Ahahahahaha! Woooooooooo!

Mikoto let out a self-defeating laugh, grabbed Xia Qing's arm and fled the scene at a very fast speed, leaving behind the confused nun and the last work.

Fortunately, Xia Qing shouted to Index before being pulled away.

You guys go back first! I'll be back soon~~!

In this way, Xia Qing was dragged away for a full hour.

Wait a minute! This time setting seems a bit strange! Why do we have to run non-stop for an hour?

Stop talking! Shut up! Be quiet! Give me some time to sort out my mood!

Mikoto wailed and shook her head.

They are now in a small alley, surrounded by tall buildings, and there is also a shorter building that should be a student dormitory.

Mikoto took several deep breaths before finally calming down.

Huh... I'm sorry, I just lost control of my mood. Let's find a place to sit down and I'll tell you the current situation.

Ah, it's almost ten o'clock, the stores should be opening soon, right? But we just had breakfast, how about choosing a restaurant that buys burgers?

I think it's OK!

Xia Qing nodded in agreement.

A free meal seems like a good idea. Originally, today was...


Xia Qing couldn't help but hold her forehead.

There is indeed something serious to do today.

Although the last work is now safe and sound, that guy Amasao is still alive and well. Even if he is allowed to live for one more second, Xia Qing feels that the other person will make some weird moves.

In order to prevent sudden changes, we must find him as soon as possible no matter what.

Hey...what's wrong with you...?

A fair and slender hand waved in front of Xia Qing's face. Mikoto was a little confused by Xia Qing's sudden loss of concentration.

Don't be in a daze, let's go~!

The girl's mood suddenly became lighter for some reason, and she grabbed Xia Qing's arm and walked towards the burger restaurant.


I suspect there is something wrong with this price list.

Xia Qing looked at the Big Mac burger in front of him seriously.

“It’s obviously called a Big Mac burger, but the actual portion size is just this much…”

He only needed one bite of this burger, and he wasn't even half-full after eating it.

Xia Qing, whose physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people, and whose appetite is also far greater than that of ordinary people, complained with a dissatisfied look on his face.

What kind of foodie are you? It's really enviable that your figure doesn't get out of shape no matter how much you eat.

Xia Qing glanced at her and replied.

Isn't it the same for you?

In short, this sign alone is worth one-third of the price. It's no big deal if it's a little more expensive. Well, don't worry about this little money. I'll just pay it.

Mikoto said lightly.

After the two finished their burgers, they bought two hot dog burgers.

I came to sit on the bench outside. The street trees blocked the sun like a roof. It looked quite cool, but in fact it was still a bit hot.

Although the burger restaurant is air-conditioned, Xia Qing has business to do and cannot find anyone in a place with a limited view.

Xia Qing opened the Three Magatama Sharingan and used the Insight Eye to scan the faces of everyone within sight.

Here, take it.

Xia Qing, who took the hot dog burger from Miqin's hand, stared at the steaming hot dog burger in his hand and paused for a few seconds before taking a bite.


Mikoto also bit into the hot dog burger, being careful not to let the mustard stick to her nose, and began to explain to Xia Qing that she was obsessed with that refreshing boy named Mitsuaki Umihara.

Since this week, I have received various invitations every day. In order to get rid of him, I must find someone to be my boyfriend, and looking at it, the only candidate is Xia Qing.

Stop! I'm not a tool!

Xia Qing just scanned the surroundings and did not find Mitsuaki Mihara's figure.

Besides, since we have gotten rid of the other party now, there should be no need to act anymore, right? Even if we act where he can't see it, there is no point.

Yeah, but now I'm just getting rid of him temporarily. I'll definitely be pestered by him again next time I meet him. It's best to take this opportunity to stop him from pestering me forever.

I have an idea.

Xia Qing said.

What? What is it? Tell me quickly!

Mikoto's eyes lit up and she quickly approached and asked.

Since we are a couple, we won't be suspected if we do some intimate actions.


Mikoto's cheeks turned red when she heard this, and she asked a little nervously.


For example, kissing or something-

don't want--!!

Then take a step back and kiss with tongue——

This is a step further, right?!!

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