However, the 3,000-degree flame body of the reborn Witch Hunting King began to gradually dissipate at this time.

How is it possible! How can a body of flame with a temperature of three thousand degrees be extinguished by such water vapor!

It has nothing to do with the flames, idiot. It's because the runes you posted are all made of paper.

Xia Qing flicked his right hand lightly, and the delicate ice sword turned into countless ice crystals and flew away.

Steele remembered. The tens of thousands of runes in the student dormitories are all printed on photocopy paper.

Paper becomes brittle when exposed to water. This is something that even kindergarten children know.

As long as a sprinkler is used to cover the entire building with water, what's the use of having more meanings?

──The King of Witch Hunters!

But as soon as Steele shouted, the flame giant immediately rushed towards Xia Qing again.

The raindrops hit the body of the flame, making a hissing sound of steam, like the roar of a wild beast.

Ha...haha...hahahahaha! You are very powerful! You are really a fighting genius! But you don't have enough experience! Photocopy paper is not like toilet paper. It is not so fragile that it will completely become sticky when it gets wet!

The magician opened his hands and laughed like an explosion.

The King of Witch Hunters waved his hammer-like arm after the magician issued the command Kill him.

Frost breaks!

This is magic that changes the elements based on Spin Flame Break. It is composed of rotating ice crystals. The fine ice crystals are as small as dust and reflect light in the air. A blue vortex formed in front of Xia Qing. It suddenly exploded with one blow!

If after becoming a magician, you can only use the magic in your skills according to the rules without developing it yourself, it will be a waste of resources.

The moment the Witch Hunting King was destroyed, Stiyl Magnus' heart almost stopped completely.


The Witch Hunting King scattered around was not resurrected.

Slices of black flesh, like heavy oil, were scattered on the floor, slowly and weakly squirming. is this possible! Why is this happening! The photocopy paper shouldn't be broken...!

But what about the ink on it?

Xia Qing said.

Steele felt as if it took five years for Xia Qing's voice to reach his ears.

Even if the photocopy paper is not torn, will the ink be spent if it gets wet?

Xia Qing explained slowly.

Hmm... But looking at the situation just now, there should still be some fish that slipped through the net.

The fragments of the Witch Hunting King squirmed on the floor.

But as the sprinklers continued to pour artificial rain, black pieces of meat began to dissolve in the air. Under the baptism of heavy rain, the ink on the photocopy paper posted everywhere in the building was gradually taken away. The power of the flame giant also disappeared bit by bit.

The pieces of meat disappeared one after another... and finally even the last piece was invisible.

Innocentius...the witch-hunting king!

The magician's voice was like shouting into a phone that had been hung up.

There was no answer, no sound, the flames could not regenerate, and the magic lost its effectiveness.

You're the only one left next~

Xia Qing's voice sounded like it came from the abyss of hell, making Steele tremble with fear. Every time Xia Qing took a step toward Steele, closing the distance by half a meter, the latter would take a step back out of fear.

But after only two meters, he had reached the final railing, with no way to retreat. Behind him was the surrounding wall, and below him was the height of the third floor. With his physique, he would definitely break his leg if he jumped.

Inno... centius...

The magician kept calling, but the world gave him no response.

Innocentius...Innocentius...hunt the witch king!

The magician kept roaring, but the sight of Xia Qing getting closer and closer in front of him did not change at all.

......Ash To Ash! Dust To Dust! Squeamish Bloody Rood!

The magician began to wail, but not to mention the flame giant, even the flame sword no longer appeared.

Finally, Xia Qing came to the magician, raised his hand and struck him on the neck.

The world turned pitch black, and Stiyl became further and further away.

'Strange...why didn't you kill me...? ’

Until the last moment when he still had consciousness, he only had time to have such a question in his mind that he couldn't figure out anyway.

〖Defeat the Rune Magician! Points +100! EXP +30%! 〗

〖Level increased to LV.34! 〗

Author's message:


ps: Thanks to Qian Zhihe for his monthly ticket*1, Fanbai_Sheng’s monthly ticket*1, Yurufanchen’s monthly ticket*1, Maxwell’s monthly ticket*1, Ye Xiu’s LHL’s monthly ticket*1, big lie, and reasonable appointment. *2. Killer’s monthly pass*1, Yakumo Murasaki

Chapter 26 ohhhhhh! ! (2/4)

Xia Qing took this opportunity to check the current attribute values.

Name: Xia Qing

Level (Ghost Swordsman/Mage): LV.34

Experience value: (25%)

Sex: Male

Race: Human (no upper limit)

Height: 176cm

Bloodline: [Uchiha Bloodline]

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