Demon Slayer...? Is this a recognized position from above...?

Unhappy with this statement, Tomioka Yiyu replied after a moment of pause.

No, it's an unofficial organization.

After hearing this, the other villagers' eyes began to change when they looked at him.

Then... what's on your waist...?

Suddenly, he remembered the rule that in front of ordinary villagers, he could not reveal the Nichirin sword he carried at will. Tomioka Yiyu's expression was dull. He wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to say it.

After thinking seriously for a moment, he spoke to everyone.

I am Tomioka Giyu from the Demon Slayer Squad...

The other villagers were stunned after hearing his answer.

All I was thinking in my heart at this moment was: 'No, I can't make sense with this guy...'

It would be better to call the police officer...?

While the villagers were discussing, one of them suddenly remembered something and pointed at Tomioka Giyu and shouted.

Ah! I remembered it!!

When I came back from the village next door last night, I heard the news that in the street of their village, there was a woman who fainted. There was blood next to her. She had been crying after she woke up. It’s possible that this suspicious guy did something!!”

After hearing what this man said, the other villagers also looked like they suddenly understood.

I see... No wonder this person looks suspicious!!

After hearing this, Tomioka Yoshiyuki was stunned on the spot.

Ah, no...I...

do not move!

Quick! Someone get the rope!!

At the same time, Xia Qing and Butterfly Ninja, who were standing in front of the store, couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

Ah, I remembered, that person is Mr. Lintaki's apprentice!

Butterfly Ninja covered his mouth lightly and said.

Should we go help him...?

Xia Qing nodded and said.

Let's go, otherwise he will be arrested later, which would be too tragic...

With that said, the two disguised themselves and walked over to Giyuu Tomioka, who had already been tied up.

Do you need us to explain it to you?

Butterfly Ren asked aloud.

After hearing these words, Tomioka Giyu turned his head and was about to speak out. No need., but suddenly saw Xia Qing.

He quickly knelt down on one knee and spoke respectfully to [Thunder Pillar] Xia Qing.

Lord Xia Qing.

Ah, get up quickly, there is no need to be formal.

Xia Qing quickly waved her hand and asked him to stand up.

How's it going? Do you need help?

After hearing Xia Qing's question, Tomioka Giyuu replied.

...It doesn't matter, I can figure it out myself.

Xia Qing looked at Tomioka Giyuu, who had been tied up with both arms, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. else can you think of a way...

At this moment, the girl with the shotgun on her back said to Tomioka Giyu with her hands on her hips.

...I said, I don't know what the situation is. If something happens to you...

The girl's words stopped abruptly, then her body softened and she suddenly fell to the ground.

Her face was crimson, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead, sliding down her cheeks.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Eight elements!!

The butterfly ninja quickly stepped forward to support the girl, stretched out his right hand, caressed the girl's cheek, and after observing, said to everyone.

She has a fever...we have to find a place for her to rest...!

Xia Qing hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down, letting the Butterfly Ninja help the girl on his back, and then carried the girl to the house owner's house to rest.

When Tomioka Giyuu saw this scene, his expression changed. As he exerted force on his arms, the rope that originally bound his arms was torn off at this moment.

Seeing this scene, the other villagers couldn't help but be frightened, and they couldn't help but have frightened expressions on their faces.

What...didn't you say tie up that guy?!

How could such a strong rope be torn off so easily? How strong is this guy...!


A girl immersed in a dream, scenes from the past unfold before her eyes like a slideshow.

She had been motherless since she was a child, and her father raised her single-handedly. Then, at the girl's request, the father gave her the ability to use a shotgun.

After the girl grew up, her father and his companions were attacked by a so-called bear. When the girl rushed to the house, only mutilated limbs were left inside.

The dream began to gradually disappear before my eyes, shattering like glass.

Everything returned to reality, and the girl Yae slowly opened her eyes.

Ah, are you awake...?

When Yae opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the beautiful face so close at hand. She couldn't help but blush her cheeks and let out a Woo...! sound.

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