Because I found the person I should protect.

Although Misaka couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence, I don't know why, but this sentence touched Misaka deeply. Misaka described her feelings frankly.

It must have been because she heard someone say such words to herself that Sister Misaka gained the strength to stand up again.


Along with the sound of wind howling, the plasma sphere suspended above the head suddenly began to disintegrate.


Accelerator couldn't help but look above his head. The plasma sphere was formed by condensing the wind from the entire city to one point, and the flow of the wind suddenly became chaotic in an instant.

Because of this, there is an error in the compressibility of the air, and the plasma sphere begins to collapse.

Could it be that the calculation of the wind direction is wrong? Accelerator tried to reorganize the new calculation formula.

Manipulation is different from simple reflection. It is necessary to calculate direction before change and direction after change, so it is quite troublesome.

However, Accelerator completed the correction of the huge calculation formula in just ten seconds.

This is not a difficult thing for him with a fully developed brain.

In Academy City, which incorporates superpower development courses into its education methods, the city's strongest superpower is also the city's smartest top student.

However, as if going against the formula calculated by the perfect mind, the wind in the city suddenly changed its direction.

And this is no accident, the wind seems to have a will of its own, constantly competing with the formula.

The air mass compressed above the head gradually spread, and the plasma sphere disappeared without a trace as if melting into the air.

What's going on? What happened? My calculation formula is definitely not wrong! And the irregular eel-like flow just now cannot be natural wind!

Could it be that it was bad luck that a person with wind powers happened to be using super powers somewhere in the city?

No, this irregular flow extends to all corners of the city.

And if there is a wind user who can surpass Accelerator in terms of power and computing power, then he is definitely qualified to be recognized as a level 5 superpower.

But among the seven level 5 superpowers known to Accelerator, there is no such person.

What was the reason... Accelerator, who was feeling anxious, heard a crisp sound of clicking.

The sound of wind turbine blades rotating.

Wait...I think I've heard of it! If the generator's motor is exposed to microwave waves, it will start to rotate...

Accelerator looked at Misaka's sister standing in the distance, his red pupils becoming brighter red with murderous intent.

That rascal……!!

Xia Qing was naturally aware of the fact that Mikoto asked Misaka sister, and after waving to them with a smile, she turned her attention back to Accelerator.

How about it? What other moves do you want to use?

Although he said this, in fact, Xia Qing was always ready to the world as soon as the opponent used his ultimate move.

It will be more advantageous to be fully prepared before the battle.

Of course, to defeat Accelerator, you only need the ability of the Mangekyo Sharingan. After all, attacks on the spiritual level cannot be reflected by Accelerator's ability.

Mikoto, who saw Accelerator's gaze, did not hesitate to stand in front of the injured Misaka sister.

...Do you think I'm going to sit back and do nothing?

In this strong storm, Mikoto's voice was almost drowned. But that calm tone was so strong that it almost pierced Accelerator's eardrum.

Ha! Don't think so! You can't possibly cause harm to me! You can't even delay my actions!

Just like the highest level of the eye exam is only 2.0, the highest position in Academy City is only 5, so I will stay in the same position as you!

Mikoto said nothing in reply. Mikoto herself must be the one who knows the most about this matter. Although she understands, she doesn't want to escape, which is why Mikoto is standing here now.

Accelerator, who thought Mikoto was too much of a hindrance, began to consider killing Mikoto first.

However, Xia Qing obviously would not give him this opportunity.

Look directly at me! Accelerator!

After hearing these words, Accelerator, who was not clear about Xia Qing's ability, almost subconsciously turned his face and looked away.

He saw the scarlet eyes with a six-pointed star pattern, which seemed to flash for a moment.


Accelerator couldn't even realize that he had been possessed by a genjutsu.

Chapter 84 Kaleidoscope Sharingan (5/5)

For a moment, it seemed as if time had stopped. When Accelerator noticed Xia Qing's figure approaching, he had no time to react.

His mind had already predicted Xia Qing's attack, but his body couldn't keep up.

Because all previous battles relied on reflection equivalent to passive skills, but now the opponent is like a precision instrument with an extremely clear understanding of its own reflection mechanism.

Accelerator was completely unable to keep up at this moment.

This is not only the difference in speed, but also the crushing of reflex nerves.

Then, Accelerator finally seized the opportunity. Although there was no time to modify the calculation data of reflection, the opportunity to directly cause damage to Xia Qing or even kill him must not be missed.

Accelerator suddenly punched Xia Qing's abdomen.

However, the strongest one with a city level of 6, this punch was empty.

Passing through Xia Qing's abdomen, what appeared in front of him was not the person at all, but a false phantom.


Accelerator subconsciously planned to turn around, but he had no chance. He was already covered in injuries, and with his weak body, he could no longer keep up with Xia Qing's movements.

Bang——! !

The body covered in blood rolled rapidly on the gravel-covered ground, and its hands and feet were weak and allowed to sway. Finally, it hit a huge container, knocking a pit into the human heart.

Blood flowed down from the pit, and dark red blood stained the ground.

Great, Xia Qing, you win!

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