In other words, this is what Steele means. Whether vampires exist or not is not the point. The point is that some people believe in the existence of vampires and cause trouble.

Now that something has broken out, someone needs to solve it - this is the crux of the problem.

You mean, a group of people don't even know whether such a thing exists, but they are having this kind of boring dispute?

Xia Qing couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, revealing a sarcastic smile.

It's our job to deal with things like this that we don't know exist.

Steele smiled sarcastically.

So Misawa School and the Alchemist are serious. They really want to deal with vampires, so they need a trump card, which is the vampire killer.

By the way, do you know the past of the vampire killer? I heard that the girl originally lived in a mountain village in Kyoto, but one day all the villagers died.

The last villager to report, perhaps already in a state of chaos, said that he would be killed by the monster.

When the rescue team arrived, they saw a deserted village, a girl standing blankly in the village, and the entire village covered with white ashes like snow.

Vampires turn to gray when they die.

It's true that vampires are creatures that don't exist, but if you think about it, vampire killers have the power to kill vampires.

But for a vampire killer to kill a vampire, the premise is of course that the vampire killer must meet a vampire.

For those who want to find a vampire no matter what, the best way is of course to catch the vampire killer first.

However, since the vampire killer has the power to kill even vampires, how can we subdue the vampire killer? This is also a big problem.

Steele's topic finally came to an end.

...To put it simply, I have to break into the Misawa School and rescue the vampire killer.

Chapter 45 One Belt, One Road (1/5)

Oh, then go ahead.

Xia Qing said this and then prepared to walk in the direction of his home.

Don't say it so easily. Come with me.

Steele said.

This is just a very simple description of facts. Also, those words just now were from the combat meeting before launching the attack. Do you still remember the content of the conversation?

Those documents are engraved with flame runes, which will burst into flames once viewed.


Steele said indifferently.

The Church of Necessary Evil has defined you as an existence that will replace the collar and become a shackle. If the church thinks that you are no longer useful, that would be a good thing for me. If you can do this, thank you very much. .

Shackles that have no effect are meaningless, so I can legitimately recycle the child.

This was a threat from the church, which reached Xia Qing through Steele's mouth.

What an annoying church, where is the headquarters of those guys?

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows and said.


The cigarette in Steele's mouth fell to the ground because he was so shocked. don't want to go against the church, do you? I advise you to save it. There are magicians stronger than me among those people. Even if you can defeat me, how can you fight with such a large group of magicians? Compared?

...Speaking of which, is the location of your church easy to find?

Xia Qing asked.

...I won't tell you the location. It would be too cruel for Index if you just die like this.

I (beep————)

Hearing the sudden fragrant breath, Steele, who couldn't speak dirty words, was stunned, but then he continued to speak.

If you are unhappy, you can duel with me, but that will happen after you deal with the alchemist in Misawa Juku. Also, I just forgot to mention that the vampire killer's real name is Himegami Akisa.

There are photos in it. You'd better take a look. It's impossible to save someone without even knowing what the person you need to save looks like.

A photo slipped out of the envelope.

The photo also seemed to be blessed by Steele's rune power, flying in the air and then landing in front of Xia Qing.

It's her...

Previously, I was only thinking about the Church of Necessary Evil, but I had ignored this matter.

He glanced at the photo that floated in front of him, and what appeared on it was undoubtedly the face of the girl he met before.

Perhaps he had enlarged the photo in the student handbook or a certain ID card, but that face, that of a girl named Himegami Akisa, had an expressionless face that felt very familiar.

Come on, get her out of there.

Steele was stunned.

Take? Aren't you going to rescue?


Located in the Misawa Junior School, a girl named Himegami Qiusha looked at the students sitting among the teachers and listened to the voices of conversation. For some reason, Xia Qing, whom she had seen during the day, flashed through her mind. Face.

Strange...why do I suddenly think of that person...

I don't know the name, but he seems very easy-going.

As a vampire killer Himegami Qiusha, she was indeed able to vaguely detect a special aura on Xia Qing's body. She could only feel the flow of magic power, but that alone made the girl feel very dangerous.

How can I stop this strange life...

Himegami Qiusha sighed. If possible, she didn't want to have this kind of vampire killer power.

The power that killed her parents and the entire village was simply a curse on her.

Folding her arms in front of the table, the girl buried her face between her arms and closed her eyes.

Scenes of memories from the past emerged.

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