Zenitsu yelled, covering the right side of his face.

Don't be afraid. I've already killed the ghost that hit you. Let's go.

Xia Qing said to Shan Yi with an expressionless face and no guilt.

Ah, is that so...?

Afterwards, the two of them walked towards the road back to [Peach Mountain] outside the village.

But at this moment, the cry of sparrows came from the sky, and then, in addition to the sparrows, a white dove also flew towards them.

Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!!

Chirp, chirp, chirp! Chirp, chirp, chirp! Chirp, chirp, chirp!!!

Zenitsu listened to the chirping of pigeons and sparrows with a confused look on his face, having no idea what they were talking about.

That's it...south and south.

Xia Qing nodded.

Let's go, the next mission location is in the south-south-east direction.

Zenitsu was stunned on the spot, shaking his head like a rattle.

No! I don't want it!! I don't want to go!!!

Under the rising sunshine in the morning, Xia Qiu pulled Shan Yi's collar and walked towards the place mentioned by the pigeon.

When the sun gradually came into the sky, on a small road near the fields, seeing Xia Qing holding the crying Shanyi walking forward, a passing rural girl asked something strange. .

Excuse me, what are you doing...? Can you please let him go? He seems to be feeling very uncomfortable...

The girl's gentle voice immediately made Zenitsu stop crying. He raised his head and looked at her blankly.

Ah... great! What a kind girl...

Moved tears welled up in Zenitsu's eyes, and he felt that he fell in love with her in an instant.

Please marry me!

The girl was stunned when she heard this.


Before the girl could react, Zenitsu rushed forward like lightning and hugged her.

Please, please!! Marry me!!!


Chapter 80 Do you like her? ! (5/5)

Zenitsu was still crying, and big tears kept sliding down his cheeks from the corners of his eyes.

I don't even know when I will die!! So just marry me!! Please————!

The corner of Xia Qing's mouth couldn't help but twitch at this sudden move, feeling a little embarrassed.

Just as he was about to pull him away from the girl, another figure suddenly appeared.

Hey! What are you doing in the middle of the road? Didn't you see that girl didn't want to?! And she disturbed the sparrows!!

Tanjiro reached out and grabbed Zenitsu's collar.

Ah! You wore the Demon Slayer uniform during the final selection...

I don't know a guy like you, not at all!!

Tanjiro immediately shouted at him in disgust.

Hey————!! What we have seen is that there is something wrong with your memory, right?!!

Tanjiro didn't pay attention to him, but said to the girl.

Okay girl, go home quickly.

Ah...thank you.

Zenitsu heard their conversation and immediately cried out.

Hey————!! She wants to marry me, she likes me!

When the girl heard this, she immediately took two steps forward and slapped Zenitsu on the face.


The left side of Zenitsu's face also turned red at this moment, leaving a red palm print, making both sides more symmetrical.

It looks really balanced, great.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang! ! Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa! ! !

A series of slaps hit Zenitsu's face, making him unable to speak at this moment.

Uh, um...calm down!

Tanjiro stood there stunned for a moment, then quickly went up and grabbed the girl who wanted to slap Zenitsu again.


Zenitsu covered his face and cried bitterly.

And the girl who was being pulled shouted angrily at him.

When did I say I like you!! I just saw you being pulled by others and thought you were being bullied so I talked to you!!

Isn't it because you like me that you are worried about me so you talked to me!?

That's completely impossible. I'm engaged. Now that you're so energetic, you should be fine. Then let's say goodbye!!

After the angry man said this to Zenitsu, the girl left.

Ah, wait……!!

Seeing the girl gradually moving away, Zenitsu, who was kneeling on the ground, turned around and looked up at Tanjiro.

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