Chapter 61: Butterfly Ninja’s frustration. (3/4)

It was blocked, as always.

Tong Mo smiled.

I've eaten so many people, but you can still resist it. Could it be that you, with two breathing methods, can do this?

Hearing Tongmo's words, Butterfly Kanae, who was treating the girl, froze, and then looked at the figure holding the golden [Nichirin Sword].

Two kinds of breathing...?

No one would ever use two breathing methods at the same time, because more breathing methods are not always better.

If you specialize in a breathing method, you can devote all your energy to studying this method to the extreme.

If you practice several breathing methods at the same time, you will inevitably be distracted. Moreover, if the shape is too complicated, it will be difficult to exert its original power.

At this moment, Tong Mo had already come to the wooden board from the pond, shaking his soaked sleeves, showing a troubled expression.

Ah~ I'm so wet from you...

So, do you still want me to give you a brand new dress?

Xia Qing asked with a chuckle.

He was wasting time talking to Tong Mo at this time because the butterfly ninja was switching to new toxins.

Tong Mo was attracted by Xia Qing, but he did not forget the existence of Butterfly Ninja and was also on guard.

However, he didn't know what kind of kata the Butterfly Ninja used.

Insect's Breath·Centipede's Dance...

Holding the rapier tightly with both hands and lowering her head, Butterfly Ninja opened her lips slightly and took a breath, and her slender figure disappeared in the next moment.

...Hundred-legged snake belly!

The wooden floors the girl walked across were all broken into pieces by being stepped on, and sawdust flew in the air.

This is an ultra-high-speed action that involves violently stepping on the ground to make it difficult for the opponent to catch his body. The pace is unpredictable, as if bending and rolling in all directions, and the force is enough to break a wooden bridge.

'So fast! ! Can't see through her attack! ’

Tongmo, who noticed the attack, turned around quickly, but the butterfly ninja's attack was already close to him!

Vampire Art: Scattering Lotus Flower!!

Following the waving of the golden fans, the two arc-shaped ice blades slashed horizontally passed by the butterfly ninja's clothes that suddenly lowered his body.

So low——!!

Seeing the Butterfly Ninja who suddenly squatted down, Tong Mo couldn't help but scream in surprise, and couldn't even react to the girl's last stab.

The girl who lowered her body suddenly exerted force on her bent legs, causing her to jump up instantly like a spring. The rapier she held tightly in her right hand stabbed fiercely into the center of Tong Mo's chest!

Ahhh~ so fast~ you are so strong~

Tong Mo, who was stabbed in the chest, suddenly laughed.

How come...the poison doesn't work...!?

Butterfly Ninja screamed in surprise and just wanted to escape, but was knocked backwards by the ice flowers that began to appear around Tong Mo!

The petite figure drew an arc in mid-air. After Xia Qing stretched out his hand to take her, the girl's face was full of frustration.

Lost... Xia Qing... I, my poison is useless to this guy... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

The girl who had always been strong had tears flowing from the corners of her eyes at this moment. They were not caused by frustration, but by regret for herself.


The rapier fell to the floor, and the girl looked at her raised hands and murmured.

They are a pair of soft and small hands, and her arms are also very slender. Although they are so weak, her hands have calluses left by years of practice.

Why are my hands so small...Why can't I grow taller...

If he grows taller, he might be able to cut off the ghost's neck.

'Although my sister is thin...but she is taller than me...'

Whether it is hands or feet, the longer and more muscles there are, the more advantageous it will be during fighting.

Butterfly Ninja raised his face and looked at Xia Qing, with a hint of yearning in his purple eyes.

It would be great if... I could be as strong as you...

Xia Qing looked at the light girl in his arms and smiled.

It can be done.


Butterfly Ninja's expression was blank, and he made a confused sound.

When the matter is resolved, I will teach you how to defeat Winding even without cutting off the neck.

Xia Qing said.

Does that kind of thing...really exist...?

The girl's purple eyes widened slightly at this moment, her eyes full of disbelief.

Of course it exists. I will show you the power of ripples now.

After saying that, Xia Qing took a few steps back and placed the girl in his arms next to Butterfly Kanae.

Leave it to me next.

When Xia Qing turned around and stepped forward, Tong Mo, who fell from the dome of the house, was so moved that he started to cry, and tears kept falling from his eyes.

It's amazing!! You worked so hard! I'm so touched!! Such a weak girl can work so hard!

Tong Mo stretched out his index finger and inserted it into his temple, then drilled it crazily.

You don't have the talent of my sister, but you persisted in hunting ghosts until now. It's a miracle that you didn't die. It's clear that everything is in vain, but you have the stupidity to carry out the futility to the end. This is the elusiveness of human beings, and what's so great about human beings! !”

Tong Mo, who had an moved smile on his face and tears streaking down his cheeks, revealed a sadistic smile.

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