If that's the case, why is there someone behind you?

The man's voice seemed to pop out of nowhere.


Steele slowly turned back. He knew very well that letting the enemy come behind him without even knowing it would have fatal consequences.

And standing there was──


Huh? Is this right here?

Just as the orange-red of the sunset and the purple of the night were beginning to mix, Index arrived in front of Misawa Private School.

Although it looks like a very ordinary building, its ordinaryness is what makes it strange.

Index came here after tracking the master of rune magic installed in the student dormitory.

However, the magic thread suddenly broke after it reached the wall of the building.

To put it simply, there is clearly an abnormality in this building, but it pretends to be normal. The intention is really obvious.

Just like people have magic power, this world also has power.

Christianity calls this power God Bless, and the magic organization Golden Dawn that created the prototype of modern Western magic calls it Telesma.

But in terms of language sense, the closest thing is probably the concept of earth veins or dragon veins in Eastern Feng Shui thought.

As the name suggests, there are veins formed by the flow of power everywhere in the world, extending in all directions like blood vessels.

Just like human magic is refined from life force, something like gasoline refined from crude oil.

Similarly, the power of the world itself does not have much power (of course, the lifespan of the planet is incomparable to the lifespan of a person, so this power is definitely much greater than the magic power of a person).

But through temples or temples, after converting this power into world power, it will become a huge energy.

The power that fills this world is like air, and ordinary people (including magicians) cannot feel it.

The only people who can see power are specially trained wizards or Feng Shui masters.

However, the four buildings standing in front of them have no such power at all.

Although the power of the world is like air and cannot be felt normally, once it becomes a vacuum, it will be difficult to breathe.

By the same token, Index felt an extremely strange feeling here.

To put it simply, the power that should be filled in every corner is completely absent in these buildings.


It's like a piece of Death Tower cut into squares, like a huge tombstone in this world.

Perhaps this is a barrier erected to prevent the magic power inside the building from leaking out. But this is going too far.

It is as if the forest was cut open with force and a city of stone and steel was built, with an artificial and ugly side.

Why didn't the rune magician notice this anomaly?

Perhaps it was because the Rune Mage itself was a huge magic refining furnace that he didn't notice it.

Just like people who are used to eating heavy flavors, their tongues cannot distinguish subtle changes in taste.

But Index was completely unable to refine her magic power.

Therefore, she could feel the subtle changes in this lightness very clearly.

This is not a barrier to prevent the invasion of foreign enemies, but a barrier to prevent enemies who enter the barrier from escaping... It is very similar to the situation in the Egyptian pyramids...

The nun in white monastic uniform muttered to herself as she walked into the automatic door.

The moment you step in, you can feel the difference in the air.

It feels a bit like walking into a strongly air-conditioned store under the hot sun.

The peaceful streets that were once full of life suddenly turned into a silent battlefield filled with the smell of death, and it was by no means an illusion.

Because deep in the vast hall, next to the wall next to the elevator, there is a dead knight wearing Roman Orthodox regalia.

Index cautiously approached the knight and observed carefully.

The knight's magic tool Magic Armor is endowed with magical power and has the effect of absorbing the power of physical attacks.

However, because the focus is on the defense of physical attacks, the weakness of this set of equipment is that it is relatively unable to withstand magic attacks. However, this set of Magic Armor in front of you has been ignored by people with its powerful physical attack power. destroyed.

… Either he is ignorant of magic, or he is a real madman.

Of course, just one look at this building, which looks like a replica of the Pharaoh's tomb, will tell you that the former possibility is definitely not true.

Chapter 60 What kind of creature is a vampire? (2/4)

So things are going to be very troublesome. The magical armor that can destroy the Roman Orthodox Church with physical power seems like the opponent is either good at using spiritual bodies to summon archangels or good at making metal giants.

No matter what the possibility is, Xia Qing cannot be allowed to run around in this building. The danger is too great.

Index thought so.

At this time, there was a sudden sound like something was being dragged next to him.

Index turned around and saw that there was an escape ladder entrance and exit next to the wall of the elevator.

There were constant sounds like dragging something and heavy breathing coming from there.


As soon as he said this, that thing had already crawled out of the escape ladder entrance.

That thing cannot be said to be a person, nor can it be said to be an object, because it obviously no longer looks like a person.

The lower body was torn off, the left wrist was missing, the right half of the face was blown off, and even the remaining left half was charred and carbonized due to the high temperature. He could still move like this, so he really couldn't be called a human.

Only half of the face seemed to be shaking slightly.

His incredible movements looked like he was thinking about something while tilting his head.

At the moment when Index was thinking about such an insignificant thing, that thing used only one wrist to prop itself up on the floor and flew this way.


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