It's okay, I can still fight! Compared to this, how is the situation in Qiancao Palace?

After completing the chant, one of the team members who was acting as a defender released a fire magic in order to stop the monster from advancing. During the process, the man who had just returned to the team asked for the comfort of his companions while continuing to escape.

Treatment with the recovery medicine on hand is only a temporary measure. We need to find an environment where we can safely treat. We can't do it here. It's too dangerous.

If the injury is a minor injury that can be healed with healing potion, etc., then of course there will be no problem.

However, the girl named Chigusa is now suffering from a serious injury that cannot be healed instantly, and it has become very difficult to deal with it.

No one knows whether a monster like this will suddenly break out of the wall.

There is no safe place even in the passage.

You want to say...

Well, let's go back to the twelfth floor first. I'm sorry for putting a burden on you.

Please don't say stupid things like that! We are a team!

After hearing what the leader said, Ming quickly replied loudly.

In her opinion, companions should help each other.

The girl who was being supported had an expression of pain on her face. She, who had always been well-behaved and honest, revealed her eyes that were always covered by bangs, and apologized to her life with tearful eyes.

Ming shook his head.

The sound of boots stepping on the ground echoed all around, and the members of the [Jianyu Lei Familia] ran for their lives in the long cave-like passage.

After running no more than twenty meters away, a loud noise came from the cave not far behind.

Bang——! ! !

The hole that was originally only human-sized was instantly knocked open, the entire wall was shattered, and even the wall in the passage was knocked out of a dent.

But even if the walls of the dungeon are destroyed, they will return to their original state after a period of time.

Oops! That guy ran out!

The team members at the rear looked back and were immediately frightened.

Don't worry about the back, just run away!

At this time, several flames were sprayed towards them, and those who noticed the attack quickly shouted.

It's Cerberus!!

Everyone hurriedly dodged to the side, and the flames hit the place where they had just escaped.


The ground was instantly scorched black, and broken stone fragments flew around.

Ming stood up and turned his head to look. What came into his eyes were four demon dogs with red and shiny eyes.

The scorching breath released from their mouths just almost caught them.

The sense of despair that gradually spread from the depths of the maze finally enveloped their hearts at this moment.

hurry up!

Sakura sent out an urgent urging, and the group members used all their strength to speed up their pace and ordered themselves to run away desperately.

Soon they ran to the end of the passage and arrived at a room. It was not a square, but a dome-shaped space.

The ceiling is more than ten meters high. In the middle part at the highest point, a sharp rock stretches downwards, giving people the feeling that it may fall at any time.

I wonder if a monster has just been born from the rugged rock wall. The rock fragments are scattered all over the ground as if they were exploded from the inside of the wall.

After everyone continued to flee for a long distance, they suddenly realized that all the monsters that were supposed to be chasing them had disappeared.

What, what's going on...?

One of the group members said nervously.

Suddenly, there were bursts of loud bangs coming from outside the passage, and even the cave where they were was shaking.

The monster seems to be blocked by something...

Ming looked thoughtfully at the empty passageway.

I'm going to take a look. You guys should treat Qiancao first!


Sakura had just spoken out to stop him, but Ming's figure had already run out of the cave entrance.


at the same time.

After Xia Qing heard the anxious shouts of the other adventurers, he followed the sound and came to a wide passage.

Just in time to confront the giant wild boars and hellhounds that were chasing the members of the [Jianyu Thunder Familia].

Seeing that such a weak human dared to stand in front of them, the monsters roared in anger.


Then the huge elite monster [Giant Wild Boar] crashed straight towards Xia Qing!

The giant wild boar was ready to use its huge horns to pierce the body of the human in front of it directly, but after getting closer, the opponent actually stretched out his hands to try to grab its two horns.

The monster let out an angry roar again, vowing to smash the human in front of him into a living pulp!


The roar that resounded throughout the passage suddenly stopped, because the [Giant Wild Boar] suddenly found that its horn was grabbed by the tiny human in its eyes. After that, it felt like it was wrestling with a thick wall, and it was difficult to make an inch. .

How about you try this?

The corners of Xia Qing's mouth raised, and the hands holding the two big horns of the giant wild boar began to emit blue electricity, spreading along the fur of the wild boar's body.

Then it suddenly intensified!

The small and dense current transformed into thick thunder and lightning in the next moment, wrapping the giant wild boar's entire body in the terrifying thunder and lightning.

The huge body gradually emitted a charcoal-like stench along with a violent twitch.

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