Xia Qing, who was thinking this way, didn't know that the tavern she was going to with Fenn and others was called [The Hostess of Harvest].

As soon as Xia Qing followed the team, Lefiya, who was at the back of the team, took two steps forward and came to Xia Qing's side and asked.

Xia Qing, you weren't here during breakfast. Did you go to the dungeon today?

Oh, yes.

Lefiya said with a somewhat admiring tone.

It's so awesome. I wouldn't dare go down there alone...

Seeing the girl's somewhat envious expression, Xia Qing comforted her.

It doesn't matter. After all, you are a mage. It is very dangerous to go to the dungeon alone.

Lefia's eyes flashed when she heard this. She suddenly raised her head, her eyes suddenly turned into crescents, and smiled.


Suddenly, she remembered something again.

But... Xia Qing, aren't you also a magician?


Xia Qing coughed and explained.

Uh-huh... I'm... a battle mage! Yes, that's right, just like adventurers with magic, I'm not much inferior to magic in melee combat.

Lefia tapped her cheek with her finger and looked up at the dimming sky.

Both magic and melee combat are so powerful. It feels great. Should I also exercise...

She still doesn't know how much effort Xia Qing put into being able to take care of both sides at the same time.

The amount of exercise she used to do every day was not something that a girl with a delicate figure could do.

However, it is not difficult to improve the melee combat ability.

It's better to find a chance to practice.

Xia Qing suggested.

Yeah, okay, okay!!

Lefiya agreed immediately.

In this team where everyone is at LV.5 or LV.6 level, Lefia, who is at LV.3, feels very close to Xia Qing, who is just at LV.1.

However, this is the state before the [Ability Value] is updated. After the update, it should be able to break through to LV.2 immediately.

After all, Xia Qing was already very strong.

Lefiya thought in her heart.

While they were chatting, everyone had arrived at their destination.

Xia Qing, who was still talking to Lefiya, glanced at the sign of the tavern casually, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

What a coincidence...!?

There is an outdoor cafe at the entrance of the store. The tavern is made of stone like other shops. It is a two-story building extending back. It is probably the largest of the taverns in the neighborhood.

The sign on the tavern says [Hostress of Plenty].

Xia Qingyi followed the people from [Loki Familia] into the tavern, and immediately heard the exclamations of the adventurers around him.

Oh hoo! Nice sign chick!

The adventurer who got drunk after just a few dishes yelled.

The adventurers next to him were immediately shocked and reminded them quickly.

Idiot, look at that badge!!


The man was silent for a moment, and after carefully identifying the badge of the [Loki Familia] logo, he cursed.

……Depend on!

Chapter 19 The world is so small (4/4)

The same goes for the adventurers around them. Once they found out that it was the [Loki Familia] who came to the tavern, they immediately became commotion.

They came close to each other and whispered like secret conversations.

Oh, that's...

...the [Family] of the Giant's Nemesis.

A gathering of first-level adventurers?

Which one is the famous Sword Lady?

The sounds that came like a wave were all filled with fear, and some of them were brave enough to whistle at Ais or other female members.

At this time, Xia Qing, who was appearing in the team for the first time, suddenly became eye-catching.

Wait, who is that guy??

It seems like I've never seen it before.

He seems to be a guy who has just become an adventurer. I saw him in the [Guild] this morning. He is still a LV.1 rookie!

As one of them said such a sentence, the atmosphere at the scene immediately became heated.

Seeing that a LV.1 guy like Xia Qing could actually sit at the same table with a group of first-level adventurers, some people's words suddenly sounded sour as if they had drunk aged vinegar.

What, [Loki Familia] should even have LV.2 supporters, right? Why are even LV.1 rookies willing to join it now?

If you can have a guy like this, then I can do it too!

Yes, I can do it too!

Their words naturally fell into the ears of Fenn and others. Lefiya also looked at Xia Qing nervously, guessing that his face should be very bad at this moment.

However, completely different from what Lefia thought, Xia Qing's face showed no anger at all, as if he was listening to a chat that had nothing to do with him.

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