After the two of them arrived inside the building, their vision immediately became brighter, and the light of candles illuminated the entire room.

At this moment, on the messy wooden floor above the indoor lotus pond in the center, there are two figures fighting.

As if aware of the arrival of Xia Qing and Butterfly Ninja, Butterfly Kanae's figure immediately ran towards them.

Why are you here...?

Butterfly Kanae asked.

She was just sending the location in front of her to her younger sister at home as usual, but she didn't expect that the two of them rushed over immediately.

We're here to help you, sister!

The butterfly ninja said to his sister.

After hearing this, a smile appeared on Butterfly Kanae's face, and then she nodded.

Well, please.

At this moment, Tong Mo, who was standing in the center of the pond opposite, looked towards Butterfly Kanae with his colorful eyes.

Ah la ah la~ It's really lively, two more are here——

His words stopped abruptly, because all the colorful eyes were fixed on one figure.

It's you……!

There was no doubt that he was the boy he had fought with a few years ago. Now, except for the fact that his hair had grown longer, his face had not changed at all.

Hey, hey, hey, long time no see, Tongmo~

Xia Qing looked at Tong Mo who had taken off his hat. His head was as bright as blood, which became more eye-catching under the flickering candlelight.'s you, the swordsman again...

Tong Mo's eyes focused on the [Sun Blade] worn by Xia Qing on his waist.

It looks like you have joined the Demon Slayer Corps... It's a pity. Guys like you can be used as targets if you become a ghost.

Tong Mo's voice sounded calm and soft, with a carefree smile on his face. me...!!

Beside the floor where Tong Mo was sitting cross-legged, there were several dead girls, while the remaining few who were alive were crying and reaching out to Xia Qing for help.


Tong Mo looked a little troubled and made a silent gesture to the girl who was struggling to escape.

Don't make any noise, I'm talking to someone else now...

His words gradually became fainter, and at the moment they disappeared, he suddenly flicked his right hand in the direction of the girl.

An arc-shaped ice blade slashed towards the girl's slender and weak body!


A lightning-like shadow passed by and saved the girl.


After reacting, Tong Mo said doubtfully.

Ah~ after so many years, your speed has become so fast, it's really surprising~

Xia Qing, who was holding the girl in white, raised the corners of his mouth.

But it seems that after so long, your reaction is slower than before. Why?

Tong Mo raised his eyebrows, then flicked his hands, and two sharp golden fans immediately appeared in his hands.

Let me introduce myself to you again. I am the founder of the Eternal Bliss Sect. It is my responsibility to be happy with my followers. I will also eat all the children. Do you want to stop me from giving them happiness? ...?

Xia Qing.

After saying such a soft sentence, Xia Qing's figure rushed towards Butterfly Kanae. Regarding Tong Mo's already distorted thoughts, Xia Qing didn't even bother to talk nonsense with him, and came to the Butterfly sisters as quickly as possible.

Xia Qing first handed over the rescued girl to them for treatment.

It's up to you, it looks like I was only slightly injured.

Well, don't worry.

Butterfly Kanae nodded, and then said to Xia Qing worriedly.

Be careful, Xia Qing. You can tell by looking at his eyes that that guy is a top-stringer, and he is very strong. I have just fought with him several times. The two golden pairs of fans in his hands are very difficult to fight, and they are also very strong. Able to use the ice blood ghost technique with poisonous effects!

He had already known this for a long time, and compared to the girl, Xia Qing knew Tong Mo even better than Tong Mo himself.

This is his advantage as a time traveler.

Xia Qing's foresight on information allowed Xia Qing to face all the challenges without being tied down by the unknown.

Chapter 60 Meeting Tong Mo again! (2/4)

Tong Mo blinked and covered half of his face with his opposite fan.

Ah, my name is Xia Qing~

His colorful eyes swept over Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Ninja, with a look of interest on his face.

These two girls are good, they must be very delicious.

The two girls who heard these words frowned at this moment.

The Butterfly Ninja stood up directly, grasped the handle of the [Nichirin Sword] worn on his waist, and then pulled it out with a Clang——!

Her [Nichirin Sword] is similar in shape to a rapier, with a barb on the tip of the blade. The scabbard is white, and the blade, blade, and handle are all mint green. The blade is four-leaf in shape, and Evil Ghost and Destroy are engraved on both sides of the blade.

Forged by Tetsuchi Kawara, the leader of the village of swordsmiths, the sword has a design that can store toxins and deploy them as needed.

In addition to the nichirin sword, Shinobu also has a small knife hidden in the sole of his shoe in case his hands are restrained.

Shinobi extracts toxins from wisteria flowers and uses them to kill ghosts. He applies the prepared toxins to the Nichirin sword. When using it, he first pierces the ghost's body with the knife and injects the toxin into the ghost's body, contaminating the ghost's blood. The toxin causes it to bleed quickly and cause death.

The maximum amount of toxin injected at one time is 0.05 grams.

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