Chapter 74 Tragedy caused by kindness (4/4)

The color of the sky turned into black like the dark night sea.

Tonight is the first quarter moon. The shape of the moon is like a mocking mouth, and the moonlight is very weak.

There are no street lights on the iron bridge that is quite far away from the city center, and it is connected with the black river in front of you, forming a dark black area.

Misaka Mikoto was alone, with her hands on the guardrail, staring blankly at the lights on the street in the distance.

The girl was surrounded by blue and white sparks.

Words like lightning strikes may give people the impression of terrible pain, but to her they are the gentlest light.

Even now, I can't forget the night I learned to use my powers for the first time.

Hiding under the quilt, I played with those little sparks all night long, looking like twinkling stars.

At that time, I was seriously looking forward to it. When I grow up and become stronger, I might be able to create a starry sky one day.

Yes, that was Mikoto before she grew up.

But Mikoto thought that she was no longer qualified to have such a sweet dream now.


Tighten your hands tightly and then open them again.

Such a simple action made Mikoto narrow her eyes slightly and smile softly.

Everyone can do such an ordinary action.

However, there are people in the world who cannot even do such an action.

Muscular dystrophy...

The small lips uttered each word gently.

Muscular dystrophy, an incurable disease of unknown cause, causes muscles to gradually become unable to move.

If the body cannot move at all, the muscles will naturally gradually atrophy, so the strength of the whole body will be lost bit by bit, and eventually even the heart and lungs will lose their function.

Of course, Mikoto is not a muscular dystrophy patient.

There are no muscular dystrophy patients among Mikoto’s friends and relatives.

But Mikoto can understand that such a life must be very painful.

Although he has done nothing bad, he has been unable to move his body according to his will since birth.

Watching my body gradually weaken but unable to do anything, finally unable to even get out of bed.

Even if you reach out for help, no one will be able to help you. Such a life is really pitiful.

A researcher once asked Mikoto if she was willing to help such patients.

No one else can do it, only your ability may be helpful to patients with muscular dystrophy, the man in a white lab coat said, and stretched out his hand to shake Mikoto's hand.

The so-called muscular dystrophy is a disease in which muscles cannot move of their own volition.

The human brain uses electrical signals to issue instructions to the muscles.

If you could gain the power to manipulate the body's electrical currents, you might be able to give commands to your muscles in a way that's different from normal neural circuits.

For those people who know that their bodies are gradually weakening but they can't do anything, and their spirits are gradually being swallowed up by anxiety and fear, maybe it can bring them a glimmer of hope.


The young girl believed these words deeply.

She firmly believes that as long as she unlocks the principle of her power to control electric current and successfully transplants it into others, she will be able to save countless patients with muscular dystrophy.

In this way, Misaka Mikoto's DNA information was officially registered in the Academy City Library.

But recently, rumors began to spread in Academy City that Misaka Mikoto's DNA was used to create clone sisters for military purposes.

Of course, this is not a rare rumor.

Mikoto is a top student at Tokiwadai Middle School, a star school for developing superpowers, and is one of the seven level 5 superpowers in Academy City.

There are countless ridiculous rumors swirling around her. So, Mikoto certainly didn't take this rumor seriously.

No, to be more precise, I don't want to take it seriously.

However, reality shattered the girl's wish in a completely unexpected way.


Degraded replicas of Defect Electricity developed for military purposes, so-called Sisters because their capabilities are far inferior to Misaka Mikoto's Railgun, have been put on the production line.

Just press a button and you can create as many as you like.

Moreover, these created sisters are not even qualified to be weapons. The purpose of being born is just to be killed. They are like frogs on the dissecting table.


...Why is this the result? Mikoto said softly with trembling lips.

The reason is simple. It was all because the young Mikoto provided DNA information carelessly.

No one knows now whether the man in the white lab coat had lied to her from the beginning, or whether the originally sound research had deteriorated midway.

Once upon a time, there was a girl who dreamed of helping others.

However, the girl's dream led to the fact that 20,000 people would be killed.


Therefore, the girl hopes to prevent this from happening no matter what.

Even if it means sacrificing one's own life, this crazy experiment must be stopped.

The girl didn't think it was cool to risk her life. The girl did not want to lose her life.

In fact, the girl was trembling﹒ The fingertips gradually lost their color and became cold.

The back of my head seemed to be surrounded by a large amount of noise, making it impossible to think calmly.

If I could, I would really like to scream for help.

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