Mikoto, who was left alone on the iron bridge, sighed as she was immersed in the darkness.

She wanted to go to the test site with Xia Qing, but that was not possible.

The key point of the plan is that the incompetent Natsu Qing must defeat Accelerator alone.

If Mikoto had been there, Accelerator would have been attacked and defeated by multiple opponents, including level 5 superpowers.

Mikoto looked at the front end of the iron bridge, the direction where Xia Qing disappeared.

She understood very well that even if she went to the experimental site, she couldn't do anything. Not only would she not be able to help, she might even screw up everything.

Therefore, Mikoto should wait here. This reason is very simple and anyone can understand it.

However, some kind of emotion that goes beyond reason makes Mikoto not want to understand this.

Mikoto clenched her teeth and muttered to herself.

Do you think I can bear to wait here for you to come back?

In the end, Mikoto chased Xia Qing in the direction where she disappeared.

No matter what, she couldn't stay out of it.


Time, 8:30 pm, the dispatch yard turned into a battlefield.

In the unlit dispatch yard, there was a blue-white flash like a camera flash.

Sister Misaka and Accelerator made a sound when their feet stepped on the gravel.

The distance between the two is less than ten meters.

Ha! Did you come here without any preparation? Since you like to be abused so much, then I will let you scream until you feel good! Take a throat lozenge now!

Accelerator opened his hands, crouched low, and pounced on Misaka's sister like a wild beast.

In his mind, there is no concept of defense. There is not even a concept of attack.

For a person who can reflect all attacks and can kill his opponent just by touching him, the so-called battle only requires thinking about how to touch the opponent as quickly and surely as possible.

Since all attacks are reflected, this means there is no way to stop his progress.

It was like driving a chariot into a procession of people.

Faced with such a ridiculously powerful ability, what Sister Misaka did was...


Accelerator made a dissatisfied sound. Facing Accelerator who kept rushing forward, Misaka sister kept backing away to keep her distance, as if she was running for her life, sometimes going to the right, sometimes to the left.

Sister Misaka kept avoiding while observing the surrounding terrain.

Accelerator, who was like a beast, looked at Misaka sister with disappointed eyes and said.

Hey, hey, hey! What's going on? What are you expecting? No matter how much time you buy, no miracle will happen!

Sister Misaka turned a deaf ear. She only looked at the enemy intently and kept her distance.

Accelerator, who was gradually igniting anger in his heart, noticed that the air around him was becoming electrified.

What a boring guy! Don't you know it's pointless? My time has been wasted by your stupid way of fighting!

Accelerator smiled disdainfully.

Any attack will be reflected, so Misaka sister did not dare to directly release electric shock to Accelerator.

Although sparks were emitted around him, he didn't even launch a decent attack.

What does this guy want to do? Accelerator complained through gritted teeth.

It was then that he noticed that he was starting to have trouble breathing.

I originally thought it was because he was talking while running, but upon closer inspection something wasn't right.

And there was a strange smell in his nose, which was like a warning.

There's no wind tonight──

Sister Misaka's voice echoed in the windless dispatch field.

──In this case, Misaka may have a chance to win.

Misaka said.

Fang Tongxing checked the surrounding situation again.

The Misaka sister who keeps running for her life, the electric shocks thrown around, the inexplicable difficulty in breathing, and the ability to reflect all direct attacks.

Ha! That's it! Is it ozone?

Electric energy can decompose oxygen in the air.

Ordinary oxygen molecules are composed of two oxygen atoms, but once they are decomposed, they will recombine with three oxygen atoms and become ozone.

Oxygen and ozone are completely different things. No matter how much ozone is breathed into the lungs, it cannot replace oxygen.

And from the fact that ozone can sterilize, we know that ozone is toxic.

Although Accelerator can reflect all attacks, he is still a mortal who inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide.

So as long as the oxygen around him is taken away, he can be put into a state of hypoxia.

There is no need for Sister Misaka to get close to Accelerator. Instead, she should stay as far away from Accelerator as possible. It is best to continue to take away his oxygen where he cannot attack.

Very good! Very good! Great! I take back what I said! You are serious about fighting me! Haha! Finally not boring anymore! You have been killed ten thousand times. It seems that you are somewhat clever!

Accelerator smiled happily during the chase.

Although he was gradually being forced into a difficult situation, he smiled as if he felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

But there is a weakness!

Sister Misaka's shoulders were shaken for a moment.

As soon as you are caught up, this tactic will fail!

The gravel beneath Accelerator's feet suddenly erupted behind him.

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