Xia Qing's voice became weaker and weaker as he spoke, and finally he coughed twice and changed the topic.

It's not because you brought those robots here. It's your problem anyway.


Although Mikoto's cheeks were as red as apples at the moment, she still endured the shyness in her heart and tried hard to show her usual lively temperament.

I obviously came to get you a soda, so you should thank me, right?


Xia Qing pulled the tab of the can and expressed his rare approval of the girl's words.

Then thank you very much... tons tons tons~~~

Mikoto was not good at dealing with such frank words, so she stuttered.

Hmph! No, you're welcome!

Then, the girl suddenly remembered something, shook her head vigorously, and said to Xia Qing.

Ignore this for now. What you hugged me just now, as long as we have a showdown with you, I will treat it as if it never happened!

Xia Qing, who had finished drinking the soda, looked around, trying to find the trash can.

Didn't you already see what you saw last time you came to me for a duel? You might die if I punch you? Why don't I just admit defeat? Can I come back to you for a duel in a few days?

Mikoto was stunned when she heard this, and then immediately answered loudly.

I want...you have to take care of it! You were unharmed at the time, how can you be considered a loser!

Oh? What should I do?

Xia Qing asked.

Eh? Then...of course...

Mikoto said in words that even made her feel ashamed.

Of course after I beat you!

In that case, let's do it.

After hearing Xia Qing's agreement, Misaka Mikoto's expression became serious, and a strong smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Finally... I feel a little more motivated.

Afterwards, the two came to an open space with an iron bridge and high-rise buildings as the background. This place should be used as a baseball field during the day.

But now it has become a place where two people duel.

However, even though it was a duel, Xia Qing always felt like a bully. Naturally, he didn't intend to use any powerful moves in this kind of rough and tumble sparring. It happened to be quite boring right now, so there was no harm in playing with the opponent. .

Then let's start now.

You don't have to say it!

Mikoto shouted like a passionate girl.

I have finally waited for this day...

When she was talking to herself, the bangs in front of her forehead immediately emitted a blue Lightning Spear, winding towards Xia Qing!


The raging current directly hit Xia Qing's body, but it seemed to have no effect at all. After flickering a few times, it immediately dissipated.

Sure enough... the electric shock doesn't work on this guy, then...

As she murmured like this, the girl opened her right hand and pointed it at the bare ground next to her that looked like a programmer's head.

Countless black particle-like matter began to be sucked out from the ground, converging into a liquid-like black sword in Mikoto's hand.

This is the Iron Sand Sword that Mikoto usually uses in combat.

By manipulating electromagnetic force, Mikoto can collect all the iron sand in the soil within a radius of two hundred meters, and use the magnetic force to make the iron sand move according to her thoughts, forming a whip sword.

The Iron Sand Sword looks like a long sword, but it can change its shape and length freely like a whip. It can extend tens of meters in the air, and the sound it produces is like amplifying the flapping of bees' wings hundreds of times.

A huge amount of iron sand is controlled by energy such as electromagnetic force, thus vibrating, like an ultra-high-speed electric chain saw.

The high-speed vibrating iron sand can cut off objects like an electric chain saw and can be used in combat or defense. The iron sand can be controlled to fly from all directions, turning it into a storm of high-speed vibrating slender assassination needles that can attack from all directions from 360 degrees. Attack the opponent.

Hey, using weapons at this time is a bit shameful.

Xia Qing looked at the long sword made of iron sand in the girl's hand and raised her eyebrows.

This can be regarded as the product of an ability user's ability. There is nothing unfair about it.

Mikoto replied with a smile.

At this time, a fallen leaf blown by the wind fell on the Iron Sand Sword in Mikoto's hand, and then it immediately turned into two halves like water, and floated away from underneath the traveler.

If the iron ore vibrates, it will turn into a saw-like weapon. It might bleed if it touches it~

Mikoto, who had never used this move so far, thought that Xia Qing had deliberately asked such a question, maybe because she had no idea about her own attack method, and she felt a little excited at the same time.

Maybe you can defeat him this way!

Take the move!

After shouting like this, Mikoto's right arm holding the Iron Sand Sword suddenly swung forward, and the Iron Sand Sword immediately stretched out in the direction of Xia Qing like a long whip and stabbed it!

However, the whip he swung did hit something. The open space where Xia Qing was standing seemed to explode. With an explosion sound of Boom!, the flying soil and dust were blown away by the wind. After that, all that was left was a pothole.

Where are the people...!?

Although it was not a good thing to be hit, Mikoto still felt a sense of regret. Naturally, she could not attack Xia Qing's body, but hit him one meter away from Xia Qing.

Mikoto still hopes to see Xia Qing being defeated by her own moves after using them.

In that case, you win.

At least win in the field you are good at.

I missed it.

Xia Qing's voice came softly from behind the girl.

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