
Afterwards, Tanjiro sat on a chair and took a rest while drinking tea.

Ah...this is my first time in a place like this...there must be too many people...

At this moment, the young man suddenly moved his nose and smelled something. He immediately put down the tea cup and stood up, looking around cautiously.

Why does this smell appear here?!!

That smell was undoubtedly the one that lingered in Tanjiro's house. It must be... it must be that guy...!

Haunted House Tsuji Muzan! ! !

The young man rushed towards the crowd with all his strength, his hands swelling with veins due to extreme anger.

Finally, he made his way through the crowd and grabbed the man's shoulders.

The young man's body trembled when he was suddenly touched on his shoulder, and he immediately turned his face away. His red eyes stared at the young man, and his frown showed that Tsuji Muzan's uneasy heart was at this moment.

And because he smelled the scent of the opponent's ghost, Kamado Tanjiro had confirmed that the young man in front of him was Tsuji Muzan, the ghost who killed his family. He subconsciously drew his sword and prepared to unsheath it to fight with him.

Dad, who is he?

At this moment, Tanjiro suddenly saw a little girl in the young man's arms.

What the little girl shouted was obviously Daddy.

This sudden scene shocked Tanjiro so much that he stood on the spot.

‘This guy…this guy! ! This guy is living as a human...'

At this moment, Tsuji Muzan, who had just eliminated the fear of being suddenly recognized, turned his eyes to Tanjiro with a flash of murderous intent in his red eyes, raised the corners of his mouth gracefully, and asked softly .

What do you want from me? You're in a panic.


At this time, a beautiful woman in a dress turned around and asked in a somewhat doubtful tone.

Oops, what's wrong?


The little girl shouted immediately.

The girls and women around humans all smell like humans, don’t they know it? This guy is a ghost, a man-eating ghost...

Is he an acquaintance?

The beautiful woman in a dress looked at Tanjiro.

No, this unknown child seems to have encountered some difficulties.

Ghost House Tsuji Muzan turned away his face and said.

Could it be that...you recognized the wrong person...?

Ah, is that what happened?

When the woman stepped forward to look at Tanjiro, Oniya Tsuji Muzan flicked his hand and slashed the back of the neck of the man in front of him.

The moment it was scratched, the man turned directly into a ghost!

Then, the man who had turned into a ghost rushed towards the woman beside him, opened his mouth full of fangs and bit into her.

The woman whose shoulder was bitten screamed, and when Tanjiro saw this scene, he rushed forward without hesitation, pushed away the man who had turned into a ghost, and then put a hand draped over his head. The cloth was stuffed into his mouth.

The woman who was still on the ground shouted in horror as she looked at Tanjiro's actions.


Madam!! Rather than caring about your husband, you'd better take care of yourself first!! Please wrap the wound with a cloth and apply firm pressure!

At this moment, the haunted house Tsuji Muzan said to the woman beside him.

Miss Li, it's too dangerous. Let's go to the other side.

The woman nodded and left quickly with him.

Tanjiro, who saw this scene, gritted his teeth and looked at the retreating figure.

hateful! ! hateful! ! I can't leave this person alone...!

Haunted House Tsuji Muzan!! I will not let you escape, no matter where you escape to!!

What happened to that child...?

The little girl in the arms of Tsuji Muzan in the haunted house asked.

Hey, Mr. Tsukihiko...

Haunted House Tsuji Muzan ignored the questions of the two people. At this time, he looked at Tanjiro roaring at him, and couldn't help but overlap that figure with a person in the past.

Chapter 76 Zhu Shi’s Conversation (1/5)

I will chase you to the end of hell, and I will definitely take off your upward head. I will absolutely...I will never forgive you!!

After seeing the young man's earrings, his bright red eyes suddenly widened.

That earring...

Ghost House Tsuji Muzan murmured, then led the woman towards the distance and disappeared into the crowd.

What are you doing? You guy!

Are you drunk and crazy?!

Get out of the way!!

Several men in black security uniforms arrived and dispersed the crowd.

No! Please bring me the restraints, please!

Those people completely ignored what Tanjiro said and directly stepped forward to try to separate him from the ghost.

Please don't pull me like this, no one but me can suppress him!

Others who heard this looked at the man under Tanjiro.

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