And rise...

Kanzaki continued with a sad look on his face.

More than 85% of her brain capacity has been taken up by the 13,000 magic books in the Forbidden Books Index, and she can only rely on the remaining 15% to barely maintain functions... Even so, her abilities can still match Ordinary people are no different.”


After hearing this, Xia Qing couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

What are you laughing at? Do you know that Index is in a very dangerous situation now? If her memory is not eliminated as soon as possible, her life will be in danger.

No, no, I'm not laughing at you.

Xia Qing said.

A trace of anger appeared on Kanzaki Kaori's face.

You've been laughing all this time, and you haven't stopped! Damn it! Are you laughing at our efforts? If you really do it for Index's good, you should hand her over to us!

Her body resisted violently at this moment, but Xia Qing pressed her down with increased strength, her pretty cheeks pressed against the cold ground.

For some reasons, the body cannot completely touch the ground, and the lower abdomen is still somewhat suspended.

If Misaka Mikoto were to come, she would be able to stick to the ground easily.

Uh-huh, at this moment, she should be thankful that she couldn't hear Xia Qing's inner voice.

Faced with Xia Qing's indifferent expression, Kanzaki Kaori, who was physically unable to resist, could only try to persuade him with words.

As I said, 85% of her brain capacity has been used to memorize those 103,000 books.

Kanzaki's shoulders trembled slightly as she continued.

The brain capacity she can use is only 15% of that of ordinary people. If she continues to 'memorize' like ordinary people, her brain will soon be saturated. But the way she remembers things is different from us. What she has is completely Memory ability represents the ability to never forget something once you have seen it. However, is the behavior of forgetting really a bad thing?

A little bright red blood spilled from the corners of Kanzaki's mouth because he clenched his teeth too hard.

The capacity of the human brain is actually smaller than we think. Our brains can continue to operate for nearly a hundred years because the brain can constantly organize memories and forget useless memories. You should not remember a week ago What did you have for dinner? Everyone is organizing their brains unconsciously, and if they don’t do this, they can’t survive.”

But she couldn't do that.

Kanzaki said in a cold voice.

The leaves of every street tree, the faces of every person in the crowd, the shape of every raindrop falling from the sky... nothing can be forgotten, so her brain will be filled with these garbage memories in a short period of time.

A tear flashed across the corner of Kanzaki's eye.

...Originally, she only had 15% of her brain capacity left, and with complete memory ability, it was a fatal blow. So since she couldn't forget on her own, we had to rely on external forces to make her forget, otherwise she would Can’t go on living.”

So, you just believed those people's lies so easily?

Xia Qing found it very interesting to experience these things in person, this immersive feeling.

What do you mean……!?

Kanzaki asked incomprehensibly.

You are being manipulated by the church that you trust most. In other words, care leads to chaos. Obviously, you only need to ask experts on the scientific side to know the truth.

At this point, Xia Qing said Ah!

By the way, I almost forgot that people on the magic side of this world are opposed to the scientific side...

That is, a disputed relationship in which they look down upon each other.

It's so annoying! You're such a weirdo!

Xia Qing's words were interrupted by the cry of Kanzaki, who was completely unable to move.

Don't talk like you know everything! Do you know what kind of mood we used to take away her memory from before to now? You don't understand anything! You called Steele a murderer, but you know that he How do you feel when you are with that child? Do you know how painful he is? Do you know how much determination it takes for him to be that child's enemy? Being treated as an enemy by his most important friend, Can you understand that feeling?

Kanzaki cried out of control.

We tried hard! We also tried hard! The spring, summer, autumn and winter we spent together! We kept creating beautiful memories, and even recorded them with diaries and photos, just to make her remember us... But in the end, it still didn't work. !”

Kanzaki's body trembled slightly at this moment.

Even if we read the diary, even if we see the photos... the child will only say sorry to us...! Even if we re-create the memories with her and keep repeating them... in the end, whether it is family, friends, or lovers, Everything will still return to zero! We have... can't bear it anymore! We can't continue to look at her smile!

With Index's personality, parting must be more painful than death.

How is it different from being in hell to constantly feel the pain of separation?

After tasting a separation that was more painful than death, forgetting everything, but could only move towards the next destined separation, that was so cruel to her.

Therefore, Kanzaki and the others made up their minds. Rather than giving her cruel happiness, it is better to choose to minimize her misfortune.

If Index had no memories to lose from the beginning, the pain of losing her memories would be lessened.

So Kanzaki and the others decided not to be her friends, but to be her enemies, and Index's memories were all dyed black.

In this way, the final hell will not be so difficult for Index.

Even if you can defeat Steele and I easily, but so what, you won't get any benefits. Behind us there is the Church of Necessary Evil. Although I am the top ranking in London There are ten magicians, but there are many people who are better than me. From the perspective of the church as a whole, I am just a small character who was sent on a mission to this small island in the Far East.

Kanzaki said all the words squeezed in his heart in one breath at this moment, and Xia Qing did not intend to continue to control her like this because it was not necessary.

A girl who knew that she could not pose a threat to Xia Qing would probably not do such a meaningless attack again.

Author's message:


ps: Thanks to Xiaowu for the blade*2! Thanks to Yakumo Ming's monthly ticket*1!

Chapter 34 Wei Shan! (2/4)

Kanzaki did not give up resistance as Xia Qing suspected, even though she knew in her heart that it was meaningless.

Wei Shan!

Kanzaki Kaori uses the Seven Heavens and Seven Swords technique, which can kill with one strike.

Attack a specific religion with the magic of other doctrines in a roundabout way. If the Christian magic doesn't work, use Buddhist magic. If the Buddhist magic doesn't work, use Shinto magic. If the Shinto magic doesn't work, use the Christian magic. , such a unique attack technique that fully complements each other's weaknesses and exerts complete destructive power is Yi Flash.

Yi Flash is a move that uses the power of Child of God instantly. As a Saint Kanzaki can use part of the power of Child of God. Weishan can not only increase the amount of exercise, but it will not destroy the muscles even if it exceeds human limits.

When Yi Flash is activated, the power of Kanzaki being forcibly drawn out will exceed the amount of movement that the body can control, so it is impossible to fight in this state for a long time.

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