At this time, Miss Misaka, who was looking at the black cat with an expressionless face, suddenly stopped moving, her body remained completely still, her head turned around like a machine, and her eyes looked directly at Xia Qing's face.

Although her face was expressionless, she could still feel that Misaka-san seemed a little unhappy. She picked up the goggles on the ground, hung them on her forehead, and retracted the hand holding the bun.

The reason why I took off the goggles is because according to Misaka's information, cats hate luminous objects such as lenses, Misaka explained.

Should Misaka apologize for making you mistakenly think that Misaka is your sister?

For some reason, Misaka hid the hand holding the bun behind her back when she spoke expressionlessly.

The originally frightened black cat now let out a dissatisfied cry.

That's not necessary.

Xia Qing waved his hand.

By the way, if cats hate lenses, why did you put on the goggles? You don't like to be seen without goggles, right?

Although his face was expressionless and his movements were very calm, so it was a bit difficult to judge, but Xia Qing realized that Sister Misaka hurriedly put the goggles on her head because she found someone looking at her.

...From time to time, it must not be the case, Misaka replied.

Although the voice of the answer was unhesitating, there was a problem with the wording.

The expressionless Miss Misaka was holding a bun in her hand, squatting on the ground to seduce the cat, and even took off her goggles to prevent the cat from being scared. This behavior, coupled with her expressionless expression, looked a bit funny.

Why don't you give the bun to the cat? You should like cats, right?

No...that's not the case...

Sister Misaka stopped moving and continued.

It's impossible for Misaka to feed this black cat anyway, Misaka concluded. Because Misaka has a fatal flaw. Misaka added.

Author's message:


ps: Thanks to Silly Thing for your monthly ticket*1!

Chapter 70 I'm angry! (4/4)

Sister Misaka said to Xia Qing.

Misaka's body produces a weak magnetic field all the time, Misaka explained. Although humans cannot detect it, other animals can feel the difference.


It is said that before earthquakes, animals behave abnormally because they feel the changes in the magnetic field produced underground due to changes in the earth's crust. Misaka gave an easy-to-understand example.

So, you are easily annoying to animals because of the magnetic field?

Sister Misaka showed an unhappy look and said.

It's not that I hate it, but I don't know how to deal with it. Misaka asked for a correction.

It sounds quite pitiful, but because of the magnetic field in her body, Miss Misaka is hated by animals even if she does nothing. She stares at the frightened black cat with emotionless eyes.

Then you slowly consume it. Do you have to have the cat run into your arms before you are willing to feed it?

When Xia Qing was about to leave, Sister Misaka spoke up.

Wait a minute, Misaka calls out to stop it.


Be quiet and listen to Misaka! There is a black cat here.

Misaka pointed inside the cardboard box.

Look at this hungry black cat, why did it choose to leave instead of lending a helping hand? Misaka asked.

I have already adopted a stray cat, and I have also adopted two freeloaders. Are you planning to make my house even more chaotic?

Xia Qing asked rhetorically.

That's not what Misaka meant, Misaka tried to explain. Do you know what kind of treatment animals caught by the sanitation center will receive? Misaka gave an example.

First, the animals will be put into a box made of aviation plastic, and then 20 milligrams of nerve gas will be poured into it...

Then don't you just keep it? You discovered this cat, and you should take the responsibility of being the first to discover it.

Xia Qing retorted.

What... Misaka was shocked by such a rebuttal.

Sister Misaka opened her eyes wide.

...It is impossible for Misaka to raise this cat. Misaka answered honestly, because the place where Misaka lives is somewhat different from your living environment.

Misaka explained the reason.

Sister Misaka, who was squatting on the ground, silently looked into Black Cat's eyes.

Misaka's eyes were emotionless. She knew clearly that Black Cat would never fall in love with her but she was still attracted to Black Cat.

If Miss Misaka is left alone, she will most likely just look at the black cat until tomorrow morning. With her stubborn personality, she might even be willing to fight the health center staff.

Misaka wants to know whether you have the intention to adopt, and Misaka questions it. If you don't adopt, the staff at the health center will-

Okay, don't talk anymore. I'll take it back. However, since it's your cat, you have to come and pick the name. Besides, I won't be responsible for its food and hygiene. You have to come in person for bathing and other things. .”

...Misaka's cat?

Yes, your cat!

Xia Qing pinched the black cat's fateful neck and lifted it up.


The black cat looked at Xia Qing with fearful eyes as if encountering a natural enemy. Sister Misaka, who ignored the reactions of Xia Qing and the black cat, looked up at the sunset expressionlessly for a while, and then said.



This black cat, Misaka named it's obviously a cat but it's called a dog, hehe...

Sister Misaka smiled stupidly as if she had thought of something funny.

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