Yasushi almost saved all the swordsmen in the final selection, including Tomioka Giyu, and killed most of the ghosts in Fujiki Mountain.

And now, because the hand ghost has been eliminated by Xia Qing first, Jingtu did not die like in the original work, but passed the final selection with strong results.

When do you plan to make him a [Water Pillar]?

Let's wait for a while. It hasn't been long since he passed the final selection. He hasn't grown to this point yet.

That's it... By the way, Lord, I have one more thing to do here.

Listening to Uyashiki Yaoya's answer, Xia Qing nodded, and then got to the point.

When I went to the village where I fought with Xiaxian before, I found traces of Upperxian.

Upon hearing this, Uyashiki Yōya's expression immediately became serious.

Winding...are you sure it's true...?

The corners of Xia Qing's mouth curved.

Of course, the only ones who can create ghosts are Muzan and Tsuji. Oniitsuji must have planned it this time.

Xia Qing continued.

Although Shangxian can create ghosts, the blood they retain is also given by Onibatsuji Muzan, so everything is under the control of Onibatsuji Muzai, including the creation of ghosts by Shangxian, which also requires the consent of their master, Oniitsuji Muzai. That’s all.”

Finally...after so long, that guy Kibutsuji finally showed his tail.

Ubuyashiki Yōya murmured.

Perhaps we can find a way to lure that guy Kibutsuji out?

Ubuyashiki Amane suggested.

Ubuyashiki Yōya shook his head.

It's impossible. Onibatsuji's level of caution is far beyond our imagination. Even if he encounters members of the Demon Slayer Corps who are far weaker than himself, Onibatsuji will only send his own men or temporarily create a few ghosts. Do it yourself instead.”

After being forced into a desperate situation by the swordsman Tsugumi Enichi who created the Breath of the Sun, the current Demon Maitsuji, even if many Hashira and the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps tried their best to find him, they could not find him at all. trace.

Oni Wu Tsuji Muzan is, at best, cautious, and at worst, cowardly.

But it is a fact that Oniitsuji Muzan is timid and afraid of death.

And after experiencing a desperate situation, that timidity became even more insane.

For Xia Qing, it was not difficult to kill Muzan Kibutsuji. He would spend so much time just to earn more points and ensure the completion rate of the task.

This time no matter what, we must get two A-level evaluations!

According to the scoring mechanism given by the system, the scores for achievement tasks and main tasks are calculated like this.

[D grade = 1000 points]

[C grade = 2500 points]

[B grade = 5000 points]

[A-level rating = 10,000 points]

This was the case before the upgrade.

As for whether there will be any changes after the upgrade, Xia Qing has to save it first, oh no, he will upgrade it when he needs to upgrade.

There's no need for that now.

Back to the topic.

Today's Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumei is more cautious than before, and it is even difficult to find traces.

Anyway, let's wait until the next meeting to discuss this matter in detail.

After ending with such a sentence, Xia Qing temporarily bid farewell to his boss, Uyashiki Yōya.

By the way, Xia Qing, there's something I haven't asked you yet. How old are you now...?

Xia Qing turned around and replied without blushing or heartbeat.

I'm seventeen years old!

What's wrong? What's wrong! ?

A man will remain a boy until he dies! (Confidently)


After bidding farewell to the master, Xia Qing walked down the mountain. After passing by a wisteria incense burner, Xia Qing, who had originally planned to leave, suddenly stopped.

Oops, I almost forgot, I promised to compete with Purgatory Anjuro before!

Xia Qing, who has now become [Thunder Pillar], does not think it is inappropriate to call other pillars by their names.

Haha, Xia Qing! That's great, I knew you wouldn't break your promise, come on!

As soon as he saw Xia Qing, Purgatory Xingjulang ran over with enthusiasm.

After all, it was agreed upon. Come on, how do you want to compete?

Author's message:


ps: Thanks to Kaiwu Zhifeng for the 100 (spicy strips) reward and the blade*1!

ps2: Enichi Tsukuni is the younger brother, Iwakatsu Tsukuni is the elder brother, and Iwakatsu Tsukuni became one of the upper strings, Heishimou, because he was seduced by Onimbutsuji.

Chapter 54 [Pillar of Flames] Purgatory Anjuro (4/4)

Here... let's have an end-to-end sparring match. After all, I don't want you to get hurt.

Purgatory Anjuro said confidently.

Heh, I don't know who will be hurt yet.

Xia Qing raised the corners of his mouth and fired back.

After all, it was just a point-to-point sparring, so neither of them used the [Nichirin Sword], but a special blunt knife.

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