These scum! he-tui!

At this moment, Mikoto suddenly remembered something.

Could it be that...that guy named Xia really innocent...

Even then, the things he did to himself are absolutely unforgivable!

The girl thought so.


The hot air makes people reluctant to go out. Even though Xia Qing has a strong affinity for the elements, it is a pity that Xia Qing has no idea about the sun.

It's so hot... Teacher Xiaomeng, has your cold gotten better?

Xia Qing leaned against the wall with posters and asked Yue Yong Xiaomeng, who was also doing nothing and didn't even need to go out.

Wearing a cool pink short-sleeved shirt and shorts of the same color, she was holding a game controller in her hand.

Well, it's completely healed... Oh no, this BOSS is too difficult to defeat. Xia Qing, please come and help!


Xia Qing was speechless and Yue Yong Xiaomeng handed over the controller, and finally started playing this somewhat old cassette game console helplessly.

Those cassettes wrapped in a yellow plastic shell actually only have a green board after being taken out. Plug it into the game console and press the start button, and the corresponding game interface will appear.

However, there are many types of games in this world. Although the displayed pictures are still in pixel style, there are some extremely unique games.

This kind of game is no longer keeping up with the times. Don't you plan to buy a better game console?

Facing Xia Qing's question, Yue Yong Xiaomeng raised her head and spoke in a confident tone.

No, because I don't have money to buy it!

Why would she say such sad words so confidently?

Although he thought so, Xia Qing could roughly guess just by looking at the apartment that there might be some reason why he became so poor.

Xia Qing glanced at the several boxes of beer piled up in the corner, as well as the never-ending supply of cigarettes.

Even if he had never smoked, Xia Qing could tell that the price of these cigarettes was not low.

Ah... I cleared the level!!

Seeing the scene of finally clearing the level and the celebratory BGM, Yue Yong Xiaomeng jumped up happily like a twelve-year-old girl, then picked up a cigarette from the cigarette case and held it in her mouth. His face was filled with joy.

No, no, no, no twelve-year-old girl would be like her.

Xia Qing didn't like the smell of cigarettes very much, so she said I'll go out for a while and then walked out of the house.

Come back early and remember to buy groceries~

Yue Yong Xiaomeng, who didn't want to go out because of the hot weather, took out a banknote and handed it to Xia Qing's hand.


It's just that I'm temporarily living in someone else's house, but it wouldn't be good if I do nothing.

Author's message:


ps: Thanks to Du Fu (laughing) for his monthly tickets*4, Blade*2, and Yingman Feiye’s monthly tickets*2!

Chapter 12 Index! (2/4)

The money snatched from those bad boys last time did not support Xia Qing for long. After just buying some daily necessities, the remaining money was only enough to rent a house and the like. As for food, because there are Gourmet tablecloth so Xia Qing wasn't too worried.

Therefore, Xia Qing, who already had an identity, decided to find a job.

For a time traveler like me to have to work in a bookstore or something like that, it feels as outrageous as Thanos running to make purple sweet potato cakes.

After an hour of searching, Xia Qing successfully found a part-time job as a cashier in a bookstore as a student at Dichuan High School, and her salary was paid once a week.

Among them is a female junior high school student who is responsible for serving as a guide for guests and is also working part-time.

Then I'll trouble you next, Senior Xia Qing.

She was a girl wearing a cool white dress. Her skin was very fair, her figure was medium, her innocent personality gave people an optimistic feeling, she was 160 centimeters tall, and her waist-length black hair was spread behind her. , wearing a five-petal white plum-shaped flower ornament on his head, holding a fan in his hand and fanning it.

Well, see you tomorrow. Saten-san.

Xia Qing, who was sitting at the cashier, smiled and said goodbye to her.

Just call me Leizi, senior~

The girl turned back to Xia Qing and showed a gentle smile.

Then I won't be polite.

After the girl's back gradually moved away, Xia Qing withdrew his gaze, then sat on a chair, flipping through a book related to the AIM diffusion field in his hand.

[AIM diffusion field] The so-called AIM diffusion field refers to the weak power that superpowers unconsciously release in all directions.

The so-called AIM is the abbreviation of An Involuntary Movement, which means unconscious. However, it is very weak and cannot be detected without the use of precision instruments.

Xia Qing has never received a tutorial on developing superpowers, so he will not emit such a force field at all, but even if there is such a course, he will not hesitate to skip it.

If his superhuman physique were discovered by those scientists, they would probably use all their strength to try to capture him.

Time passed little by little, and it wasn't long before it was time to get off work. The owner of the bookstore was a middle-aged woman with a good face. Because she had to pick up her children, Xia Qinglai helped her close the store. God knows how the people here treated her. I am so kind to someone who came to work on my first day.

The sky became darker and darker, as if it was covered with a gray curtain.

You can even see the moon rising prematurely from the horizon, faintly visible in the still-night sky.

As Xia Qing passed the road intersecting with several apartment buildings, he suddenly noticed something.


He didn't feel any sense of crisis at all, nor did he feel any killing intent. Something that was not a threat to him fell from above.

A scream came from the air above, and Xia Qing, who subconsciously raised her head, could only whimper, Woo... and was then crushed to the ground.

I didn't feel the pain when my head hit the ground. It was better to say that a dent was made in the ground by the back of Xia Qing's head.

Then he raised his head and saw that the person who fell on him was a girl with no strength in her hands and feet. She looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.

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