After hearing this, Xia Qing and Index nodded in agreement.

so what should I do now?

Why don't you use water?

Xia Qing created a blue water ball out of thin air with a wave of his hand, floating in front of the girls.

At this time, Himegami Qiusha also put his hand into the miko uniform and took out a jar.

Huh? What is that?

Index asked curiously.

Huh? What is this, you ask me? You know it's a magic spray can, right?

No matter how you look at it, you can tell it's a pesticide.

Xia Qing said with shame.

What do you want with this thing?

Just spray the pests with a magic spray can.

... Let me tell you, fleas are living things, but cats are also living things, right? What you are holding is Academy City's experimental insecticide. Even cockroaches will rise to the sky within two seconds. Is it possible that there is something stuck on your face? When a mosquito bites you, will you spray insecticide on your face without hesitation?

Himegami and Index looked at each other with question marks on their heads.

If you want to ask what is the scariest thing, it is that these two girls really acted because they thought they were thinking about the calico cat.

Sister Misaka, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

As for how to deal with fleas on cats...although it's not a great idea, I just think it's good to just use the flea repellent on the market.

Misaka suggested. There is a medicated powder that can be used to repel fleas as long as it is sprinkled on the surface of the cat's body.

...But medicine is kind of bad for your health, isn't it?

Index asked.

Because this kitten appears to be less than a year old, compared with a person with superpowers who has developed amazing drug resistance over the years, the standard of comparison between harmful and harmless is of course different.

However, Sister Misaka didn't seem to have any special reaction.

There can be no completely harmless drugs in this world, Misaka replied without hesitation.

But compared with the harm of drugs, the harm of fleas is more serious, Misaka added.


The harm caused by fleas, lice and other pests is not just about causing dermatitis.

Misaka added an explanation.

It may cause allergies, and in the most serious cases, it may even be life-threatening, Misaka said worriedly.

Then, Sister Misaka spoke again.

Anyway, you want to get rid of fleas on cats without using drugs? Misaka confirms. Of course, without using smoke or pesticides.

Sister Misaka looked at Xia Qing expressionlessly.

You should supervise these two people, Misaka warned. If they are not taken away from the cat quickly, they may be charged with damage to objects at any time, Misaka added.

What would you do if it were you?

Xia Qing asked.

The nun and the miko's shoulders shook at the same time when they heard this.

Huh... Would you rather ask a strange girl than adopt my method? Huh...

This is how the old characters are gradually being eliminated. Haha, it seems that our days in the future are not long.

Why don't you think carefully about your calculation method?

Xia Qing ignored what they both said.

Sister Misaka said softly with an expressionless face.

Repeat, do you want to get rid of fleas on the surface of the cat's body without using pesticides, smoke and drugs? Misaka makes final confirmation.

Yeah, what to do?

Just do it. Misaka answered quickly.

Sister Misaka stretched out her palm towards the calico cat curled up on the floor.

In an instant, Miss Misaka's palm emitted static electricity with a pop!

Fleas' corpses fell like dust from the calico cat's fur, and the Sphinx turned around with its fur standing on end──Fortunately, Himegami caught his fate before he jumped from the seventh floor. the back of the neck.

This is a method of killing pests using static electricity of a specific wavelength, Misaka reports.

Insect repellent devices that use this principle are available at major mass stores, so safety should not be a problem.

Misaka then looked at the door.

As for fleas in the house, they should be easy to get rid of with a fume-based insecticide.

Misaka suggested.

If there is nothing else, Misaka will leave first.

After saying this, Sister Misaka turned and left without hesitation.

Looking at the girl's back, Index said in a daze.

Xia can there be such a perfect girl?

Perfect? ​​No different from you.

Xia Qing replied.

However, the two girls sitting behind probably didn't understand the underlying meaning of Xia Qing's words.


I'm in trouble today too, senior, see you tomorrow~

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