At the same time, Butterfly Ninja looked at Xia Qing's back and thought of the completely different scene when Xia Qing fought with Tong Mo. That figure left an indelible impression on her.

Later, after Butterfly Kanae gave the girl a final observation, they came to the place where the followers of the Eternal Paradise Sect were.

There are still several girls in white clothes in the whole room.

After seeing the arrival of Xia Qing and others, they couldn't help crying.

After the logistics force [Hidden] arrived here to carry out the aftermath, Xia Qing, Butterfly Kanae and others left here.


After returning to the Butterfly House, Xia Qing began to teach the Butterfly Ninja how to walk with ripples.

Time soon came to the next day, Xia Qing and Butterfly Ninja came to the backyard of Butterfly House.

In the increasingly cold winter, the big trees planted around were rustling in the biting cold wind.

As for the thick clothes that the Butterfly Ninja was wearing, Xia Qing confidently took off her coat in order to practice the necessary process of ripple running.

Is this really necessary?

The girl's cheeks turned slightly red, and she asked at a loss.

Of course, this is how I practice my ripple sprint.

Xia Qing nodded and said.

When practicing ripples, some physical contact is essential. Butterfly Ninja, who has always been more serious about this, only regarded it as a necessary learning step and did not resist Xia Qing's actions.

Is this really the case...?

The girl who was hugged around the waist had her cheeks flushed and her eyes filled with shy mist.

Of course, don't you feel that your body is gradually getting warm?

The girl nodded.

It's true...

Xia Qing officially began to practice ripples after the self-confident mopping had not lasted long.

First, there is the necessary explanation.

Xia Qing came to sit on the wooden floor outside the room and called the girl to come to her side.

The somewhat cautious Butterfly Ninja walked up to Xia Qing and then sat next to him.

Breathing is related to the blood, because the blood transports oxygen from the lungs, and the oxygen in the blood is related to the cells. The cells are equivalent to the physical body. Just like throwing a stone into the water will cause ripples, use a special breathing method to create ripples in the physical body. , thus generating powerful force.”

The girl said a little surprised.

It feels somewhat similar to my breathing method...

Hearing this, Xia Qing smiled and shook his head.

No, the difference is huge. [Ripple Rush] is the most powerful and effective in close combat. Of course, the same effect can be achieved by using weapons such as knives.

Xia Qing began to tell the girl next to him that [Ripple Speed] was the biggest and strongest feature in this world.

Ripples have the same effect as sunlight and can have a destructive effect on all ghosts who are afraid of the sun. Once wounds are caused to them and the ripples invade their bodies, it will destroy their insides as if they were exposed to sunlight.

In addition, ripples can allow the ordinary human body to generate great power in an instant, and can also achieve various effects through subtle control. The human body can be strengthened and can resist aging through different methods.

The butterfly ninja opened his mouth and his purple eyes shrank slightly.

The body is strengthened...and can resist aging...this is amazing!

She had never thought that any breathing method could produce such an effect.

The five major breathing methods derived so far, which are based on [Sun Breathing], will more or less burden the body after practice. This is why learning the breathing method requires first exercising the most basic body.

If your physical fitness is not good enough, learning the breathing method will only make your body less and less able to bear the load, and you may eventually die.

After practicing the breathing method to a certain level, you will reach a stage, which is opening lines.

Swordsmen with stripes will be much more powerful, but unfortunately, except for Tsukuni Enichi who uses [Breath of the Sun], other swordsmen who have awakened spots do not live long.

Soon he would die young.

Ripples will not have any impact on human lifespan. The best example is Erqiao.

Perhaps, the breath of the sun has similar effects to the ripples.

Xia Qing murmured against her chin.

Author's message:


ps: The setting of experience value was ruined by me.

Chapter 64: Serious deception (2/4)

When the warm sun was shining, Xia Qing took Butterfly Nin to a lake.

Looking at the clear water surface sparkling under the reflection of the sun, Butterfly Nin asked Xia Qing doubtfully.

Aren't you going to practice ripples? What are you doing here...?

Xia Qing looked at the water and said to the girl beside him.

Although people cannot breathe in water and therefore cannot cast ripples, water itself is a good medium for transmitting ripples.

meaning is……

Come and see if you can stand on the water with ripples.


Butterfly Ninja was silent for a moment, and finally spoke with some hesitation.

But...if I fail, I will get wet, right...?

Xia Qing clapped her hands as if suddenly enlightened.

Believe me, I will never let you fall!

Later, the girl was dubiously taught the key points of the Ripple Breathing Technique by Xia Qing. She had already learned [Flower Breathing]. After learning the Insect Breathing method, she could not cut off the ghost's neck because she was too weak. , thus created by ourselves.

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