya has no fighting ability.

As long as she is in the lower realm, she is just a powerless god.

However, she possesses an unusual degree of beauty.

No, she is the representative of beauty, a power that cannot be controlled by reason.

Not even humans or demihumans, not even the gods, can withstand this overwhelming power of dominance.

As long as she has the will, she can drive anyone into the abyss of selflessness.

This time she used this power in a somewhat unfair direction.

She makes her opponents unconscious, literally unable to stand, and reduced to soft bones regardless of gender.

After charming them, she could pull off this trick as long as she used something close to a sneak attack.


Freya stopped in the middle of the large room.

There were several large and small cages containing monsters lined up around it.

The captured monster was probably in a state of excitement and kept yelling at Freya from all directions.

However, when she took off the hood she was wearing, the deafening roar suddenly stopped.


Her peerless beauty is exposed to the public.

The soft muscles as white as snow stimulated the vision of all monsters, and the overflowing frightening fragrance restrained their movements.

The shining silver eyes and silver hair make these beasts unable to take their eyes away.

Even vicious monsters are all equal before her beauty.

...Just choose you.

The silver gaze passed over each monster's face playfully, and then stopped at one point.

The monster's whole body was covered with pure white body hair.

The muscles of her shoulders and arms are particularly strong among her stout physique. Like Freya, her silver hair grows down her back and extends like a tail.

The wild ape monster [Silverback Ape] opened its eyes to the limit, breathing rapidly as it bore the goddess's gaze.

Come out.

She used the key she got to unlock the cage.

The silverback ape seemed to be following Freya, taking a step out of the opened iron cage.

The chain that was still attached made a clanging sound.

Setting the monster free comes with dangerous actions.

The free-spirited goddess acts willfully regardless of the troubles of others.

There is only one purpose.

The child is here too...

As soon as she recalled the first time she saw the other person, the inexplicable dazzling light seemed to reappear in front of her eyes, which made Freya unable to stop.

The urge towards the object of love at first sight and the hunger deep in her chest that made her body heat up prompted Freya to take action.

She wanted to see the child's expression when he was knocked down, wanted to see how scared he was, and what she wanted to see most was the strength he showed.

When Freya caressed the silverback ape's cheek lovingly, she suddenly remembered something.

Put the monster outside, if by some mistake the kid dies.

This was a possibility that she had never thought of before, but Freya soon smiled.

If it dies, it will chase the soul that leaves the lower world and ascends to the heaven.

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