When someone forcibly reads the information from the Catalogue of Forbidden Books, the Automatic Secretary will be forcibly activated.

In the Automatic Scribe mode, Index can use the knowledge contained in the 13,000 grimoires to attack the enemy and completely protect the treasure trove of knowledge from usurpers. It is the strongest defense device.

The automatic secretary will also awaken when Index faces a life crisis (such as excessive blood loss).

In the Automatic scribe mode, Index loses all self-awareness and analyzes and explains magic with a mechanical expression. In the counterattack mode, a magic circle appears in her eyes.

Xia Qing used magic to block the mechanism of automatically scanning her body condition when her automatic writing mode was activated. Therefore, she could not detect whether her body was in danger.

Also because Xia Qing did not plunder the knowledge of the forbidden book catalog at all, so the automatic secretary had to remain dormant.

Chapter 17 The destroyed “collar” (3/5)

But this kind of shielding is only for a short period of time. Once the time has passed, once it is in danger or is forced to be activated by the remote control spiritual equipment, the automatic secretary will still be activated.

At this time, the room fell into silence, because the girl who had been talking like a robot just now had lost consciousness.

The collar has been destroyed, so the curse that threatens life if the memory is not erased no longer exists.

She will never forget anything again. Everything she sees will be deeply engraved in her mind and will never be forgotten.

Forget it, go to bed first.

Although the body did not feel tired, Xia Qing still felt a little sleepy. After a day of twists and turns, whether it was the entanglement with Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, or the chance encounter with the silver-haired girl Index, the total of various events was still Xia Qing was mentally exhausted.

There was only one bed in the room, but there was a sofa, but Xia Qing didn't feel that the owner of his room needed to sleep on the sofa.

Finally, he lay directly on the right side of the bed, pulled the quilt, and fell asleep.

Time gradually came to late at night, and the hot temperature during the day dropped at this moment. The girl who had been swept away by Xia Qing suddenly sneezed.


Vaguely aware of this, the girl subconsciously stretched out her hand and rubbed around. Finally, her slender little hands grabbed the quilt covering Xia Qing's body, and then tugged hard, pulling it to her side.

But when Xia Qing noticed that the quilt was being dragged away, he subconsciously pulled it towards him, forcefully pulling the girl to his side.

Index was still wrapped in a quilt, so she didn't feel so cold anymore, so she didn't make any unnecessary movements. She just subconsciously moved towards Xia Qing, who was warmer.


In the early morning, a soprano scream echoed throughout the apartment from the room on the third floor.


When Index woke up early in the morning and realized Xia Qing was close at hand, her cheeks immediately turned red and she screamed subconsciously.

Xia Qing was awakened by her scream, which refreshed her mind and made her sleepy disappear.

He said to the girl who started to feel whether her clothes were intact.

If you keep yelling, your breakfast will be gone.


I don't know where the hat fell, but the girl with long silver hair hanging behind her looked a little confused, as if she hadn't noticed it yet.

What is that collar you were talking about yesterday...?

Index remembered what happened last night when Xia Qing put her fingers in her mouth. She couldn't help but pursed her lips and asked shyly.

The curse was used to erase your memory, but it has been broken now.

Xia Qing answered while walking to the bathroom to wash up.

Eh...really? Why don't I feel anything...

The girl, who had no real sense at all, said doubtfully.

Idiot, your memory has been erased. How can you remember such a thing? Even the two guys you mentioned are following you and belong to the same sect as you, and they were once your companions.

Index was suddenly stunned. When she was stunned, she was no different from an ordinary little girl of fourteen or fifteen years old.

If we are companions, why are they chasing me and attacking me with magic...

Xia Qing, who was rinsing his mouth, continued to speak while looking at the handsome and elegant young man in the mirror who seemed to exude a divine light.

Because they know you are wearing a mobile church, and if they really wanted to stop you, you wouldn't have been able to escape this far.

Xia Qing finally smiled at the mirror and turned around.

Anyway, I'm going to work part-time now. If you want to do it, you can come with me.

Ah... no, I can't trouble you any more.

Index said this and quickly put on her shoes and followed Xia Qing out of the room, but then, the girl suddenly discovered the missing hat on her head.

Oh, my hat!

Although she looked much more beautiful without the hat, this was only for Xia Qing. The integrity of the monastic uniform was very important to the girl, so she raised her head at this moment and looked at Xia Qing with tears in her eyes.

Xia Qing couldn't help but sigh as her glazed eyes sparkling in the sun stared at him.

It should be in the room...

With that said, Xia Qing put the key in her hand and said.

I have to go out. After you find the hat, put the key in the potted plant.

Xia Qing pointed to the potted plants placed on the platform nearby.

Yeah, I know!

Then, without paying attention to anything else, Xia Qing walked directly down the stairs of the apartment.

Because of the Mobile Church, Index will not be harmed by the attacks of those two people now, unless they can launch a nuclear bomb-level attack.

But as Index's former companion, the other party obviously would not do this, and Xia Qing was sure of this.


Day after day, how can I get through the summer vacation?

Xia Qing looked at the three blades of the power-generating windmill shining in the setting sun and murmured to himself.

Since school buses are prohibited from traveling at night, basically the last trains and buses in Academy City are after school.

Because she habitually got up late, Xia Qing couldn't catch the bus. No, in fact, even if she caught the bus, Xia Qing didn't have the money to take the bus.

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