Ah, don't run around! Sphinx!

Index quickly wanted to catch up, but after running forward a few steps, she stopped as if she suddenly noticed something.

...It's so strange, Xia Qing! I feel that the flow of magic power around here is concentrated!

Index looked at Xia Qing and muttered to herself.

You don't need to tell me, I've already felt it.

Xia Qing, who didn't feel any sense of crisis, replied.

...The attribute is earth, the color is green, this ritual is...using the earth as a medium to channel magic power, and relying on the intervention of consciousness...

Index seemed to be murmuring what was on her mind. After murmuring, the girl immediately revealed her eyes as sharp as a blade and rushed towards the edge of the road and into the alley between the buildings.

It seems that someone has set up a [magic circle]! I'm going to investigate. Xia Qing, please go back first!


In just a moment, Index's figure disappeared into the alley.

When Xia Qinggang stretched out his hand like this, the girl was already far away.

However, he did not chase after him immediately. Instead, he took a long breath, turned around, looked at the man who was approaching slowly, and was two meters tall, and said.

Now that Index has been lured away, if you have anything to do, please tell her quickly and don't waste my time.

Now, standing opposite Xia Qing was more of a boy than a man.

But for the tall man in front of him who was more than two meters tall, the word young man was a bit inappropriate. This man has very fair skin and is wearing dark monastic clothes.

However, if he is a priest, the smell of perfume on his body is too strong.

His long hair was dyed red, earrings hung from his ears, silver rings were worn on all five fingers, and there was a barcode-like tattoo under his right eye. This depraved appearance reminded people of words such as a monk who broke the vows and a treacherous person.

Huh, we haven't seen each other for so long, but you didn't even say hello? Well, that's fine, after all, that's how our relationship is.

Chapter 43 Vampire Killer (3/4)

If we're between us, it's better to use this to say hello.

Xia Qing could vaguely smell the perfume several meters away, and Steele closed one eye and laughed softly.

But in the next moment, his smile melted like a wax statue's face, expanding to both sides. At that moment, a line of fiery red flames spurted out from Steele's hand.

He shot towards Xia Qing without stopping.

A circle of blue ripples immediately appeared in front of Xia Qing's raised right hand, and the condensed circular ice shield directly blocked the 3,000-degree Celsius flame.

It seems like you think I didn't hit you in the face last time, so now you sincerely want me to regret it?

Xia Qing waved his hand to disperse the flames and said with a smile.

Nervous sweat dripped down Steele's forehead, and the oppressive feeling invaded his heart again.

Yes... that's the expression. The relationship between Xia Qing and Steele Magnus should be like this. I won't treat you as an enemy just because you saved the child.

But in fact, Steele said this because he could not let the church know that they were on Xia Qing's side, otherwise it would only send stronger magicians here prematurely.

Of course, whether it was Xia Qing or Steele, both of them tacitly understood each other and did not say it out loud.

Well, I came here to tell you something.

As he spoke, Steele took out a large envelope bag from his arms.

This one-way, three-lane road can be used as a taxiway for airplanes. There are several department stores lined up on the left and right, but if you look closely, you can see that there are no people or cars on the entire road.

In this area, Steele had used the idler dispelling magic, so there was not a single person on the entire road.

The spiral blades of the wind turbine made a rattling sound that echoed in the deserted streets, like the laughter of skeletons.

In the distance, sirens can be heard blaring on an unmanned level crossing.

Ehwaz. (Go ahead.)

Steele said, flicking out the large envelope in his hand like a postcard with his index finger. The thick envelope bag spun like a Frisbee and slowly landed in Xia Qing's hands.

The envelope has strange words written on it, as if to seal the document inside.

The moment Steele murmured to himself, the words on the envelope began to glow, and the seal was separated from the middle as if it had been cut with a knife.

“Have you ever heard of the name of the cram school ‘Misawa School’?”

Steele said in a singing tone. Each piece of a large amount of information was engraved with runes, like a magic carpet. Only the necessary information flew out of the envelope and floated in front of Xia Qing's eyes.

It is said that this is the cram school with the highest market share in the country.

Steele said with waning interest.

A cram school, as the name suggests, is a school for tutoring. Students who failed the college entrance examination will gather here to study.

However, the cram-up classes for college entrance in Academy City have another meaning, which is to provide a place for those who have the ability to go to college, but choose to retake the exam for a year in order to go to a better college. place.

A piece of information floated to Xia Qing's eyes.

It seems that in addition to being a remedial class for further studies, Misawa Juku also provides pre-examination sprint classes for ordinary high school students who have not yet become re-examination candidates, that is, are still in school.

Here's the thing.

While Xia Qing was flipping through the information, Steele explained to Xia Qing while holding a cigarette in his mouth.

Although he is only fourteen or fifteen years old, he looks like an adult man in his twenties, so even if he is not in the idler dispersal area, no one will greet him because he smokes.

There's a girl locked up there, and it's my job to get her out.

As he spoke, Steele raised his index finger. Photocopy paper kept flying out of the envelope in Xia Qing's hand, flying around Xia Qing like snowflakes.

That is a positional relationship diagram of Misawa Juku. However, the positional relationship diagram has errors from the actual dimensions measured externally using infrared rays and ultrasonic waves.

It was obvious that twisted secret rooms appeared everywhere in the building, as if they were being eaten by insects.

The next one is the electricity bill of Misawa Juku.

After checking the electricity consumption of all electrical appliances in all the rooms investigated, it still does not match the total amount. It is obvious that some unknown places in the building are using a lot of electricity.

Then there is the list of personnel of Misawa Juku.

However, it is obvious that both teachers and students are hoarding large amounts of food.

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