Looking at Xia Qing, who seemed to be frozen in place by his own fright, a hint of joy flashed in Aizali's eyes. The other party didn't even make a move to resist now.

It means that this guy has completely given up resistance and no one can save him.

So, Aizali, who raised the black stone knife, rushed forward!

go to hell!!

There was indeed no way to retreat, but Azali never thought about why his opponent didn't even show an expression of fear.


So, when a heavy blow came from his abdomen, he barely understood.


Since you want to kill me, you must be determined to die.


〖Kill the Magician! Points +200! EXP +35%! 〗

Xia Qing withdrew the flame in his hand, and the ashes and smoke filled the sky.

It's not over yet...there's another guy.

Xia Qing looked up at the sky a little troubled.

It's really troublesome...

If you think about it carefully, the [Tree Diagram Designer] is still there, and if you leave it alone, maybe those people will make some trouble.

No matter what, it is better to destroy things that pose a threat to you.

Platinum Star!

The purple giant appeared behind Xia Qing, and then Xia Qing stretched out his hand and used magic to create a sharp ice spear.

Then, let the platinum star be thrown towards the sky. Since it is an ice gun, it is naturally different from ordinary ice. Xia Qing also blessed it with several wind attribute magics, which can continue to accelerate after being shot.

After Platinum Star grabbed the ice spear, his posture was more standard than those of professional competitors. With a cry of Eula!, the spear shot out, tearing the air and soaring into the sky.

Xia Qing, on the other hand, had already taken back the [Platinum Star] and started walking towards the main road.

The research institute that Xia Qing came to occupies a very large area.

This is an experimental base dedicated to the Mass Production of Super Power Users Project and the Absolute Power User Project.

In front of Xia Qing's eyes were three huge buildings that looked like rental warehouses.

These buildings are training facilities for sisters. The 20,000 sisters used in the experiment were all cultivated in these buildings.

Inside the building is a large pile of metal platforms, with countless cylindrical capsules tightly arranged on the platform, stacked up to the height of the ceiling, looking like a bookshelf filled with books in a library.

Next to the three huge buildings, there is a building called the Research Institute.

It was a two-story square reinforced concrete building, much smaller than the three training facilities. It was hard to imagine that it was the core of the research institution.

Xia Qing stood in front of the research institute's door. There was a retinal scanner at the door, but Xia Qing ignored it and kicked the metal door open with one kick.

Bang——! ! !

The door panel flew forward for more than ten meters before stopping and falling to the ground.

The inside looks more like a computer calculation room than a research institute.

The machines lined up on the surrounding walls that looked like large commercial refrigerators were said by researchers to be the latest quantum computers, but anyone could tell that they were just experimental machines from the old era.

At least, it doesn't look like it has the functionality to replace the treemap designer.

Countless screens emit eerie light in this windowless room.

A large amount of data printing paper was continuously spit out from the paper discharge port of the machine, covering the entire floor. Only the low sound of the cooling fan could be heard in the entire room.

Although this room may not look like a place for research at first glance, it is not necessarily far from that.

If it is a simulation-based experiment such as an evolution experiment using artificial life or a model-making experiment to predict the air resistance of aircraft, it may be natural to have such a laboratory.

A woman sits in the center of the laboratory.

Before the experiment was suspended, more than twenty researchers used to work in this room, but now it is empty.

The woman seemed to understand this, so instead of sitting in a chair, she sat on the table.

I saw her holding the data printing paper spit out from the machine in her hand, and writing some marks on it with a red pen.

You are indeed here. The door has actually been opened. You can come in even if you don't destroy it...

The woman didn't notice Xia Qing entering the room, but her thoughts that were originally focused on the data printing paper were interrupted for a moment. When she accidentally looked up, she happened to see Xia Qing kicking the door.

Yoshikawa Platycodon.

He is over twenty-five years old, but he has no makeup on his face.

He was wearing faded old jeans and a T-shirt that had worn out after being washed countless times.

Only the white robe draped over the T-shirt is still as white and bright as a new shirt.

Aren't you afraid? I am the one who killed Accelerator.

Xia Qing smiled with interest.

As he spoke, Xia Qing looked along the source of the long piece of data printing paper in Fangchuan's hand, and saw a large amount of paper resources piled up on every inch of the floor.

Now the experiment has been permanently terminated because Accelerator, who was the core of the experiment, died.

At this time, Fangchuan Kikyo had almost no look of fear on his face, as if he was waiting for what was to come.


Xia Qing looked at the woman in a white coat with a smile on her lips.

Yoshikawa Kikyo once again raised her head from the data printing paper and said.

What I am investigating now is not the calculation data of the tree diagram designer, but the information related to Misaka sister.

She obviously didn't know that the [Tree Diagram Design] had exploded, but with such an attitude, she wouldn't be too surprised even if she knew.

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