It seemed that he was going to discuss the matter of killing Twelve Ghost Moons.

Okay, I understand, let's leave now.

Then, those members bowed to Xia Qing and left.

The current time is [9:42 AM].

Xia Qing stepped onto his small black backpack and headed towards the Demon Slayer Headquarters.

With his full speed, he had already arrived before it even reached twelve noon.


The azure sky, in late autumn, is spotless and crystal clear. The rosy clouds are reflected in the clear river. The microwave of fish scales and the turquoise river water add to the color of the floating clouds, making it exceptionally gorgeous.

Yo~! Are you the one I want to meet? Your name is... Xia Qing, right?

The person who spoke to Xia Qing was a young man with long yellow and red hair, wearing the uniform of the Demon Slayer Corps, a cape with a flame pattern on his back, sword eyebrows, and piercing eyes.

On the young man's waist, he wore a [Nichirin Sword] with a white handle and scabbard.

it's me.

Xia Qing replied.

The boy, who was almost the same height as Xia Qing, said to Xia Qing with enthusiasm.

Let me introduce myself first. My name is Purgatory Anjuro! The breathing method I possess is [Fire Breath]! I heard that you killed one of the twelve ghost moons by yourself, right? How about it? Are you interested in following? Let me compete?!

The young man with a bold personality spoke to Xia Qing in a loud voice.

At this time, Purgatory Senjuro, his younger brother who was following behind Purgatory Anjuro, quickly went to catch him.

Hey! Brother, have you forgotten what the Lord ordered you to do!?

Author's message:


ps: I would like to apologize in advance. I was too busy coding on Sunday and forgot to thank the book friends who gave me votes.

ps: Thanks to Shu Ke 24507640531, Ling Ying h, Hezi Ang, Long Live Lord, Coffee without Sugar, Infinite Supreme, **J, Phantom Broken Dreams, Yue-yin for your monthly tickets*1!

Thank you for your monthly ticket*2!

Chapter 52 Ubuya Shiki Yaoya (2/4)

After hearing his younger brother Purgatory Senjuro's anxious reminder, Purgatory Anjuro immediately patted his head.

Ah, I'm sorry, I've been thinking about having a spar, and I almost forgot about it.

Xia Qing waved his hand and smiled.

It's okay. It's not too late to discuss things after the meeting.


The young man immediately became excited, with fighting spirit igniting in his eyes.

Do you agree to spar with me?!

Of course, I won't refuse any competition with the strong.

Xia Qing nodded.

Just like Saitama, if you want to quickly improve your combat effectiveness, in addition to daily hard and diligent training, fighting with strong people is also a way to improve your combat effectiveness.

This is really great, Xia Qing, I'll be waiting for you here, you must come later!

Purgatory Xingjulang was completely unmoved by his brother's pull and said to Xia Qing.


After agreeing, Xia Qing immediately walked towards the direction where the head maid, Yoshiki Yaoya, was.

Among the current pillars, there is roughly no difference from the original one, but the next one of the water pillars has not yet appeared, and the strength of Zhenshen has not yet reached the level that can kill the lower string.

After all, she doesn't grow as fast as Xia Qing.

As for [Flower], it has been taken over by Butterfly Kanae.

After all, the Butterfly sisters were originally trained by the pillar level, and coupled with their extraordinary talents, they have reached the level of becoming a pillar level.

Because Xia Qing has never shown too much strength in the Demon Slayer Team, his deed of killing a large number of demons in Fujixi Mountain during the final selection was considered a sensation.

However, a few years later, he participated in the Final Selection together. Yasushi, who was in the same class as Tomioka Giyu, showed even more amazing talent than Xia Qing at that time. He even killed the Demon Slayer Team by himself and finally captured him again. Come to the large number of ghosts placed in Fujixi Mountain.

Then, because of his excellent performance and the successful completion of every mission, he is now in the limelight.

But now, like a cycle of cause and effect, the incident of Xia Qing killing one of the twelve ghost moons has quickly put Jingtu's limelight under pressure.

You're here, Xia Qing.

A gentle voice came from inside the house. The gentle voice made Xia Qing feel a little more relaxed when she heard it.

Next to Uyashiki Yaoya, a woman with a face like a birch tree fairy was sitting on her knees. She was looking at him with a worried look. On the other side, there were two people with shoulder-length black hair and white hair. Fa, a child standing obediently.

Just by looking at their faces and the kimono they are wearing, people would indeed mistake them both for girls.

But in fact, it was because the boys in the Ubuyashiki family were born with weak bodies and were raised as girls until they reached the age of thirteen.

The two people Xia Qing saw now, the one with shoulder-length black hair was a boy named Ubuyashiki Teriya, the eldest son of the Ubuyashiki family.

The other one with shoulder-length white hair is a girl, the sister of the boy Teruya Uyashiki, named Hinayi.

Well, Lord, you have something to ask me about, right?

Xia Qing smiled lightly and asked knowingly.

Sit down first.

Upon hearing the other party's invitation, Xia Qing didn't show any pretense and immediately stepped forward. After he sat down, the two children serving beside him had already brought the brewed tea to Xia Qing.


Xia Qing smiled and said to the little girl who handed him tea.

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