Xia Qing's attention was attracted by the window for a short period of time, and then immediately moved back to the room.

The room was very messy. Half of the magazines and comics were scattered all over the floor. The books on the bookshelf were in a mess and not arranged in order at all.

A one-to-many connector is plugged into the TV, and a game console is connected at the same time.

There was a laptop on the low glass table, and a half-drunk can of drink lying on the laptop.

By the way, both game consoles and laptops are obsolete products from Teacher Xiaomeng. Ever since Himegami Qiusa shared the house, Teacher Xiaomeng’s expenses have started to become lower and lower. Deposits are also becoming larger and larger.

The laptop was replaced with a new one, the house became cleaner, and even the game console was bought new.

So, Teacher Xiaomeng, who still had feelings for the previous game console, gave these to Xia Qing for free.

The apartment where Xia Qing lives is only about two meters away from the student dormitory next door. If the lights in the building opposite are turned on, even Xia Qing's room will be illuminated.

Although the windows have been covered with light-blocking curtains, they cannot block all light.

The artificial light that slightly peeked out from the edge of the curtain vaguely illuminated the entirety of Xia Qing's room. From the original outline, which could only be seen slightly, it became so dark that the color and texture could be distinguished.

Immediately afterwards, what came into view was an indescribable scene, as well as the subtle sound of breathing that reached his ears.

Author's message:


ps: Thank you xslt for your monthly ticket*1, and Yu Ruifanchen’s monthly ticket*1!

Chapter 86 Picking up a final piece (2/4)

Following the breath, he saw the girl sleeping peacefully on the bed.

The girl is about fourteen or five years old. She has long silver hair and white skin. She is petite and lightweight, but her body temperature seems to be a little higher than normal.

Even though I didn't rub anything on, my skin still exudes a faint sweet fragrance, which is one of its characteristics.

This girl, who was wearing only a loose shirt and sleeping soundly, was named Index.

I don't know if it was because she was afraid of the heat, but the girl kicked the blanket under the bed. The girl sleeping on her side with her arms and legs bent looked like a fetus sleeping peacefully in her mother's belly.

The bed was not big, but she deliberately slept in a corner of the bed for some reason.

The wonderful empty space seems to be left specially for another person.

If you imagine it with the duodenum, you will know who this position is reserved for.

But at this moment, Index's regular snoring stopped, she began to twist unconsciously, and her breathing became more and more normal. Then, her eyes that were originally closed suddenly opened.

Um...Xia...Xia Qing?

Index rubbed her eyes with her hands and raised her head.

Did it wake you up?

Xia Qing asked.

The girl quickly shook her head.

I woke up because the light was too dazzling... Ah, the person opposite turned on the light. It's so unethical to turn on the light at this time-

In the middle of speaking, Index suddenly stopped talking.

Immediately afterwards, the girl began to check whether her clothes were messy, then she hugged her shoulders, sat on the bed and stared at Xia Qing suspiciously.

Xia Qing, I have to ask you, what are you doing here?

What to do? Sleep, of course?

Xia Qing gave the girl a strange look, then walked over and lay down on the bed unceremoniously. Because it was summer, it was difficult to catch a cold even without a quilt.

However, because snow-white calves would give people bad associations, Xia Qing still pulled a thin blanket and threw it on Index.


The girl in a loose white shirt seemed to understand Xia Qing's intention, her cheeks turned slightly red, and then she wrapped herself in a blanket and formed a ball.

Lying on the bed, Xia Qing slowly counted the passage of time.

'Ten thirty-one minutes and fifty seconds...ten thirty-one minutes and four seconds...'

Time passed little by little, and finally, when Index fell into a deep sleep, it was already midnight.

Xia Qing quietly left the bed and came to the entrance. She didn't even plan to change her clothes. She just wore white pajamas with black circles. After putting on her shoes, she opened the door and walked out.


In the alleys late at night, there were constant roars, screams, wailings, and the sounds of things being smashed. Xia Qing ignored these sounds and walked in one direction.

The time now is twelve o'clock at midnight, which is zero o'clock.

After walking out of the alley and onto the main road, the starry night sky suddenly became wider.

He saw a short, barefooted figure walking towards him, his whole body wrapped in a dirty blanket.

A light blue blanket, which looked like a cloak of some mysterious organization, completely covered the latter's face and body, making it impossible to tell the gender.

Of course it is not known what kind of clothes he is wearing inside.

However, Xia Qing could roughly guess who the other party was.

At this time, the man spoke, and a childish voice came from the petite-looking figure.

Misaka's number is 20001, and she is the last sister created. Misaka Misaka began to explain the cause and effect of the matter.

Misaka's code name is the very easy-to-understand Last Work. Originally, Misaka was also going to be used in the experiment, and Misaka began to complain.

She moved the blanket covering her head down, revealing a cute face.

But the reality is as everyone knows, the experiment was stopped midway, Misaka hadn't even finished adjusting her body, and Misaka continued to explain.

Misaka, who was thrown out of the incubator halfway through production, looks even smaller than normal Misaka, so Misaka Misaka...are you listening?

According to the information, the sisters should have been sent to other organizations for resettlement after the experiment, but after all, there are nearly 10,000 sisters, so it is very possible that a few sisters will be ignored.

In this case, she was wandering on the street because she was not resettled due to management errors, probably.

At this time, a homeless girl who looked about ten years old dragged her blanket and said.

You are the one who disrupted the experiment and established contact with Misaka's sisters, so Misaka can only come to you, hoping that you can let Misaka enter the incubator again and completely complete the manufacturing process.

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