The large refrigerator and cooking utensils used for business make the already narrow kitchen even more crowded.

In this way, it is even harder to see how big the original space was, so it is difficult for outsiders to judge.

...Well...this is my first time coming into contact with scientific religion. But it doesn't seem like a big deal.

I thought there would be a framed photo of the leader.

Steele muttered something.

Chapter 51 Why do we need to recite incantations when using magic? (2/5)

In the field of science, there is an indicator called Fanatical Religion Danger Rating.

For example, the money-absorbing level that collects money from believers, the expansion level that forces newcomers to join the religion, the absolute obedience level that believers will not complain even if they are ordered to self-destruct, and the dangerous substance manufacturing level that produces poisonous gas or bombs wait.

All these levels are scored. Religions with higher scores can be classified as more dangerous scientific religions.

From the perspective of science alone, Misawa Juku is not a dangerous religion.

Because the members are students, it is impossible to collect too much money.

And since it is a cram school, it is not suitable for making poisonous gas or bacterial weapons.

No, this is a genuine scientific religion.

Xia Qing said.

It was obviously a restaurant where many students gathered, but surprisingly, the atmosphere was as solemn as if you were riding in an elevator.

Although everyone present spoke loudly, the content of the conversation was not happy.

They can only say things like, How many people won the mock test at that time, and how many points did the score go up? or I don't know why in this era, there are still useless people who don't study, etc., to please others by belittling others. Own.

Xia Qing glanced at the poster posted on the wall of the cafeteria.

This is a very ordinary cram school poster.

The posters depict two extreme examples: If you study hard now, you will get into school and be happy and If you don't study now, you will fail and be very unhappy.

In fact, it's like some kind of curse letter, the kind of prank email that says something like, Send this letter to seven people in seven days and you'll be happy.

On the other hand, if you don't do this, you will encounter misfortune, which is a metaphorical threat.

A sane person would never believe this, but it cannot be ruled out that among a group of people there will be one or two fools who believe in it is better to believe what they have than to believe what they have not.

The place Misawa Juku takes advantage of the uneasiness in the students' hearts. After all, before the exam, they will always be a little nervous. Therefore, some people choose to bring amulets and the like. something to try to help yourself.

Students who fail the exam can easily be taken advantage of by the Misawa School.

Just when Xia Qing and Steele came to an empty restaurant.

In an instant, about eighty students in the restaurant suddenly turned their attention to Xia Qing.

In the silent restaurant, even Steele felt a little ashamed when the eighty people looked at him without saying a word.

The people on the 'front' of the coin should not be able to see us on the 'back' of the coin. Is that so? Are there such automatic alarm devices around the secret room?

Steele looked around.

Nearly eighty students were indeed looking at Xia Qing.

The originally very human movements disappeared, and they all stood blankly, their eyes like inorganic glass.

At this moment, voices began to be heard from a certain type of students.

The wings of the blazing sky are the radiance, and the brilliance is the pure white that exposes sin...

One of the students who was standing still began to mutter something of unknown meaning to himself.

Pure white is the evidence of purification, and evidence is the result of action...

The second person's voice is superimposed on the first person's voice.

Oops, they seem to be chanting a spell!

Steele said.

The result is the future, the future is time, and time is uniform...

Second person's voice, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen Eighteen Nineteen——

The next moment, the voices of eighty students overlapped together.

Everything is everything. What created everything is the past. The past is the cause. The cause is one. One is sin. Sin is man. Man is afraid of punishment. Fear is sin. The sin is in his body. There is something in his body that must be spurned. By burning The wings of the sky expose one's sins and eliminate them from the body...

The chorus of eighty people—no, it should be said to be created by everyone in the entire building, shook the whirlpool of words from thousands of people.

From between a student's eyebrows, a blue-white light the size of a ping pong ball appeared.

Perhaps because of its spherical shape, its destination drifted ambiguously in the air, and then landed on the floor next to Xia Qing.

It makes a sizzling sound like strong acid and emits some medicinal-like white smoke.

Tsk, even though it's just a copy, it can actually create the 'Gregor Chant'. It seems that I underestimated this creature Aureos Isard.

What is that?

Originally the ultimate weapon of Orthodoxy. Three thousand three hundred and thirty-three monks gathered in the church to chant the great magic of the Holy Mantra.

Just like focusing sunlight with a magnifying glass, the power of magic can be greatly enhanced.

Steele gritted his teeth and said.

Although this is just a replica now, and the number of students is only about 2,000, but like the proverb in this country, 'sand builds up a tower', its power cannot be underestimated.

Anyway, let's get out of here first.

Xia Qing looked at the students who wanted to rush out, and quickly pulled Steele outside the door. Then he used magic to form a film-like wall at the door, blocking all the surging light groups.

Looking at the water-like blue wall arranged by Xia Qing at the door, Steele couldn't help but have a hint of surprise on his face.

You don't need to recite incantations when using magic?

I am the element that is directly controlled, why do I need to recite the incantation?

Xia Qing asked rhetorically.

...Manipulate the elements!?

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