So, when she saw Xia Qing's fist actually making a dent in the wall, the girl broke out in a cold sweat and regretted that she had come so close to Xia Qing at this moment.

The billion-volt electric current emitted by Mikoto had no effect on him. In this case, no matter what posture the opponent put in, he had no power to resist.

Xia Qing did not deliberately embarrass her, but exhaled and said.

I won't hurt you.

Mikoto seemed to have finally broken free from her restraints and could finally step back step by step.

Normally, Mikoto would shout, You guys look down on me, don't you?! and then release attacking electromagnetic waves, but now she only dared to carefully spy on Xia Qing's face.

Of course, Xia Qing was just scaring her now. He didn't expect that she would be so scared, but it made Xia Qing feel a little boring.

Let Xia Qingzhou discuss the duel later. I will definitely accompany you no matter it is day or night.

After leaving these words, Xia Qing walked out of the alleyway.

When Misaka Mikoto heard what he said, her pretty face turned red and she shouted.

I won't come to you at night!! No, I don't need your company!

She also has friends. Even if she wants to accompany him, Heizi should let him, oh no, let her forget it.


After successfully dismissing Misaka Mikoto, Xia Qing came to the bookstore where she worked part-time. Even at this time, which was close to eight o'clock, the people inside had become much more lively.

Senior Xia Qing, you're a little late today.

The girl who was temporarily serving as the cashier for Xia Qing smiled at Xia Qing.

Sorry, I met a girl who charged me on the way here, which delayed me a little bit.


Could it be that senior sister...?

Saten Ruiko was stunned for a moment after hearing Xia Qing's answer, and then directly ignored the thoughts that flashed through her heart.

He shook his head, thinking how could that be possible? It couldn't be such a coincidence.

Since you're here, senior, it's your turn next.

With that said, the girl gave way to Xia Qing, and then walked between the bookcases, guiding the customers in the store about the types of books.

Xia Qing, on the other hand, was bored dealing with the customers who came to check out one after another, and spent the whole day in such a dull job.

After Xia Qing said goodbye to the girl named Saten Ruiko, he walked towards the apartment alone.

There is still a long time before the official start of school, and the student dormitory will be set up in a matter of minutes, but that will happen later.

Then, it is about the achievement mission to win over Index. It is not to use coercion, but to make the other party voluntarily join his side. This has not been completed so far, because Xia Qing has not shown that he can protect the girl. strength.

Therefore, it does not give people that sense of security.

After Xia Qing's playful battle with Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, his attribute values ​​also increased to a certain extent.

Name: Xia Qing

Level (Sword Soul/Elemental Exploder): LV.33

Experience value: (95%)

Sex: Male

Race: Human (no upper limit)

Height: 176cm

Bloodline: [Uchiha Bloodline]

Special abilities: [Substitute·Platinum Star], [Ripple Run], [Stealth: B], [Thunder Breath (Full Concentrated Breathing·Constant)], [Flying·4 Seconds (Growing)]

Physique: 726→731 (10) Strength: 771→783 (10) Speed: 796→818 (10) Spirit: 294→295 (10)

Weapons: none

Current points: 49585

Current World: A Certain Magical Index

World progress: 3%

The numerical growth was quite good, after all, it was not a very passionate battle at that time.

But... for weapons, currently we can only use melee combat and magic, but... if I use elements to create a weapon, can I...

Suddenly, a bold idea emerged in Xia Qing's mind.

There were almost no people under the apartment building before the sun went down. Because most of Academy City's residents were students, there weren't many people in this apartment, and those who had to go to work at this time probably hadn't gotten off work yet.

The appearance of the apartment looks like a typical suite-style apartment, a square building with doors neatly arranged along the corridors on the walls.

The apartment is vertical, extending to the front. The entrance hall and the balcony on the other side are on the side when viewed from the direction of the road, that is, between the gap between the apartment and the dormitory in front.

Although the door has an automatic locking system, there is only two meters between the adjacent dormitory and the apartment. Just like Index said last night, if you have to jump from one rooftop to another, in fact It's a very simple thing.

Enter the door and go up the stairs. There is actually an elevator here, but Xia Qing is on the third floor, so it's only a small distance if you can't walk up the stairs.

After Xia Qing arrived on the third floor, he found that there were two people confronting each other here.

Standing on Xia Qing's side was Index, who looked wary. After seeing Xia Qing's arrival, she immediately showed a nervous look on her face.

Ah, Xia Qing, it's dangerous here!

She has the protection of Action Church, so she has nothing to be afraid of, but Xia Qing does not. Index does not know how strong Xia Qing is, so she is a little worried that Xia Qing will not be able to deal with the tall magician in front of her. division.

The man standing opposite Index at the moment was a man nearly two meters tall. He looked like an adult in his twenties or thirties, but he was actually only about fourteen or fifteen years old.

It makes people wonder whether his figure and appearance are the so-called young and mature.

In other words, it should be called You grow old at a young age?.

The clothes he was wearing were like those of a priest in the church, wearing a black monastic uniform, but no one in the world would believe that he was a priest.

Probably because of the direction of the wind at the moment, a faint scent of perfume was blown over the man's body, and his shoulder-length blond hair was dyed as red as the sunset.

Wearing shiny silver rings on the ten fingers on the left and right, hollow earrings on the ears, a mobile phone pendant exposed from the pocket, and a lit cigarette in the corner of his mouth, which is shaking constantly, the most exaggerated one is on the lower right side of his face. There are also barcode tattoos.

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