This is impossible……

Oreos's voice became hoarse, and his fighting spirit was gradually disappearing.

Yes, I can understand that you can't believe it. After all, even I who witnessed it with my own eyes still can't believe it.

No, it should be said that I don’t want to believe it. This is tantamount to declaring to myself that this child will never come back to me.

That's ridiculous! This is impossible! How can there be any way to save the Index of Forbidden Books! And it is to maintain the human body! What's more, this man is neither a magician nor an alchemist. What ability does he have?

As for this, since it is related to the Church of Necessary Evil... no, it is related to the reputation of Puritanism as a whole, so I can't tell you the reason. I can only tell you...

Steele said cruelly, blowing out smoke.

This guy has magical attainments that even I have to admire. Simply put, in terms of knowledge of magic, he has far surpassed us.

The alchemist was stunned.

The original calmness was no longer there, and the alchemist looked up at Xia Qing.

...Wait, let's put it this way...

Yes, thank you for your hard work. I heard that you betrayed the Orthodox Church and hid underground for three years? It seems that all your efforts were in vain. Well, I can understand the pain of not being able to get rewards for such efforts.

However, now this child is living a happy life with his friends as you expected.


The decisive word.

Everything that originally supported Aureos Isard collapsed——

He started laughing wildly.


He lost everything he owned, became an alchemist, and even attacked his former companions, just to save a girl.

But got this truth that is worse than frog piss.

Now, Aureos's excitement has not calmed down. Who should the murderous intention in his heart surge towards?

It's obvious.

As long as you think about it for a moment, you will know that this development is very natural and taken for granted.

──Fall down! Intruder!

A roar like an explosion.

In an instant, everyone present except Oreos was suppressed by an invisible force and unable to move.

Including Steele, the red-haired magician was also placed flat on the floor. With average physical strength, he was even more unbearable than Xia Qing.

Ha...haha...hahahaha! I won't kill you easily! Let me have fun for a while! If I don't use you to vent, I can't maintain my rationality!

The alchemist took out a hair-thin needle from his arms. Holding it with trembling hands, he aimed at his neck and inserted the needle as if pressing a button inside his body.

Then he pulled out the needle and threw it aside, as if trying to catch a poisonous insect eating his skin.

These movements were like signals to start an attack, and Oreos glared at Xia Qing again.


At this moment, Ji Shen Qiusha rushed up and wanted to block Xia Qing.

Stay out of the way, woman!

Oreos shouted angrily, and immediately prepared to kill Himegami Qiusha directly.

And at this moment——

The plain voice sounded like the death knell of Oreos.

Platinum Star, kill him.

In front of Oreos, a purple giant more than two meters tall swung a fist that could crush diamonds at him, suddenly coming down like a bullet!



Even though the [Platinum Star] cannot be seen, both Steel and Himegami Akisa can clearly see the bloody appearance of Oreos being smashed.

However, Xia Qing subconsciously covered Index's eyes. It would be better not to let her see such a bloody scene.

Himegami Qiusha originally regarded Oreos, who rescued her from Misawa Juku, as a friend, but now the situation has become like this, which she did not expect.

Whether killing him would be his destruction or salvation is unknown.

But someone was indeed saved, the girl in the witch costume thought.

The girl, no longer treated as an object, looked at the profile of the black-haired boy.

The scene from ten years ago seemed to flash before my eyes.

One night ten years ago, a mountain village in Kyoto was attacked by vampires.

It happened so suddenly, without any warning or any sign.

What was once a peaceful village that didn't even need a police station turned into hell overnight.

The young men who tried to fight off the vampires were killed one by one.

In the end, it's not even clear who is a human and who is a vampire.

The companions who were supposed to be united fell into the quagmire of killing each other.

Before dawn, there are only two types of people left in the village, one is the dead and the other is the vampire.

What is it about myself that can still survive in this situation?

The girl was thinking in her young heart.

There were vampires everywhere, all familiar uncles and aunts who only said goodbye to me in the evening.

The old vegetable shop owner who once told him, It's getting late, go home quickly bit his own neck.

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