These guys always want to go against me...

The roar tore through the air like a hot blade.

However, the footsteps behind him sounded like a sharper blade.


Anyone who looks at it will feel that the moment Oreos heard the footsteps, his back seemed to shrink even smaller.

Most people will choose to escape when they encounter fear. This is normal.

Everyone wants to escape, not to accept those annoying and painful things, and if possible, not even to look at them.

However, the sound of footsteps did not even allow Oreos to make such a physiological reaction that normal mortals would have.

Because the murderous intent contained in the footsteps gave people a sense of despair, as if if they looked away, their body would be broken into a hundred pieces.

Therefore, Oreos could only choose to turn back.

It was clear that he wanted to run for his life without even taking a glance, and that his spirit could no longer bear the pain, but Oreos could only turn around slowly, like a manipulated doll.

There, right there.

Only about two meters away from Oreos, Xia Qing stood there, with an expressionless look on his face, which frightened Oreos even more in this situation than a man with a ferocious face.

what happened……?

Oreos couldn't understand that he should be perfect, why could someone push himself to this point?

However, in reality, Xia Qing was standing there.

Did you have fun playing hide-and-seek?

A smile appeared on that calm face.

His seemingly approachable expression was like a devil in Oreos's eyes.

Aureos was so frightened that he hurriedly raised the instant alchemy.

You...don't come over!

Chapter 58: Crush, the Alchemist’s Fear (4/4)

Aureos frowned when he heard Xia Qing's voice that sounded like a death chant.

The sound made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar for a moment, and an extremely cold chill shot up from under his feet, making his hair stand on end.

Damn it! How could I lose to a guy like you who doesn't know where he came from!

Aureos hurriedly raised the Instant Alchemy, but this move was not out of fighting intent, but out of fear.

Oreos, whose face was full of fear and anxiety, shot the golden dart in order to stop Xia Qing's approach!

Several darts that flew towards Xia Qing's face suddenly stopped in mid-air even after flying less than two centimeters.


Oreos's anxiety continues to expand, but even if the performance of instant alchemy is reduced due to anxiety, he can still repeat the action of shooting and recovering six times in one second. As long as he can get those darts back into his hand, then He can continue to attack.

However, imagination is always beautiful.

But in an instant, those golden darts and chains were crushed into pieces by an invisible force like ice sculptures.

The fear brought by the unknown is far greater than the visible attacks.

Oreos didn't even know how to deal with that kind of power. For a moment, only one possibility flashed through his mind.

Mind control!

In Academy City, people with mental and telekinetic superpowers do exist, but...

Why does this person use magic?

Oreos's heart was full of doubts at this moment.

In other words, being able to use magic as a superpower is something outrageous, right?

However, the scene in front of him no longer allowed Oreos to continue thinking.

Oh, let you see what you are facing before you die.

Xia Qing smiled like this and then snapped her fingers.

Oreos, who was about to die, finally saw the purple giant that was more than two meters tall appearing in front of him. The strong body and the overwhelming power exuding from his body were perfect.

Immediately afterwards, there was a fist capable of shattering diamonds, which directly caused Oreos to stop thinking at this moment.



After the dull sound passed through, Xia Qing turned around and no longer looked at the body.

Alchemists are also classified as magicians, even though they are different.

Xia Qing murmured as he walked towards the stairs.

Speaking of which, I don't know how far Platinum Star has grown now.

Xia Qing thought so and opened the status bar directly.

Name: Xia Qing

Level (Sword Soul/Elemental Exploder): LV.34

Experience value: (55%)

Sex: Male

Race: Human (no upper limit)

Height: 176cm

Bloodline: [Uchiha Bloodline]

Special abilities: [Substitute·Platinum Star], [Ripple Run], [Stealth: B], [Thunder Breath (Full Concentrated Breathing·Constant)], [Flying·5 Seconds (Growing)]

Physique: 742→764 (10) Strength: 792→821 (10) Speed: 827→839 (10) Spirit: 296→298 (10)

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