At this time, the cold wind blowing from the front was mixed with the smell of blood. This sudden smell made the girl startled.

Could it be...!

He quickly quickened his pace and rushed towards the front where the smell of blood was coming from.

And when he arrived at the place, he saw the head of the Shiba Inu that had fallen to the ground and was missing its body.

Yae opened his eyes wide, and two lines of tears fell from his eyes.


She raised her head and saw her father who was eating.

'Really... turned into a ghost... Dad...'

The girl, whose sadness had been concentrated to the extreme, silently took off the shotgun on her back.

She recalled what her father said when he taught her how to use a shotgun.

After spotting the prey, don't panic, place the gun quickly, take two deep breaths, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, aim at the target's weak point, and pull the trigger...

In the previous conversation with Butterfly Ninja, the girl did lie. What she saw at the beginning was actually her father.

But she hoped that she was wrong. She wanted to find him and ask him why he did what he did. She even lied about the leaving beast.

Sorry, Tai were eaten, so I made up my mind...


With a gunshot, the bullet instantly hit the ghost's head, blood spattered, and his body immediately rolled to the ground.

The girl didn't even dare to look at that scene. She thought she had killed her father, so she just covered her face with sadness.


After a moment, she tried to confirm.


Seeing her father, who had already fallen to the ground and completely transformed into a cannibal, immediately crawled towards her, tears continued to fall from the girl's eyes.

Why...why why why why ah ah ah?!!!

She gritted her teeth and raised the gun again, pulling the bolt skillfully.

Why did you run out of the door like you were running away? Why didn't you take me too...


The detached bullet hit the ghost in the head again, but it only made him slow down a little.

At the critical moment when the ghost was approaching her, the girl quickly raised her shotgun to block the ghost that opened her mouth to bite.

Dad...why didn't you eat me then...!

The girl cried and asked her father who had turned into a ghost.

But he was destined to be unable to answer the girl's doubts.

Eight... heavy... eight...

From the open mouth, the girl heard the vague bytes.

However, the next moment, he was completely eroded by the ghost nature.


The girl's lips trembled slightly, her vision was blurred by tears, and her arms holding the shotgun tightly, her strength was getting weaker and weaker.

Don't give up so easily.

From behind her, a voice suddenly came.

Yae's expression was stunned. She had heard this voice not long ago, how could she not guess who was here.

With a sound of Clang——!, he drew his sword out of its sheath, and the golden sword light flashed forward, directly cutting off the hands of the girl holding the shotgun!

Stab-! !

The ghost whose arm was cut off immediately screamed in pain.


The girl Yae, who fell dumbly on the snow, raised her face and looked at the back standing in front of her.

You... why... why are you here...

The Butterfly Ninja smiled and put his hand on the girl's shoulder.

Oh~ What a coincidence~


If you want to ask why, it's because we are members of the Demon Slayer Corps~

Butterfly Ninja said.


At this time, after the ghost saw the arrival of the three swordsmen, it had already begun to retreat, but when it just turned around, it was blocked by Tomioka Giyu.

The blue sun sword that has been unsheathed is ready to go at this moment. this okay? Mr. Xia Qing!

At this moment, the Butterfly Ninja also held the hilt of the thin sword he wore on his waist and said to Xia Qing.

Let me do it. My poison will send him to the other world in no time.

Naturally, there is no need to use ripple when dealing with such a ghost.

It was similar in shape to a rapier. The scabbard was white, and the blade, blade, and handle were all mint green. The blade was four-leaf in shape. Evil Ghost and Destroy were engraved on both sides of the blade. wheel knife].

Yae, who couldn't help but feel a little anxious, shouted quickly at this time.

S-slow down...!

Giyu Tomioka, who heard Yae's shout, answered at this moment.

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